I 20[m] agreed to letting my best friend 20[m] practice foreplay on my girlfriend 18[f]

My best friend since Kindergarten has always been quite the introvert and pretty nerdy. To some degree it would even be fair to call him a basement dweller for the most part. While I could always do indoorsy stuff with him like play video games and talk about movies and such, he was never the type to go party, hang out with girls or even talk about them. Not even about celebrities or fictional female characters. Idk if he was shy in that regard, embarrassed or just not interested, but it was never for him. I always remained to be close with him, but when it came to going out or dating related stuff, I had to go with a different social circle.

That being said, in the past year or so he started changing and I guess entered his late bloomer phase of life. He started caring about what kind of clothes he wears, stopped rejecting invites to social gatherings and then even got his first girlfriend. They’ve been dating for close to half a year now and things are getting pretty serious.

She has no idea how he used to be and he is pretty embarrassed of it, so he tries to lay low when it comes to his past self. But now that she wants to get physical with him, he is scared of disappointing her by having literally zero sexual experience.

He asked me for advice and after I told him pretty much everything I know on the subject, he asked me if he could do some *learning by doing* on my girlfriend. I reacted with a lot of hesitation and was leaning towards a no, because in the two years of our relationship, we’ve always been exlcusive with one another and I really think she’s “the one” for me. She also lost her virginity to me and only I get to see her naked. But after some consideration, I thought I should ask her first what she even thinks of it. She talked a lot about it to me and him and finally said she’d do it, but only if I give my go ahead and be present when it happens.

I pondered over it for weeks and eventually decided for it. The rules we laid out were that we teach him and he gets to practice foreplay on her. He could watch us and ask questions and we would answer and explain things. He could then practice with his fingers and mouth. He would not fuck her and not receive anything in return from her.

So last weekend it happened.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j2e7qr/i_20m_agreed_to_letting_my_best_friend_20m


  1. Tf man, super anticlimactic. How’d your boy do? Did you realize you’re a cuck? Did she enjoy it? Give us some closure here.

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