Taylor’s Journey through Space, Chapter 7, END [MMF] [Fiction]

“Okay, explain this time-share thing again,” Ivan demanded as they sat around their dinner later that evening.

Taylor sighed. “Okay, it’s like this. Time-share is when one thing makes way to allow another program or event to work, right?”

He and Mike nodded.

“In this instance, the planet is incorporating an unknown substance, hell if I can identify it, into the air, the water, the plants, everything. That’s why we’ve seen so many odd plants that seem familiar. Like the palm tree with the oak leaves. The date like fruits growing on those rose bushes. It’s not so much odd as it is a biological mating effect. To see what will work the best and where. In the course of two months I’ve watched one tree that closely resembles a palm shed and re-grow several different varieties of leaves. A mix and match and process of elimination.”

“How does this explain…this?” Ivan circled his finger between the three of them.

“One female, two males” She shrugged. “As I said before, it’s a process of fill it, fuck it, breed it and see what happens. But in our case, it wasn’t so much biological as it worked against us psychologically. What is a woman’s greatest fantasy?” She grinned. “Two men servicing her every desire, and basically, men have many of the same fantasies. The effect of the compound worked to increase the natural desires spurred by those fantasies, which increased the chances of us giving into them.”

“And when the biological thing goes away?” Ivan asked, his eyes narrowing.

Taylor shrugged. “I don’t know. It doesn’t affect emotions. At least it hasn’t mine. I knew how I felt before we ever landed here, Ivan.” Her voice softened as she watched him. “I knew where my heart belonged.”

“Would you have done this before landing here?” He nodded at Mike then.

Taylor caught the careful control in his voice. If he wanted guilt from her, he wasn’t about to get it. She flashed him a cheeky grin instead. “Well, Ivan, I have to admit, it was one of my biggest fantasies.”

His eyes lit up, a sheepish expression crossing his face as he rubbed at his jaw a bit uncomfortably. “Yeah, mine too.” He pulled her into his arms, snuggling her close and kissing her hair gently. “More than you know, baby.”

Taylor was back at work later that day on the samples she had to continue her study of the strange reactions on the planet. The quest for life, as she had said, like a fertile woman, every resource she had focused on populating her world.

Unfortunately, the women who had come from Earth were rendered temporarily sterile, just in case of sexual contact with the men they accompanied. It didn’t look good when female officers returned from a mission pregnant. The chances of sexual misconduct were high, too. Their superiors had warned them of that.

The atmosphere within the camp eased quite a bit, though. Ivan had asserted his dominance over her, as well as Mike. Taylor’s body was his, sexually, emotionally, however and whenever he wanted it. But her pussy was his exclusively. Mike could take her anally, or orally, but he was forbidden to invade territory Ivan had staked for himself alone.

The effects of whatever biological reaction had infected them upon their entrance into this planet slowly disappeared. Like a nasty little virus, Taylor tracked its peak and ebb and finally its disappearance. But the needs between the three crew members never waned.

They kept warm at night as they always did, with Taylor cushioned between them. Except now, in most cases, they were fucking her long into the night, Ivan buried inside her snug pussy, Mike pushing into her hot ass. Locked in a battle of passion that neither of them win or lose. And they were content.

Rescue would come soon, Ivan assured himself, but he admitted the time was slowly growing near that they would have to abandon their camp and begin looking for the others. Radio reception was still blocked. There had, in over two months, been no contact with the other crew members. They were beginning to lose hope, but not their will to live or to survive.

Taylor awoke late one morning, stretching as Ivan licked at her nipple, his mouth drawing it in, suckling at her gently as Mike watched from beside her. Ivan’s hands coasted over her body, caressing her, stroking her tenderly. Seconds later, Mike’s hand reached out, pulling on her neglected nipple, sending a tidal wave of contradictory sensations racing through her. Ivan’s teeth and tongue were tormenting one tip, Mike’s fingers the other, and heat was racing through her system, burning past every nerve ending as she allowed herself to drown in the pleasure.

The feel of Ivan’s mouth on her breast had her straining toward him, her back arching as her thighs shifted apart. His hand was there instantly, cupping the mound, one finger surging into the sticky wetness there. At the same time, Mike’s mouth covered the hard peak he had gripped, sucking on it deeply as both hands cupped the hard mound.

Taylor’s head twisted on the mattress as shudders of pleasure raced over her flesh. She could feel the fire building in her belly, in her pussy, wrapping around her body.

They hadn’t taken the time to truly torment her before taking her before. Eager lust had driven the encounters until now. Taylor was still more than eager, but each time a hot tongue licked a sensitive nipple, or teeth nipped at the tender tip, rockets exploded inside her head. She was greedy. She wanted it all. Every touch, every lick, every stroke.

The men were humming their pleasure as they suckled her. Greedy draws of their mouths, slow hot licks of their tongues, and she could feel herself dissolving into a puddle of such intense ecstasy it was unreal. They feasted at her breasts. Sipped and suckled, nibbled and licked, until she was screaming from the fiery need prickling over her body.

