Daddy’s Girls – Chapter 8: Riposte and Replay [Mf, inc, oral]

Paul rolled he and and Laurie together to their sides, so that he wouldn’t crush her, and father and daughter ran their hands over each other’s bodies while they kissed tenderly. She still held him inside her, until he softened and fell out of her. Only then did they break off their kissing.

“Oohh… That’s a weird sensation,” Laurie giggled, “It feels a lot different falling out than it does going in, doesn’t it?”

Paul just smiled and rolled over on his back. “He gave you everything he had, kiddo.”

Laurie rested her head on his chest. They were both still breathing deeply, coming down from their incredible highs.

She could feel his juices dripping out of her, and reached around for something to wipe it up. What she found was the nightie, now ripped all the way down the front. ‘What a shame’, she thought, then shoved it between her legs, trying in vain to stop her dad’s spend from seeping out of her.

“Thank you, Daddy,” Laurie said, as she kissed his chest. “That was the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Oh, sweetheart, it’s me who should be thanking you. It’s been so long since I did that; I forgot how amazing it was. You looked so much like your mother…” Suddenly, the guilt came back to him. “We… we shouldn’t have done that, baby girl. I mean, I loved every minute, but…”

“You made my first time really special, Dad. You have nothing to feel guilty about.”

“What about your mother, sweetie? How would she feel if she knew…?”

Laurie looked up in his face. “She would be glad that I made you happy, Daddy. She would know how sad you’ve been, and how great a father you are to me, and how much we love each other, and she would be happy for us.” She rested her head back down on his chest.

Paul processed this. Laurie was right; Sandy always put their happiness first. She would understand that it happened because her husband and daughter loved each other, unconditionally.

“If you say so. I would hate it if I hurt you, baby.”

Laurie was gently rubbing his chest, and yawned. Suddenly, she was extremely tired. “Not at all, Daddy. I loved every moment. We’ll be doing this again, trust me.”

Paul knew he would not be able to resist her, then sighed when he realized he didn’t want to. “So… no regrets?” he asked.

“I… I do have one regret, I guess.”

Oh, no, I’ve ruined her, he thought. “What’s that, baby?” he asked, trepidation evident in his voice.

“Well, I… I really liked that nightgown, Daddy. I mean, like, it was real exciting to have you rip it off of me like that, but…”

Paul laughed, visibly relieved. “You liked that, huh?”

“Oh yeah, it was, like, being taken, y’know? That was the moment I knew you wanted me as much as I wanted you, and… I don’t know, it excited me.” She kissed his chest again. “It’s… it’s just a shame it had to be THAT nightie, that’s all.”

“I really liked the nightgown on you, baby.” He kissed the top of her head. “I liked taking it off of you like that, too.” Paul leaned back and shut off the table lamp, then pulled a quilt over both of their nude, entwined bodies. “And sweetheart, you should look more closely at it in the morning.” Now he yawned.


“You’ll see the places your mother had to sew it back together after the first time SHE wore it.”

“Really?” Laurie smiled. “Well, then, this time, I guess I’ll just have to fix it with some Velcro.”

“That is a really good idea, sweetie.”

They were asleep seconds later.


Sunlight was only hinting at creeping into the bedroom window when Paul awoke. He was suddenly reminded that he wasn’t alone in his bed, unlike so many mornings prior to this one.

That was because the reminder, his loving daughter, was at that moment loving his cock once more. She was gloriously naked, on her hands and knees between his spread legs, with the crown of his rapidly-swelling member firmly lodged in her mouth. She laved the tip with her tongue as she suckled on him, and then took him deep, moaning.

He drove his hips upward, holding her head in place, trying to shove more of his prick into her hot wet mouth. Laurie groaned loudly, and held her head still as she let her Daddy fuck her face with his delicious cock. She was drooling all over him now, and was thoroughly enjoying him taking control like this.

