Erotic Tales Series EP 1 Part 1 “Daddy Issues” [21F][52M]

Natalie had never known her father, now sitting here watching her soon to be father in law to whom she had become attached to over the last few years give a speech at the grooms dinner she smiled, he had filled a large void in her life, her mother never had the greatest taste in men and were poor examples of how women should be treated, Mike was a widower, fifty two and a silver fox, her fiancee joked that they should set up their parents so they would technically be brother and sister, to which she did not find amusing for many reasons incest by proxy was lower on the list , but putting a man whom she grown to love and respect through the hell that was her mother was number one. Natalie was saying goodbye to some of the guests from the grooms dinner when Mike walked up to her putting a arm around her shoulder , “Nervous? I wouldn’t blame you if you were, I vomited right before Beth was going to walk down the isle” smiling up at her father in law “No, I really love your son, so it makes it easy” he laughed, ” Never make the mistake of thinking marriage is easy, well I will see you, I have to go take care of the tab” kissing her on her head and walking away she smiled and thought how lucky she had been.

Mike glanced back at his future daughter in law Natalie , his son Anthony did not deserve such a sweet ass like that , he had not doubt she had not been getting fucked right, stop it Mike he thought, she looked up to him like a father, well he wasn’t her father the two sides of his moral compass at war once again, remembering when he first saw her in a bikini, her wet bottoms clearly outlining her tight pussy, at his age a tight pussy was like finding a fucking unicorn.

A week before the wedding, both Natalie and Anthony were having their respective bachelor and bachelorette parties, she had no idea what was planned for her other then the hotel her maid of honor Becky booked, she was sure there was a ton of games, penis shaped candies and the like, Anthony was probably going to a strip club which was so cliche.

Mike was his son’s best man but he planned on “running into” his soon to be daughter in law at some point this evening, luckily her mom was a lush and given him the entire itinerary for the evening, now it was just convincing the rest of the group to follow the lead, his cock throbbed, like the ancient tradition of first rights he was feeling like it would be a successful evening.

“So Natalie I know that Anthony’s dad Mike has sort of been healing some of your daddy issues, but be honest, if you weren’t engaged to his son and he hit on you in a bar, would you fuck him? I mean he is a total silver fox” Becky her maid of honor quipped , the other girls all giggled like like teenagers, “Wow, that was quick Becky, um…let me think no…that is kind of gross he…he…is old” the laughing stopped as Becky again pontificated “Natalie, you have not lived until you have fucked an older man, seriously , ok your father in law aside, you should try it some time…oh I don’t know like the last night partying like a single woman??!!”

Natalie tried all night to stop thinking about her future father in law in a sexual way, but it was nearly impossible, Becky had planted the seed, it was nearing the end of the night and the last stop before going back to the hotel, Natalie was drunk , stumbling around , laughing having a good time, flirting with guys young and old , she was allowing guys and girls to grope her here and there , it was making her massively horny , turning around quickly when she felt a tap on her shoulder , looking up it was Mike, her fiancee’s father, standing there smiling “What…are you….doing here, I thought you would be partying with your son?” he laughed “Well what can i say , the boys did not have the stamina you girls seem to have and I was bored, I figured I would uh check in with my future daughter in law” she started patting Mike on the chest ” Well the more the merrier I guess, you are not here to spy on me are you?” laughing louder this time ” No dear, I am not , not my business what happens will never be repeated by me” she smiled leaning up giving Mike a hug ” Well go get a drink and I will tell you which one of my girlfriends is single, maybe get you laid ” she winked and laughed , he smiled walking up to the bar.

Mike ordered a beer, and two shots, he was flattered that Natalie wanted to hook him up with one of her girlfriends, but he didn’t want any of them , he wanted her and he sensed the feeling was mutual, his cock was still throbbing form her light touch on his chest, he walked back towards the gaggle of girls , who as of yet not seemed to recognize him, handing the shot to Natalie she pushed it away, but he insisted finally watching as she slammed the shot down her throat, hopefully it wouldn’t be the only thing down her throat tonight.

Natalie was now starting to get the spins, she had been leaning on Mike for several minutes, she was feeling like she was going to be sick, whispering to Mike “Hey Mike….I…am not sure I will make it much longer, do you mind if you sneak me out of here” Mike was talking to one of her friends April, who was flirting with him, she felt bad but none of her girlfriends would allow her to skip out on her party, Mike looked down at her , his eyes locked with hers, he mouthed “Ok” five minutes later Mike was helping her into the cab, he told her that he talked to Becky and she seemed fine with me taking you back to the hotel, she will check on you when they are back, she nodded as soon as Mike was in the cab, she rested her head on his shoulder , putting his arm around her she thought about what Becky had said earlier for the first time in a few hours.

The two stumbled down the hallway, laughing , Mike asked her where her key card was laughing Natalie responded “I have it between my tits” she looked up at him smiling, the look on his face was serious, she was leaning on the door, “What?!?” she asked when his expression didn’t change leaning in he kissed her, at first she tried pushing him away “Mike stop” came out garbled, now his hand was down her bra, grabbing her key card, he had stopped kissing her and swiped the card on the door “Why did you do that ?” she asked looking up this time he smiled replying “Because you wanted me too” she backed into the room, “Why would you say that ” as she backed towards the bed she was peeling her clothes off, now laying on the bed in nothing but her black bra and thong , Mike was taking off his pants, his shirt was on the floor, his briefs dropped on the ground and he climbed on top of her, kissing her slowly moving down her body, she froze, her fingers running through his hair, as he slid her thong down her legs, his tongue moved up her smooth legs, as he teased her she grabbed his head and forced it between her legs, “Oh FUUUUCK Mike….DONT STOP”
