The Adventures of Showing Off My (M43) Wife (F40), Part One (of 7)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved showing off my wife.

When we were younger she was must less reluctant than she is now, as weird as that may sound. Today, she’s 40 years old and as vibrant sexually as she’s ever been.

On a trip about seven years ago was when she first let me take a few photos of her in various forms of undress. It was a huge turn-on for me. It continued to expand some over the next few years. I kind of equated it to her hitting her sexual peak and the fact our kids were a little older.

For the last couple years it’s become less about taking pictures and more about showing her off.

It started one night after dinner with some friends. I had agreed to be the sober cab and she in turn drank copius amounts of wine.
I’ll admit no funny business really entered into my mind before the drive home.

It was mid-summer in the Midwest and the light was giving away to dusk. In our car, her dress rode up just enough that it really made me take notice. She’s about 5’9” with the legs of a dancer.

I figured what the heck and rested my hand on her bare thigh. There was really no reaction from her, which I considered to be winning. So I became a bit more brazen and started rubbing more and scooting up her dress. Then came that playful smile of hers which I knew was my invitation to keep going.

My wife got more comfortable by putting her seat back, kicking off her heels and placing her bare toes on the dash. I eagerly rubbed her clit through her wet panties as she moaned my name.

Taking advantage of the situation, I slid her straps over her shoulders and exposed her exquisite breasts. Without much pushing, she removed her panties as I kept my eyes on the road. Then my hand went back to her pussy and clit.

Like I said earlier, she’s been more adventurous the last few years, but this was kind of new. What was getting into her? Her hand had managed to find the bulge in my slacks that she stroked while I toyed her.

She was really getting into it when I noticed we were coming up on a car on the four-lane highway. I slowed as I was content just staying behind them and continuing our fun, but she insisted we pass them. I was in no position to argue and did as I was told.

Whether they got a good look at my half-naked wife in the front seat or not, I don’t know, but I know it wasn’t more than 15 seconds after we passed them that she had a massive orgasm and soaked my hand.

Back at home that night we made love to each other multiple times.

“Did that turn you on knowing those people might have seen you?” I asked.

“You have no idea honey,” she responded. “I want to do something like that again.”

And so it started. That is the first story that led us down this path. And is often the case, we became more and more risky each time.

Please let us know what you think and if you’d like to hear more. I have six more ‘stories’ that have taken place in the last 27 months would love to share them if you’re interested.

And who knows? There might even be a picture of my wife included if you’re lucky.


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