The time the guy in my bio class that liked me came over… [FM]

This happened a couple months ago, just before corona broke out and I still constantly think of it because it was lowkey one of the hottest things to ever happen to me.

There was this guy in my biology class who I knew had a thing for me…let’s call him Ethan. anyways one night a couple of my friends and I were hanging out at my friend Sarah’s house. She just happened to live very close to Ethan so he soon texted her asking if he could come over (probably knowing I was there…. )

About 10 minutes later he arrived in the door and instantly my best friend Lara started flirting with him. She’s usually the ones guys go for because she’s really pretty, confident and really nice. But she also had just gotten out of a relationship so she was a little tipsy and looking for a rebound maybe.

Throughout the night, Lara continued flirting with Ethan and basically trying to ‘get with him’ but he didn’t seem too interested. In fact, he would constantly push her off him and try to lean a bit closer to me. (This usually does NOT happen)
As the evening continued Lara, Ethan and I ended up all sitting on the same couch and he was reallyyyyy close to me like literally on top of me and he kept doing subtle little things that made my heart jump. Like he’d touch my face or my hands idk but it was lowkey hot.

At about 12am, the host kicked us out as her parents were coming home. Everyone else went home but Lara and I didn’t want to yet.
Ethan asked us if we wanted to go back to his considering he lived right there.
We said yeah sure and started walking to his house.

When we got there, Lara immediately tossed her shoes off and made herself comfortable on the couch. Ethan and I looked at each other like ‘Ohp okay then..’ and went to join her in the living room.
There wasn’t much space on the small couch so I decided to sit on the armchair while Lara and Ethan shared the couch. Lara was basically lying on Ethan and he looked kinda uncomfortable. We put on a horror movie and about 10 minutes in I got freaked out and went to squeeze in next to Lara, not beside Ethan.

We continued watching the film and I got kinda cold so I put a blanket that I’d found over me and Lara grabbed some to pull it over her too.
Now I don’t know how this boy managed to do this considering Lara was literally sitting in between us but his hand was on my arm and he started like slowly ‘caressing’ it lol that sounds weird haha. But you know, the thing where you just rub someone like ;)))).

He did that for a bit and I didn’t really object to it so he continued by placing said hand on my thigh. Thankfully this was under the blanket so Lara couldn’t see. He went on rubbing my upper thigh and slowly started getting closer and closer to my…you know what.

I was freaking out a little bit because as hot as this was and as much as I low-key wanted it, Lara was sitting RIGHT IN BETWEEN US! she could literally notice the blanket moving at any time!

This continued for about an hour before Lara decided to get up and go to the bathroom. This was significant because Lara takes absolute years in the bathroom. I thought to myself what would happen while she was gone…

Lara left us both there now lying next to each other on the tiny sofa, his hand basically on my crotch and his other slowly making it’s way to my breast…
I turned to him to tell him “bro you gotta chill, Lara’s gonna kno-“ he cut me off by kissing me and I completely froze.

It was just a peck and he leaned back and looked at me, trying to judge my response.
I looked at his eyes, then his lips, then back up to his eyes again before kissing him back which eventually led to us proper making out on the sofa, his hands rubbing my waist and lower back. I climbed on top of him, mounting him and his hands went up the back of my shirt. We had so much sexual tension all night, it was so good to finally be able to release it.

I ran my hands through his hair as he pulled me closer to him. I could feel his boner through his pants and pressed into it making him grunt.
He grabbed my ass pushing it further onto his erection and I couldn’t help but gasp. We had to be quiet as Lara was just in the other room and if she heard us she would completely freak!
I continued kissing him while our tongues explored each other’s mouths. I’d fantasised about this so many times in bio class that I was quietly freaking out on the inside.

He ran his hands through my long hair and began kissing my neck – my weakness. I couldn’t help but release a little moan and he instantly stopped and looked at me in shock. I suddenly covered my mouth and turned red. He smiled and told me I had to be quiet as he continued sucking and biting my neck, probably leaving noticeable little marks for Lara to question the next day.

We heard the bathroom door open as he began squeezing my breasts and suddenly we stopped everything, looked at each other wide-eyed and I just leaped off of him. I fixed my bra strap and he adjusted his pants and we sat down beside each other ‘trying’ to look natural – thinking back on it..we probably looked a mess.

Lara came back in and looked as us suspiciously. “Why are you guys sitting at the other end of the sofa from each other?” She said. We both looked at each other and shrugged, acting like we hadn’t just ravished each other moments before.
Lara said she had to go because her mom was gonna collect her and I said I should probably go too. Ethan said I could stay but I really needed a second to breathe. That was intense and I needed to reflect on what tf just happened

Lara and I went to get our jackets as her mom pulled up outside. She went out to the car as I finished putting my shoes on. I walked over to Ethan just before I left and gave him a kiss on the cheek before whispering in his ear “to be continued..”
He smiled at me and slapped my ass as I walked out the door laughing at his response.

He texted me a couple days later asking if I wanted to come over for another movie night.
I said yea so if you want a storytime for that night lmk xxx



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