The swollen mounds of flesh became so sensitive that each breath of air over the hard peaks nearly threw her into orgasm. Her cunt spasmed in exquisite longing and her juices sliding from it which was soaking Ivan’s fingers as he caressed her.

Then they were moving, turning her to her side. Ivan’s lips feathered down her stomach, one hard hand lifting her thigh as his mouth went to her clit.

Okay, that was good. Rapturous! Sending splintering heat racing through her womb to rocket over the rest of her body. But then Mike was behind her, long fingers parting her buttocks, his hand urging Ivan to lift her leg higher as he moved behind her.

“Oh God! Oh God! Ivan…” Her eyes widened in shock as she felt Mike’s tongue begin to caress the tight, forbidden entrance to her ass.

Ivan hummed against her clit, evidently uncaring what Mike was doing behind her. His tongue circled the little bud slowly, his lips capping over it to suckle it into the heat of his mouth as Mike probed languidly at the entrance he had claimed behind her.

Her hands were buried in the short strands of Ivan’s hair, her world centering to this moment in time, and the mouths eating her with hungry abandon. Mike licked at her roughly, drawing the cream that spilled from her pussy into his mouth, then his wicked flesh was digging into the entrance of her anus once again.

Taylor was begging, screaming, her body on fire, her hips undulating against the separate mouths tormenting her. Then Ivan intensified the caresses. He suckled the little bud tighter into his mouth, his tongue flickering fast, hot, a whiplash of fire, of demand. Taylor exploded, her strangled cry echoing around them as her orgasm tore through her body.

The hard waves had yet to diminish before he moved again, going to his back and dragging her over his hard body. Mike eagerly followed, his hands gripping her hips as Ivan positioned her, then pushed her hard and fast down on the straining erection awaiting her.

“Ivan” She was shuddering with pleasure, with pain, both sensations tearing through her body at the same time as she felt the wide girth of Ivan’s cock sinking into her greedy vagina.

His arms came around her, holding her shoulders to his chest as his lips whispered against her ear. “Mine. I love you, Melia,” he whispered, his voice rough

Her heart rocked in her chest as her hands buried in his hair, her body opening for him, a whimper escaping her lips as Mike’s slippery fingers slid into her anus, preparing her.

“I love you,” she panted back as the other man nudged the hot head of his cock against her back entrance. “Oh God, Ivan. Ivan. I love you.”

She nearly tore free of his hold, as Mike pushed his cock slow and easy up the tender back channel. It stretched her, setting her anus aflame as he worked his length up her tight ass.

Her pussy was filled with Ivan. Overfilled, stretched tight and hot around his straining shaft. It left little room behind. Room Mike was stretching, straining, filling with his flesh as she screamed and shuddered in Ivan’s arms.

“There, baby,” Ivan’s voice was a dark moan at her ear. “So tight Taylor!” So tight and hot and creamy! I can feel your pussy gushing around me, baby. “There you go. Let him in, all the way in.”

Mike groaned behind her; Taylor cried out at the fiery pleasure/pain of the penetration and the dark eroticism of the act. They were claiming her together now. Pushing into her, taking her, marking her in ways she knew she would never forget.

Then they were moving, two powerful cocks. Mike slid back until only the tip of the broad head stretched her open. He pushed forcefully back in as Ivan retreated. On and on it went. Strokes of steel impaled her as the dual penetration threw her into a state of fiery, excessive lust.

She moved desperately on the two shafts penetrating the sensitive entrances to her body. Shuddering, crying out with each hard stroke as they fucked her into a state of complete, pleasure-filled mindlessness.

“Good, baby,” Ivan moaned as he held her tightly to his chest, his hips moving, his cock thrusting into her with hard, rapid strokes as Mike timed him exactly. “Sweet, baby, yeah…” He held her tighter as she gasped and tensed harder.

It was building. The fire and heat they were filling her with was building. She could feel it, electricity coiling in her womb, painful, tight…

“Now, Taylor,” he growled as the strokes increased, driving into her, fucking her so hard and deep she swore they were reaching her soul. “Come for me, baby. Come for me now.”

As though on command, she shattered. Wailing, bucking against his hold as brutal convulsions began to tear through her, tightening her vagina, her anus, locking the two men inside her as they began to shudder, spilling hot, surging jets of rich thick semen into her body.

Gasps, shattered moans and whispered vows echoed around her. Calloused hands smoothed over her body; she didn’t know whose was whose, as they gentled her past the tearing orgasm that consumed her.

Ivan was still locked inside her as Mike slid free of her tight ass. Ivan’s hands held her close, coasting over her sweat-dampened back and his lips against her forehead as he caressed her with soft, silken kisses.

Her body was heavy and languid, replete. Satiated

Seconds later, a dark, broad shadow filled the entrance of the shuttle’s sleeping area.

“Well hell, Commander, no wonder we couldn’t reach you. You were too damn busy having fun,” Rick said with amusement and relief. Major Rick Rockland’s voice boomed through the interior, shocking them apart, leaving them gaping as the other man neared them. “Get your asses out of bed, boys and girl. The cavalry has arrived.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j1i4bd/taylors_journey_through_space_chapter_7_end_mmf