[MF] I left my phone out at the beach and my life changed forever..

It was 4 days ago in a nice, warm afternoon. There was no one out besides of some fishermen and the occasional birds that flew above me. I watched the waves and felt a cool breeze fall on my face. I felt at home, looking at the little hills that collaspes around the lake and the orange sun, ready to go down for the night.

I closed my eyes, falling flat on my towel and set an alarm for about.. 20 minutes or so. My body began to relax and I imagined me swimming in the lake as what I did pre-quarentine. All of the people who did come here probably got the coronavirus and I felt as if I should just wait until September. The beach, now empty and cold, is beginning to feel like truly it is becoming to be fall. Leaves off of trees are forming colors and falling down, gently onto the grass below.

I woke up, hearing my alarm going off. I had sworn I heard it in my dream but I didn’t. I reached to get my phone and opened my eyes. “Honk” a wondering goose said. She picked up my phone and began carrying it away. “Hey!” I said. I tried to get up and counter the goose. My phone wasn’t waterproof and if it tried to take it into the water it would mess up. I ran over and the goose kept up a good pace. There was a flock of geese are setting by the shore, half of them asleep. I chuckled at the situation and began sprinting around the goose. The goose then flew up on me and knocked me over onto the sand.

“Honk, Honk!” it said as it flew away to the other side of the lake. The phone, I didn’t see it drop in the water or anything. I assumed my phone was a goner, though. 2 other geese then flew with that other goose and actually went all the way back to where I was at. I felt like hurting her but I kept my anger inside me. The 3 geese waddled over to where I was and I decided it was time for me to go. I turned around to my car and the geese began honking again. I glanced over and the geese brought me some sort of gift. It was a Samsung S20+ and a ring..

“Uhh, that isn’t my phone.” I said to them. They seemed to agree and then went back to their running stance to fly. “Wait..!” I shouted. The goose stopped. “I will have it, sure.” I hesitated since this could technically be robbery. The female goose then walked up to me and tried to put the ring on my finger. “Wait.. Wait.. You want me to marry you?” I gagged a bit looking at the female goose. I panicked and tried bolt back to my car. I got in my seat and the 3 geese just stood there staring at me. The female goose looked sad and then began pulling the ring onto her neck. I looked at it strangly and I realized she was trying to choke herself.

“No! Noo.!” My car’s doors were locked shut and I couldn’t get them open. “NOOO!!!” I yelled, I gave up realizing it wasn’t worth breaking my car. The Canada Goose put the ring just above her neck now. Then she kept sliding it down, further and further. I began seeing cut marks and pink flesh coming off of it. The ring then sliced down, I heard her choke and gargle worse and worse. She couldn’t take the pain anymore as it wouldn’t stop sliding down her. Her eyes and tounge were all out. Her grey bill was now cracked open. The other geese were gone, I didn’t see them leave or fly away. The goose stopped making noises as soon as I knew it was over.

My doors went unlocked and I pulled it right-open. I lunched foward and then faceplanted on the pavement. A metal “ching” could be heard coming from my car. I felt blood on my nose and then looked back behind me. A chain was hooking my feet to the car. It then recoiled me back into my drivers seat and began driving. The seat of my car strapped my head to the seat, strongly. The car went through some cobblestone and went over, down into a walled section. The car’s front end was jacked up badly. My car kept going and however hard I tried, it kept moving me closer and closer towards the fabric of my seat.

The car then, at full speed, fell straight into the lake. It didn’t take long until it started flooding. Muddy water poured onto my feet and then I was let go. I crawled around looking for something inside of my passager seats and back around. Nice LED lights filled the car in a nice, white tone. Water then drained out quickly like a little vaccume. The entire car was surrounded by muddy, brown water. I felt at ease and chill. My seat then folded down, connecting my back seats like a little bed.

Something moved my body over to that little bed and I felt like I should start there. The driver’s seat folded back upwards and I felt like my car turned into a little, comfortable pod. Everything went spherical and a little machine seemed to be operating up in the front. A little screen display popped up near where the AC unit in the backseats were at. I didnt have a chance to look at it when I felt the same canada goose female appeared right at the other end of the bed. She looked so sexy.

She went on her back and I gazed at her beautiful cloaca and breasts. I felt her soft feathers and I began putting my face on her belly. She felt enjoyed at it. I stuck my penis into her and it felt like I was transmitting information into her as I did so. I fucked her harder and harder and she made the sexiest honk-moaning sounds anyone would enjoy. We played around a bit and this time I had my back on the bed. She was on me and felt dominant over me. Her body felt so warm and soft. She shifted her cloaca forcefully into me, harder and harder. I came and then felt my penis crushed as she clenched her muscles. Blood began pulling out of my mouth. I saw her beautiful body turn into something I was. I began to felt dizziness and my organs crushing.

Blood and cum came dripping out of my ass and mouth. Snorts of blood sneezed out of my nose, making the muscles in my neck shorten. I lost air and only saw blurs of vision. My body then had a seizure on the bed, I couldn’t feel anything but my stomach and body. I threw up everything I had and then… I became a Canada Goose. I became a Canada Goose at the lake. I feel much better now but life is hard. The male geese protect everyone and I have to eat alot of food most of the day. It is alright, I am about to head south but today, I just saw my old self wink at me. It was weird as I couldn’t remember much about me other than that was the old me. I am beginning to not be able to type anymore and we are going to fly south to start the process of life again..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j50m7q/mf_i_left_my_phone_out_at_the_beach_and_my_life

1 comment

  1. I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a troll or if you’re just fucking weird.

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