Daddy’s Girls – Chapter 22: Phase 2 [nosex]

Monday, in The Circle, Becky warned them all to be ready for a LONG tale, and then gave it to them.

By the time she finished, the girls were all panting, horny beyond belief at Becky’s story. For being the last of the Girls to lay her dad, she surpassed them all in one wild, weekend sex romp. Now it was THEIR turn to be jealous of Becky, where the tables had been turned only a couple days prior.

They were all silent in the Circle, deep in their respective thoughts. Perhaps not coincidentally, each of the other girls was trying to find a way to induce the same behavior in their respective dads. They longed to see their men be as brazen; so horny and so caught up in the love affair with their daughters that they would risk anything to get their dicks inside them anywhere they could.

Becky mistook the silence for some kind of judgment, instead, and was worried she had crossed a line somehow. “Guys… say something, please!”

Beth crawled across the circle to take Rebecca in her arms, embracing her in a big hug. “I am SO happy for you, girl, and to be honest, a little jealous, too!”

“Hmph!” Laurie snorted. “A LITTLE? My dad still locks the doors and pulls the shades closed before he even thinks about gettin’ busy with me. You two went PARKING?”

“Yeah!” Stacey said, laughing. “And right after you dropped me off, too, slut!”

“What can I say?” Becky said, shrugging. “He just had to have me, that’s all.”

“And I can’t believe you wanted until TODAY to tell me you made it with your dad!” Stacey smacked Becky’s thigh. “What’s up with that?”

“Well, we weren’t in the Circle, were we?”

“Oh, please!”

“Don’t ‘oh please’ me! You were late to the gym, AGAIN, and the locker room was full, and we weren’t alone, were we?” Becky replied. “Stacey, you know all those girls LIVE to gossip! I couldn’t risk bringing it up. You would have freaked out, then wanted the whole story, and… ”

“With ALL the details. Yeah, you’re right.” Stacey saw the logic to that. “At least one of those nosy bitches would’ve stuck her nose in our business, that’s for sure!”

“Believe me, it KILLED me to not be able to tell you.”

“C’mon! It’s almost unbelievable!” Stacey said. “We all know your dad, Beck. What did you call him just the other day? Oh, yeah… skittish.”

“Skittish.” Beth repeated, laughing, resuming her place in the Circle. “Yeah, that about covers it. So, Becky, how in the hell did you get your dad to… I don’t know, transform like that so fast?”

Becky sighed. “It was a transformation, wasn’t it?”

“Like a caterpillar to a butterfly, girl,” said Laurie.

“But with a MUCH bigger dick, apparently.” Stacey added, to howls of laughter from the rest of them.

“It’s… it’s just like you said, Lizzie. Once you and your dad became lovers, it was just the new… I guess, REALITY, for you two.” Becky leaned back on her elbows, stretching her legs out in front of her. “I guess… the new reality for us is that he wants me as much as I want him; hell, maybe even more, and… I don’t know… he’s just more open to letting it happen.”

“So what you’re saying,” Laurie opined, “is that he’s letting his big dick do the thinking for him, right?”

Becky smiled as the girls chuckled. “I guess so. I will say that I like the way it thinks, too!”

“Well, I’ll say it again… I’m extremely jealous, Becky!” Beth said, smiling. “Maybe I’ll get the chance to see for myself just how big he really is!”

“ABSOLUTELY!” Laurie shouted. “Hey!” She clapped her hands excitedly. “We’ve all done our own dads! Now we can implement Phase 2!”

Becky and Stacey both looked confused.

“What’s Phase 2?” Stacey asked.

[End of Book 1]



  1. You’re so talented! I loved your first book. I have an idea of what phase 2 will be. I can’t wait. ❤️

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