My [F]irst Affair – [M]eeting After Our First Phone Sex [LONG]

(Sorry it took so long to get back to this. Effing pandemic.)

A few weeks after our adventure of phone sex, she was in town, having brunch with friends. She wanted to meet after, she said she could stop by. The sexual tension was high since our phone adventure, but we hadn’t repeated it. There was still that unspoken electricity whenever we talked from then on.

“I’m going to be dressed up, can I change at your house?” she asked. “Sure, whatever you like.” While it didn’t sound like an invitation for naughtiness, there was that implicit promise that she would be changing into sexier clothes for me. “Oh, good, I’ll have old lady clothes on to meet with my friends. I’m sure you’d rather see me in shorts and a t-shirt.” She confirmed my guess.

“Oh, by the way, my family will probably be home, but we can go somewhere that they’re not all around. “Oh, they will, that’s too bad. It would be awkward for you to watch me change, wouldn’t it?” She laughed, but with an undertone of wistfulness. “Yeah, that would be pretty risky. And then having to explain my hard-on.” We both laughed.

She arrived, wearing baggy knee length shorts and a loose fitting blouse, carrying an oversized purse. Yes, old lady clothes, fit right in with her friends. I was glad she was going to change into something more appealing.

I showed her into my den, on the first floor, just off the kitchen. Very obviously everything was above board, she was just a friend stopping by. She opened her bag, showing me a pair of shorts and a little cotten t-shirt folded on top. “Shame you can’t watch!” she whispered, and winked. “Well….” I said quietly.

I showed her a camcorder I had set up discretely on a shelf. “If you REALLY want me to watch later…” I looked at her to gage her reaction. Her eyes opened with delight. “Just press this button here, and stand here by the desk. When you’re done changing, press the button again. I’ll lock the camcorder away in my desk while we’re gone and I can watch later.” I paused. “If you want to. You don’t have if that’s creepy. Your choice.”

I left my den and closed the door.

A few minutes later she opened the door. “I’m ready to go.” “Let me get my keys. You can leave your bag here if you want.”

“Mission accomplished” she said out loud as she pirouetted for me, could have been a reference to her changing in front of the camcorder, or just that she had switched into clothes she was happier to be wearing for me. Watching her spin, I watched her ass wiggle in her little white shorts. Not quite ‘Daisy Dukes’, but they couldn’t have gotten much shorter either. Matching powder blue t-shirt, form fitting, cropped short sleeves, a scoop neck well below her collarbones, just shy of exposing cleavage. Somehow the outline of her bra was barely visible, modest but oh so seductive, as much for what her outfit didn’t show but just hinted at.

I wordlessly looked at the shelf. She followed my look and then glanced at the drawer in my desk. And then shrugged, smiling, as if to say “maybe…. you’ll have to find out later by yourself.”

I quickly stuffed the camcorder into the back of the drawer and locked it, and then we left.

We grabbed a couple of iced teas from the refrigerator, headed out, hopped in my car and drove to a park on the other side of town, a couple subdivisions away. A multitude of baseball diamons and soccer fields ensured there was a lot of parking, and in the middle of the day, it wasn’t crowded. We found a place to park off by a line of trees.

First we took a walk around the aprk, taking the opportunity to hold hands and make out when we came upon a secluded spot

I was dying to know if she made a video for me or not, but didn’t say a word. I wanted to let her tell me in her own time. Or maybe she wouldn’t say anything at all, and I’d have to look for myself once I got home and had time alone. The suspense was energizing, and I was in a very good mood, even more than just because she was there with me.

Finally we made it back to the car, and decided to get in rather than continue to make out on a public picnic bench, It didn’t look like anyone was around but you never know. My car was a non-descript dark hatchback, it could belong to anyone, and wouldn’t attract any attention.

She was a tiny thing, even tinier when compared to me, I had a good 9 or 10 inches on her and probably a hundred pounds. As a result, in the car she kicked her sandals off and easily climbed on my lap having plenty of room once I moved the seat all the way back and reclined the back somewhat.

We had a grand old time making out, giggling, telling stories, teasing each other. Her arms around my neck, my arms around her waist. It was that perfect temperate where we were warm, but not too warm, we didn’t sweat with her on my lap.

Her scoop neck afforded short glances down her chest, and as she wiggled on my lap, sitting cross wise, her already short shorts creeped up even more – if that were possible – showing off every inch of her tanned legs, and snugging up very tight into her crotch.

