Egyptian Nights: A Ritual With Naktmun

“Take care my sons,” said the demigod priestess Naktmun of the Riverbed.

“Oh, please take care not to come. We must remain sanctified for my wedding tomorrow. We are almost finished.”

Amshun and his fellow manservant Zotet prepared her for her soon to be mate. She was the descendent of the fertility goddess and must be prepared for her marriage with weeks of painstaking rituals. But this was the final week before the day of Mer Ek Aaru. The only thing to do now was to massage the magic within her, whoever responded to that was her destined mate, ordained by the gods. Every year two from the race of Exalted Ones where married. Amshun had never been worthy to see this when he was a lowly stone cutter only days before, now he worshiped a demigoddess with his very own body. Unfortunately the mortals where not allowed to cum at this stage, only she and her mate would be allowed that honor this week.

No lamps lit this chamber. Only pale lunar glow. Cool wind blew in from the dunes and played in the silken curtains of the alter-bed. The passionate sound and sighs of slow love making filled the secluded temple chamber. The power of their demigoddess took time to coax out. They would build her climax like a pyramid, slowly with every fiber of their beings and the blessings of the gods.

Only two of her most chosen servants could assist her in the endeavor, Amshun and Kotet. Kotet was the Favored One of Naktmun, he had her served the longest. Though both would have died of exhaustion long ago if not for the rejuvenating gifts her body gave them as they drank her strength. They had been assisting her for days on end. But today was the final one. Tomorrow she would make love with a being that was more to her equal. Such a thing would eclipse his mortal idea of sex.

It would be completely unlike the attentions of himself and Kotet. But what they lacked in power they made up for in eagerness. Softly parting her womanhood again and again day after day. Teasing at the most sensitive parts of her oiled flesh with their mouths. It was as much an act of worship as it was a bond between a mistress and her servants. All the while offering low chanting to the spiritual energies inside her, pleasuring the demigoddess’s soul from within. Her ample body shook at the sensations. He would take turns with Kotet between her shivering legs. One resting while the other thrust himself back into her divine depths. The unfulfilled ache in their balls reminding them they where blessed to simply be in her presence. Not even Pharaoh had command over an Exalted One, the ancient offspring of the gods and their mortal companions. Aching balls where a trivial matter. Her every sigh was reward enough.

He let his head rest between her supple breasts, then inhaled her scent. He could know when she entered a room without hearing or seeing her just by this aroma, it eased the pain of frustration in his balls. He wrapped his hands around her waist and only worked her pussy with his rolling hips as he lay on her. He listened to the powerful heart inside her chest and kept his thrusts in rhythm to it’s beats. The thuds came faster and so did his wet and steady pounds. Her body slowly arched beneath him her cum now covering his balls. Her mystical cum only heightened his sensitivity. He was hypnotized by the rhythms of her body, riding the waves of her pleasure like ocean tides.

Amshun was close to bursting, but if he let go then his mistress would be made unclean for the ceremony due to his mortal cum. It was unthinkable.

He would have to make her come to get her to release him, before he came himself.

He lifted his head off of her oiled chest and pushed himself up on his arms. Now he pushed himself up and down with his legs and arms. Sliding back and fourth in her pussy he threw himself at her now.

Amshun worked his hips at her pussy. He pressed in and wiggled his ass around. Letting his cock press into the succulent walls of her body. He was rewarded by being captured between her legs. He was no longer allowed to leave, nothing on earth would be able to pry her legs apart. He felt his unwelcome load rising but flexed his pelvic muscles under control.

He would have to make her come to get her to release him, before he came himself. She did not miss this but still did not release him.

“Oh, I can feel it burning inside you. So hot with need. You want to pour it inside me like an unending tide. Please, stay strong with me. Your loving cock will drive me to complete our task,” said Naktmun.