After a couple tantalizing minutes, she pulled away, gasping and panting, trying to catch her breath. She stroked his cock, gently kissing the swollen, angry head. “Good morning, Daddy,” she said breathlessly.

“Good morning, indeed. Are you having fun, baby?”

“I want to taste your cum, Daddy,” she panted. “You got to taste mine last night,” she added as she licked his shaft all the way down to his balls. When he groaned aloud at the sensation, she continued lower, using her tongue to play with his hairy testicles, giggling at the way his fur there tickled her tongue.

Her laughter entered his body through his nut sack before his ears registered the sound, and the result was almost too much for him to handle. “Oh! Sweetheart! That feels amazing! Lick my balls, honey… suck them for me.”

Laurie looked up at him in disbelief, gently stroking his prick from stem to root. Did she hear him right? That was so nasty! Could she really do that for him? Her tongue was lazily swirling around his ball sack. “Beg me, Daddy.”

Paul looked down at her, teasing him with her tongue as he had teased her the night before. He knew his goose was cooked; there was now nothing he wouldn’t do for his sweet baby girl. He was totally under her power, now and forever.

“Please, baby, I’m begging you… suck my balls and make your Daddy cum.”

She did as he asked, silently proud of herself for driving him mad with lust like this. She engulfed one of his testicles, moaning and suckling, while stroking him harder and faster, then switched to the other tender morsel.

Paul was beside himself with lust. The only other girl that had ever done this for him was her sweet, sexy mother, and he went off like a shot every time she did it. He couldn’t believe it was happening again, and from their own sweet daughter, too.

“Oh, baby, you have no idea how good that feels.” He could feel the sap rising. “You’re gonna make your old man cum so hard…”

Laurie loved the control she had over him right now, but her own lust was inflamed, too. She tried stuffing both testicles into her mouth at the same time, almost swooning at the realization that they held the sperm that created her in the first place.

“I’m getting close, baby… suck my cock and I’ll cum real good for you…” Paul panted.

She now desperately wanted to taste this sperm. After a few delicious moments massaging his cum factory with her lips and tongue, she kissed and licked her way up his shaft, taking his cock deep in her mouth once again.

Paul entwined the fingers of both hands in her hair, and started guiding her face up and down on his prick. “Oh, baby, just like that… yes, so good… suck me hard, sweetheart… Daddy’s got some delicious cream for you… keep sucking me… oh… OH!”

Laurie could feel his prick-tip swelling, and knew he was close. She sucked harder that she ever thought possible, desperate to drink his essence. She used her hand to squeeze his balls, and it sent him over the edge.

“Cumming, baby!! Oh! Sweet baby! Cumming in your hot mouth! Oh! God! That’s soooo good!!” he screamed as the first jets of his cum shot down the tube inside his cock.

Laurie could feel the pulses, and instinctively, pulled back so only the crown was in her mouth. The first shot was just a precursor, filling her taste buds with his essence, but the next was like a blast from a gun, hitting her in the back of her throat and almost making her gag.

Suddenly, her mouth was filled with his semen. She wanted to savor this, but there was so much cum! She had to swallow quickly or be drowned by it. Spurt after spurt of creamy cum fired from his prick tip into her waiting mouth. Once the intensity of his orgasm faded, she managed to swirl the last few drops in her mouth.

It was unlike anything she had ever tasted; salty, somewhat sweet, but overwhelmingly manly. While this wasn’t something she would buy as a drink, the fact that it was her dad’s cum made it something to savor. She was proud of herself for making him so happy like this.

Paul was gasping for breath as she sucked him dry, releasing his hold on her head. Laurie finally let go of her prize. She decided that she loved his cum, after all.

“Thank you, Daddy,” she said, licking his softening cock clean.

She couldn’t wait to tell the other Daddy’s Girls about this!


The next day in the Circle, they had all barely sat down, when Laurie couldn’t contain herself any longer. “I have an announcement,” she proclaimed.