Even with our intimate phone call still in recent memory, I coudn’t quite bring myself to openly look down her shirt or stare at her lap, so I resigned myself to quick glances when I thought she wasn’t looking. Her shorts were indeed very snug, from another angle I was sure a cameltoe would be in evidence. The thought of her touching herself added to the arousal factor.

Not sure how I forgot to adjust myself before she climbed on my lap, but I found myself having difficulty as time passed.

We made out for the longest time, the tension high, but earlier conversations having agreed that we wouldn’t want to have sex. Naughty talk on the phone was one thing, actually going through with it, we couldn’t. It was different than when we were younger, we were unattached then.

I tried to sneak another peak down her shirt and she busted me. “Enjoying the view?” She laughed, looking down herself. Without waiting for an answer she added, “I want you to look” and pulled the hem of her scoop neck out, giving me a better look. “I want you to get excited. And think of this the next time you’re alone.” With that she kissed me hard, breathlessly.

Then she switched positions, so she was facing me, straddling me. In that position, I could see right down her shirt, at the curves of skin disappearing under the edges of her bra, the swell of her breasts accentuated as she leaned foward and squeezed her shoulders together. Her hands were on my shoulders, touching my chest. “Do you want to touch my boobs?” she whispered unnecessarily, as there was nobody around. “I wish you could! I shouldn’t have worn a bra!”

I ran my hands up her rib cage, stopped just below her chest.

“Are you excited now? I want to know!” I nodded silently.

“I want to touch you. I know I shouldn’t but I want to so bad.” I moved my hands to her hips, gently keeping her away from grinding against me. If that happened, no telling if we could stop ourselves.

Her hands wandered down my chest, to my stomach, to my belt buckle. I was now getting aroused, but I hadn’t had the forethought to arrange myself before getting in the car, and my cock was pointing down, and so as it started to get hard, it was straining, trying to spring up but unable to.

“What’s the matter? she asked, seeing my discomfort. “Well, there’s a problem.” “Tell me!” as she looked at my crotch. “It’s bent over and you’re making me hard, and it can’t grow.”

“So you need to adjust yourself?” I nodded. “Can you lift up a bit?” “Um, sure”, she said, puzzled for a second, and then realizing what I meant, lifted off my legs. I started to reach down, but she interrupted me. Sliding her fingertips down over my zipper, in search of my cock, finding it curled over my balls. She found the shaft, and smoothly tugged it to the side, and then pushed it up toward my stomach. “Is that better?” she asked with a glint in her eye. “Feels like you’re adjusted just fine!”

She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned down to kiss me hard, glowing triumphantly at having copped a quick feel without me being able to stop her.

“I liked touching you.” she whispered in my ear. “I want to do it again” as she pressed her boobs against my chest. “I know I shouldn’t but I want to. I like feeling you hard. I’m glad I’m doing that to you.”

I kissed her back, hard, and slid my hands down her sides, to her hips, then around back, grabbing her ass. I pulled her in, and we started grinding. “I want to make you come like you did on the phone” she whispered urgently. “I have to get back soon, but I want to see if I can do that to you right here.”

As every guy reading this will attest to, I was past the point of being able to stop her. I laid back in my seat and let her ride me, grinding, dry humping me. I looked down and saw her short shorts had ridden all the way up, the seam under the zipper clearly wedged into her. This PTA mom wouldn’t be allowed in public looking like that!

It wasn’t going to take long for her to finish me. I put aside all thoughts of how I was going to explain a cum stain in my jeans when I got home, I’d deal with that after. Right now, just enjoying her enjoying the two of us.

She kept grinding, slowly, methodically, watching me get closer and closer, and then the nightmare began. A cop car entered the parking lot from the far end, slowly cruising, looking for delinquents. “Shit!” She furtively crawled off my lap and into her own seat. I pulled my t-shirt down over my laps, and we both grabbed our drinks from the dashboard. I pulled out my phone and put it on the ledge above the radio, opening a picture.

I began telling a story about the picture as the cop pulled up next to us, ignoring them for a bit, then glancing over, nodding, and continuing with my story, gesturing to the picture. His curiosity about what was going on in our car satisfied, he pulled away and parked on the opposite side of the lot, behind us.

Damn! If he had left, we might have been able to finish what we started, but the moment was gone, and she had to get back. We talked for a few more minutes, then started the car and left. As we pulled into my driveway, she reached over and gave my crotch a quick squeeze, my cock between her thumb and forefinger, her other fingers cupping my balls. “Think of me tonight when your hand is here.”

We went back into my house so she could grab her bag. She was very nonchalent about the den, I didn’t know what to think, but as I said goodbye at the door, she whispered, “Hey, don’t forget to check your camcorder!”

And that’s a story for another time.