Kotet had been in her service far longer than Amshun and knew the habits and hazardous of their mistress best. He was already plying his best efforts to help Amshun get free. The large dark-skinned man sealed a plump nipple into his mouth and entangled his fingers in her hair in a odd way. Judging by the sudden quickening of her breathing Kotet was relentlessly attacking her with his tongue. Now she began to fuck Amshun between her legs. Her grunts and moans coming faster and louder. Naktmun’s legs grew tighter, but not painfully so. She could easily crush him between her legs. Yet was always so gentle with her slaves, compassionate as a mother.

Her writhing grew in intensity even their combined weight could not hold her down. Naktmun’s heavenly body was reaching the final stages of the ritual. It called for it’s true mate somewhere in the night. This is how the demigod would find her, in the glow of a massive climax a week in the making. However, all of Egypt would be able to find her by what came next.

“Oh, I can see him! It is Amunsa, please let it be him! He can feel me come. Drive your cock into me mortal, I must call to him,” her rapturous voice practically screamed.

A deep moan of unrelenting pleasure from the River Priestess vibrated the teeth in his mouth. The sound began to rise in pitch as she took hold of both of his ass cheeks and drove him into her soaked opening. She ground his pelvis into her clit and gasped as she used him to complete the ceremony. Suddenly he felt very small. Something far greater than him reached out to touch another, they had found each other finally.

Both servants chanted appeasing words to the gods as she came. The scent of her orgasm causing their heads to swim. Both he and Kotet swayed like reeds in the wind.

She relaxed into the downy bedding. She was all but glowing. Seeing his mistress smile at the completion of this taxing work made it all worth it. It was as if everything in he world was at peace as her lips curled to smile. Yet his swollen balls attempted to ruin this moment. She was ready, she had called her true mate and tomorrow they would lay claim to each other and continue the divine bloodline of the Exalted One’s. The love of the gods in Egypt would endure another year.

Only a few days ago he had been a stone cutter, unable to give his wife a child. Now he took part in the conception of a new demigod.

Someone knocked at the chamber door. He and Kotet did their best to cover their frustrated cocks with their loin cloths. Naktmun preferred her males like this, naked safe for the jeweled covering. She told him it pleased her ancestor Hathor, the Goddess of Fertility. None knew the gods better than her kind so he did as the Exalted One wished, as did all faithful Egyptians.

He answered the temple door. It was a woman. Zerpheti, she was his wife before Amunsa, the King of the Spring Wind took her as a servant when Amshun himself was pressed into service of Naktmun. Amunsa was an Exalted One just like his mistress but far more ancient, if his servant was here now then that meant only one thing.

“Zerpheti, it is good to see your face again! Tell me your timing isn’t a coincidence. We have just finished preparing Naktmun, tell me she will be with Amunsa. Please. He is all she has spoken of for this whole week,” He said while trying to conceal his engorged cock to no avail.

As he stepped forward he realized that he was still covered in the mind numbing effects of Naktmun’s body. Even second hand they where powerful agents. Zerpheti swayed back slightly off balance but caught herself. No doubt her own master’s pheromones had prepared her to the effects of close proximity to primal magic like that.

“And you as well, Amshun, “she smiled. She looked happy, satisfied. A slight bump in her belly told him that her master had given his former wife what Amshun never could. All he ever wanted for her was happiness. Still, a stab of jealousy ran him through. Zerpheti would never swell with his own seed. That privilege belonged to her venerable master, Amunsa the Son of the Unified God Amun-Ra. Their offspring would not be Exalted but they would harbor super natural abilities in some way. This would not be her last pregnancy with him.

“Then I have good news for you. My master, Amunsa, King of the Spring Wind has heard the cry of Naktmun. He humbly wishes her to join him tomorrow for the Mer Ek Aaru. If she will have him.”

So it would happen. His mistress would marry Amunsa and together they would make a demigod. It sounded so simple, but it was precious to him. Even his Zerpheti was now pregnant with Amunsa’s soon to be child.

His now former wife would enjoy all that without him. Only now did he slightly resent Naktmun. She took him from his life, a lowly one but it was his own. Now his wife was pregnant with another man. No, not just any man, but the pain did not go away.