“Geez, girl, wait until I’ve opened my drink, at least.” Stacey exclaimed.

Laurie paid her no heed. “I did it.” Glancing around, she noticed Beth’s eyebrows go up, but otherwise no reaction. The other two were oblivious.

Laurie sighed. “Didn’t you hear me?”

The silence from the other girls really irked her. “You GUYS,” she whined, “I fucked my dad last night.”

No response. Stacey just looked down at her lunch.

“Oh, come on! Are you all deaf all of a sudden?”

Rebecca finally replied, “We heard you.”

Beth took a sip of her drink, and added. “Yeah. Second place. Good for you.”

Laurie just gasped and glared at her, and Stacey couldn’t contain herself anymore, bursting into laughter. Beth and Becky both smacked Stacey’s leg, now laughing too.

“You couldn’t hold it in, could you, Stace?” Beth teased her.

“We had her right where we wanted her!” Becky added.

Laurie was thoroughly confused, and then Stacey tackled her in bear hug. “We were just teasing you, girl.”

“Wh.. What?”

Beth leaned over to her. “Becky saw you walking into school, late, and well…”

“I noticed you were walking funny.” Becky added, winking.

“So we knew, kinda…,” Stacey said, pulling away from the hug to take her seat in the circle. “That you had, shall we say, done the deed with your dad.”

“And because you’re SO competitive,” Beth said, as Laurie gasped at the insinuation, “PLUS you teased me so much yesterday about how I was walking…”

“Well, we just figured the silent treatment would serve you right.” Stacey explained, smiling. “And it was FUN!”

Laurie finally found her voice. “You bitches!” Again, howls of laughter from the girls, until Beth made them be quiet.

“Ladies, please, after all, we’re in the Circle.” Beth sat back comfortably, and took another sip of her drink. “Laurie, you have the floor.”

“And don’t you DARE leave out a single detail!” Becky added.


She didn’t. By the time Laurie was finished with her story, they other girls were visibly hot and bothered, especially Becky.

“Wow, Laur.” Beth said at last. “You really planned that out, didn’t you?”

“I know! I’m kinda proud of myself, ‘cause he, like, definitely fought with himself over doing me.”

Stacey giggled. “I love how you made him beg this morning.”

“I’m so happy, girls. He… my dad was so sad for so long, and this morning, he was, like, smiling and whistling as he made my lunch. In fact,” she leaned in, whispering, “The reason I was late was because we kinda made out in the car before we left the house.”

“Wow. That is so cool!” Becky said.

“I know what you mean,” Beth said. “My dad was certainly reluctant at first, but already, when we’re alone at home now, he’s constantly touching and kissing me. And not always in a sexual way, more like…”

“Intimate.” Rebecca said.

“Exactly,” Beth replied. “I love that he’s so happy now, and… so loving with me, in EVERY way.” She reached across to place a hand on both Stacey’s and Rebecca’s knees. “I can’t wait for you two to have that with your dads.”

“Soooo…” Laurie said, grinning like the cat that swallowed the canary. “Who’s gonna be next?”

Becky and Stacey just looked at one another. After hearing Beth’s and Laurie’s stories, plus the ones they found online and shared with each other, they both desperately wanted to bang their fathers, but were both equally afraid.

Beth noticed this, and squeezed a knee of each girl. “Don’t worry… I’m sure your dads will be easy.”

“Beth’s right,” Laurie said. “Just set the right tone, and they can’t help themselves.”

“Hot chicks like you two, prancing around the house with next to nothing on, and their stiffies will do the thinking for them,” Beth said, smiling.

“Just help them along, that’s all.” Laurie added, as the lunch buzzer chimed over the loudspeakers. “Be loving daughters, and let nature take its course.”

They all rose from the circle when Laurie stopped them. “WAIT!” She held out her hands, and they all clasped their hands together.

“What is shared in The Circle can never leave The Circle.” Laurie intoned the words, and they all nodded. Their sacred bond was renewed once more.

