The Horse Rider [Beast] [MF]

The tin roof of the stable warmed the night air, still burning hot from a day of exposure to the blazing sun. The horses brayed in delight as Sandy pushed open the doors, their weathered creaks alerting the horses to her presence. Sandy walked past the chestnut mares, their soft fur coats glistening in the beams of moonlight that had broken through the shelter’s roof. She ignored the mares, instead striding with purpose toward the far end of the stables. There, nestled as far away from the female horses as possible, was the stable’s only stallion, a breeding horse named Ace.

Sandy smiled as she reached the stallion’s pen. Ace was a large, stocky horse, with a dark, ebony coat. She stood there, staring in awe at the horse’s sheer size. Sandy stood at about 5’3, short for a sixteen-year-old. She had a petite figure, her loose, blonde hair just reaching her shoulders. Her pale skin stood out against the stallion as she brushed him down. Ace towered above her, a full foot taller.

Starting at the head of the horse, Sandy began brushing down the thick coat. Moving down Ace’s body, Sandy began to sweat, the heat of the stables finally getting to her. Her tight-fitting polo shirt squeezed against her bust, enunciating her C-cup boobs. Frustrated, Sandy unbuttoned her top, giving her breasts some air. The stallion whinnied, urging her to continue brushing. She reached the hind legs, and as she reached the brush under the rear end of the horse’s torso, she felt something thick and hot prodding her arm. Sandy investigated further, crouching down to see the stallions growing member. Hesitant, she reached her arm out to touch it, retracting it quickly as it grew in response to her touch. She was intrigued. Building up the courage, Sandy reached out again, this time more confidently, and began to stroke Ace’s cock. The rod grew even more, amazing the petite equestrian further. Finally, it stopped growing at around two feet long.

Sandy positioned herself under the horse, now on her knees and stroking the throbbing horse dick with two small hands. Ace whined in response to the cold sensation of her gentle fingers. Switching to only one hand on the rock-hard member, Sandy absent-mindedly extended the other into her legging. They were sopping wet. She began to rub her clit gently, circling her fingers around the entrance of her womanhood. Realising her own actions, Sandy stopped and turned her attention to the two swinging balls attached to the base of Ace’s dick. Each testicle was the size of a tennis ball, and their combined stench just drew the horse rider’s attention further. Sandy paused, taking in the smell before taking a whole orb into her mouth and sucking delightfully. Ace grunted, readjusting his stance to help the girl reach his balls. She stopped sucking and let the horse’s teste fall from her mouth, moving over to the other orb.

When she finished up, both balls were coated in a thick layer of her saliva. Moving again, she shuffled to the horse’s ass. Pushing the tail away, Sandy took a hairband from her wrist and tied up the bush that blocked her path. Now with a clear view of Ace’s arsehole, she dove in headfirst, sticking her tongue into the steaming hole. For what seemed like forever, Sandy used her tongue to explore what she could of the horse’s rectum, pumping it full of her saliva. The slutty girl pulled away and planted a kiss on the centre of the arsehole, before going back to the still erect member.

Sandy rubbed her cheek against Ace’s shaft, dragging her tongue along the ridges and veins and leaving a trail of spit. She repeated this process a number of times, each lick ending at the tip and looping back to the base of the member. Eventually, her saliva wrapped around the entire cock, dripping from the head and along the bottom of the shaft. Sandy stood up and slowly walked toward Ace’s head, leaving his wet member twitching and pulsing. She plucked a length of rope from nearby a hook, looped it loosely around the broad stallion’s neck, and led him to one of the benches in the far corner of the stables.

Sandy positioned Ace above the bench and draped a blanket over the top of the hardwood seat. She gave a simple command for the horse to raise its front legs onto the breeding post in front of it, giving her space underneath the giant beast. Taking off her now soaking leggings, the girl bent over the bench and shuffled backward onto the lubricated cock. Sandy had used dildos before, big ones too, but this horse dick was by far the biggest she had ever taken. The cock squeezed into her tight hole; Ace had clearly caught on and decided to go along with it. Sandy tensed up as Ace slid his cock further inside of her, inch by inch. This continued for a few minutes, the member slowly penetrating her until it could go to further. Sandy winced, the dick was at least a foot inside of her and stretching her pussy to the width of a grapefruit. Ace pulled himself out, Sandy moaning and gasping as it happened. Eventually, only the tip of the horse’s member was inside of her, she relaxed. Wham! Ace slammed his dick deep inside of Sandy, causing her to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. As the stallion rutted her, they fell into a rhythm, Sandy bucking her hips in time with Ace’s thrusts, stretching her out. The cock reshaped her insides, making her grunt with pleasure. After a while, Sandy began to relax, loosening her grip on the bench she was lying on. Her sweaty body shaking as the horse kept on pounding into her for what felt like hours. Finally, Ace slowed down, and warm, white cum gushed into Sandy’s pussy like water from a burst fire hydrant. They remained in that position for a while, the now cool night air tickling Sandy’s naked, dripping body.

Tired and cold, Sandy draped the blanket around herself. Ace had curled up on the floor, resting on his side, his torso heaving. The small girl dropped the recently acquired blanket to the floor and curled up in the cradle of Ace’s body, pushing the semi-erect cock back inside, wrapping her arms around the beast of burden, and drifting off.

Hi. This is my first time writing like this, so sorry if there are inconsistencies. Constructive feedback is appreciated. Thanks.



  1. I know this will sound weird, but you almost lost me at the tennis ball sized testes taken completely into her mouth. It’s actually more realistic than being fucked vigorously by a horse as described (and surviving), but that’s where my suspension of disbelief failed me.

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