He never realized how much he truly missed her until she was standing in front of him. Seven years he had given to her. Now she was forever out of reach, because of his own weakness. He wondered how things would have turned out if he never met Naktmun.

He had to tell her he still cared for her. That he didn’t mean to abandon her.

“Zerpheti, I’ve never stopped thinking about you. If I could hold you. Just to hold you briefly. I don’t know when the next..,” she cut him off by stepping forward and thrusting her arms beneath his and wrapped them around his chest squeezing.

He was shocked. He was fully hard still and the familiar body of his former wife touching his cock brought him back to those wonderful seven years they had together.

“Forgive me,” he wispered into her silken black hair adorned with various golden pins.

“So sorry my Zerpheti.”

She nuzzled his ear with her nose and her tongue captured his earlobe into her mouth for a moment.

“Please don’t be melancholic. This is a good time to be us! I may not be yours any longer but Amunsa did send a gift to his bride to be, Naktmun.”

Naktmun’s voice echoed from within the temple chamber as she relaxed on the bed.

“I accept by the way. How kind my future husband is. He knows the plight of my servants troubles me. Please servant of Amunsa, take good care of them both.”

Her words shot a bolt of hope through Amshun.

“Zerpheti, does this mean you’re staying?”

“No, but I asked my master to be the gift he sent to his future wife,” her smiling words said in his ear.

“I’m here to,” her hand slipped under his loin cloth.

“I’m here to fuck you and Zotet both.”

She found it. Her hands had a thin layer of toughness to them from her years of hard labor at his side. One circled around his cock, the other cupped his aching balls. The rough texture was extra stimulating and nostalgic. Memories of their wedding night under the moon flowed back to him.

She was gentle as always. Massaging each of his balls individually with her thumb and fingers. Making out with his ear the whole time, biting at it with need. The attention to his ear was new to him and extremely welcome.

Nothing could compare to the pleasure the River Priestess gave him. However the feeling of sharing his body with an equal, a partner and not a mistress had an effect someone so lofty as Naktmun could never have on him. He already missed that. A Companion.

Zotet’s footsteps slapped the stone beneath them as he approached the former couple from behind Amshun. He didn’t speak. His eyes where wide with desire as he looked over her already naked body while she pleasured Amshun. Zotet was a full head taller than them both. His cock was fully hard and pointed at Zerpheti angrily.

Amshun was frozen by her attentions while they all stood in the entrance of Naktmun’s inner sanctum. His mistress called to them from her bed.

“Closer now. I wish to see your sweaty mortal bodies intertwine in your sloppy love. Come fuck for me.”

Zerpheti left her robe at the entrance and led him by the cock to to the jewel encrusted steps of the alter-bed. Zotet followed closely, his long fingers had disappeared beneath her plump ass and made wet sucking sounds between her legs as she led them both.

Zotet withdrew his fingers and rubbed her wetness on his generous dark length. Zerpheti eyed this action with interest. He repeated this action until his cock was completely soaked with her. Zerpheti eagerly watched him coat himself while she stroked her former husband.

“Isn’t it marvelous, mortal,” Naktmun uttered from her alter, sipping wine from inside an obsidian goblet just a shade lighter than her own skin.

“For years Zotet has entered me with that but every single time he makes me wait while he rubs my love into his skin. I find it delicious torture. By the time he has slid it inside my toes are already curling.”

Zotet spoke for the first time in days, his voice sonorous and quiet. Amshun could hear the hunger in his hushed words.

“I do it because you desire it, my mistress. You like to see it coated and wet before it enters you.”

“And what a sight it is, but do not make her wait as long as me! I can sense her frustration already. She has a strong desire for you, more than even my favored Amshun. “

Zerpheti looked away from Amshun with a sheepish expression.

“I’m just curious because I have never been with him before, as I have Amshun. I would not insult your taste in servants! If Amshun is your preference then I shall take him in first.”

He was Naktmun’s favored? Didn’t that title belong to Zotet for the last decade? Amshun hadn’t been in her service a month and now he was her favorite? When had this happened?

Zotet’s burning blue jealous eyes stabbed at him. Then flicked back to to Zerpheti. He pulled her away from Amshun and bent her over so her hands rested onto the golden topaz gemstones of the alter steps. Zerpheti never took her eyes off of Zotet. Even bent at the hips she lowered her head to see his cock hang low under its own weight behind her. She lifted her ass higher for him invitingly, standing on her toes.

“See how your body responds to him? Listen to it. Take*him*first. Let my poor Amshun wirthe in jealous frustration. He is mine now, you owe him nothing.”

Zotet stepped closer and aligned his hips with hers. He placed a hand on her hip and grabbed his cock hanging behind her. He loudly slapped it against her navel a few times from behind. Zerpheti pressed her ass back at the stud of a man while he smacked his wet and weeping cock on her soft belly.

“Enough teasing Zotet, spread her womanhood around yourself before the poor thing passes out. You’ve always been such sadistically jealous creature.”

Amshun could say the same of her. Why antagonize Zotet against him? Was she punishing him for some reason? He would wait until later to ask. Now they made a carnal offering to Naktmun of the Riverbed.

Zotet didn’t wait. He pulled the skin back from his cock head and pressed at Zerpheti’s sopping opening. His length bent at the effort as he parted her lips. She pressed back and angled her hips. She twitched and moaned as the bulbous crown sank into her.

Amshun could hear it enter. Slimy and sliding.

“Oh, by the GODS,” she cried.

“It surprises you doesn’t it? Even my favored Amshun does not quite have the size for such a feeling. Zotet’s cock is among my precious treasures. Enjoy it to the hilt mortal.”

“Oh Naktmun! You speak the truth. I have never felt this before, you bless me.”

“It is my Zotet who will bless you now.”

Zotet eased his blessing in more. Zerpheti’s legs began to shake under her, the tremble growing stronger as he sank deeper inside her pussy. She grunted as he bottomed out inside. Zerpheti reached between her legs and fondled his balls as they mashed into her clit.

Amshun knew what that felt like. She had done it him once. To see that done to another man made his lip curl in disgust.

Despite himself however, it excited him to see Zerpheti enjoying herself.

She enjoyed herself even more as the stud began to thrust at her. The impacts sending ripples through her ass. No doubt he enjoyed being able to pound his cock into her unrestrained with one purpose in mind. It looked as if he wished to impregnate her. Fortunately her belly was already growing her master’s seed inside but Zotet did not let that stop him from trying. Zotet tried his absolute fucking best.

Fleshy slaps filled the temple as Naktmun laughed and encouraged Zotet to bury his load inside Zerpheti. Amshun tried to ignore her voice. But then something happened that he could not ignore.

Zerpheti’s legs finally gave out but her lover held her up by the hips with his arms as he pounded her needy hole. Zotet froze with his cock inside her. His chest muscles flexing with every jet of cum he no doubt flooded her with. It seemed to go one for ever. Zerpheti gasped at the sensation and twitched in her own spasms. Amshun and Zotet had both been pent up for days. Zotet’s juices began to run down Zerpheti’s quivering leg.

“He pours his hot seed inside me, Amshun. Ah! Forgive me for enjoying it so. He shoots it with such force. He’s going to make me cum with it.”

He did not stop there and continued his thrusting a while longer until his cock grew limp. It was squished out with a dripping wet squelch and a large glob of his own cum. He held Amshun’s gaze as the cum fell to the stone floor. A satisfied smirk on his lips.

“Amshun, do not let your new brother remain soiled. Go assist him.”

Amshun had no idea what she meant by that but moved to where he was told. Zerpheti was still breathing hard and had fell to her knees. He had no intention of doing what it sounded like Naktmun wanted. Zotet reached out for his loin cloth as he approached and wiped his seed covered dick on it. Then her jerked it off Amshun’s waist completely and used it to gently clean Zerpheti’s leaking pussy.

Then threw the cum soiled garment in his face. Amshun could tell by the look of contempt on the larger man’s face that he was enjoying humiliating the new Favored One of their shared mistress. It looked like Zotet was an ungracious loser.

“Not my Zotet,” Naktmun warned.

Zotet was about to lose again. Amshun didn’t wait for the cum rag to fly in his face. He didn’t care he was ordered to ‘assist’ Zotet. He only cared about teaching Zotet a lesson.

Amshun had dodged faster things in the filthy streets of his former abode. Had fought worse. He bent his neck away from the rag then brought his forehead into the large man’s grinning mouth with a bloody smack. He would have tried to break his nose but couldn’t reach that high with his forehead.

Zotet cried out in pain as he stumbled back trying to regain his balance. He fell on his ass fumbling at his bleeding mouth. He reached inside to check the damage. He pulled out a chip of tooth from his mouth and angrily threw it. Amshun frowned, he wanted to remove at least a whole one.

Zotet got to his feet. Vindictive intent plain on his face.

“Leave now! Before the fool runs out of teeth,” Commanded Naktmun.

She was standing at her full naked height now. Towering and powerful. All thought of violence fled at the sight of the barley concealed power of her stance. Nobody here wished to die over this.

Amshun backed away from the sight of her anger.

“Not you. You will remain.”

The retreating footsteps left and the door was closed behind them.

He kept his eyes on the ground. It just so happened that there was a pool of cum there too. The anger came back.

“Still it persists? Even when she has left. If only you angered so easily for myself, my favored Amshun.”

He remained silent. Hasty words in the presence of a Exalted One could sentence him to death. He wondered if Zerpheti would even mourn him. Heavy emotions swirled around his mind. He could not make sense of them.

She walked down the steps to him as she had the first time she approached him.

He bowed and remained so as she drew near. Her hand ran over his smooth tattooed scalp and his skin tingled at her touch.

“I feel as you do when I see your eyes linger on her. I feel that same jealousy for you that you feel for her. But you do not return these feelings. Do you regret pledging yourself to me? Was that a brief moment of mortal passion?”

“Mistress I…”

“You are my Favored One. You may call me by my name should you wish.”

“Thank you, mistress.”

She removed her hand from his head.

“You may raise your head already. Tell me Amshun, do you resent me? Am I so terrible? You did choose me after all?”

He looked up at her face. She was so tall, so powerful. Yet she was saddened it seemed.

“Did I truly have a choice?”

“You mean to say I used my powers to influence you mind?”

“Yes, mistress.”

“I used them, yes. But not to such an extent. I saw a man in a place he couldn’t grow. It isn’t in my nature to abide such things. I gave you a push. You did not belong cutting stone for the Pharaoh’s vain monuments. You will thrive with me. You simply needed to be put in the right place. With me.”

“Why, what made you think I belong with you? Why did you suddenly make me your Favored One over Zotet? He hates me now.”

“From the result of your last encounter seems as though he should be worried about you. You took your place well I should add. Such a fine strike! Authority will suit you. Though you should employ more subtlety in the future. Or perhaps I should not tempt such a savage as you! I should know of your bestial nature from the first time we met.”

Her hand lifted to his forehead and he felt a pain on his skin. She showed him blood on her fingers. Zotet’s teeth must have cut into his head there.

“Is that why I’m your Favored One now?”

“ I felt I should reward you.”

“For what? I only wanted to make my wife pregnant! Now I’m a slave. Why reward me?”

“I don’t know, I am still partly like you. But I sensed that you gave me something precious that first night we met.”


Thank you for reading.


1 comment

  1. This is the result of all that positive feedback from last week you guys gave me. I’ve never had such a positive response from anything I’ve ever created. I really like writing in this setting.

    I only ask for feedback so I can make better stories. If you don’t want to comment the negative you can PM it to me. I’m open to story ideas as well in this setting or others.

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