The Search For A Suggestible Girl

I once saw a documentary I think it was about mirror neurons or something to do with how the brain works. And there was a woman featured in the documentary who was married with children but who also did not leave her home because if she did her family feared that she might not come back because she was so highly suggestible. Her family literally feared that someone would suggest that they come with her and coax her with nothing more than words.

Now I know that it’s a serious condition for anyone who wants control over their own life but ever since I’ve found myself thinking about what a gift it would be to have a girl like this for myself. I wouldn’t mind if she were married or in a relationship. The important thing is that she would know that she needed to message me about all of her decisions that she was faced with so that I could help her decide.

At first we would take it slow. I would want to understand her mind as it is with little influence. The only thing I would require at first is for her to just make sure whatever she was doing was okay with me. And I would approve all of it, understand her day-to-day life down to her routine, her clothes, her friends and family. And trained properly before she would do anything she’d just send me a text and ask me if wearing her usual clothes and doing her usual routine was okay. I would approve it all.

But ever so carefully I would start to suggest that she wear more lacy and silky panties and suddenly that is what she wears around the house or wherever she goes out. Further suggestions would follow – tops that show more cleavage, no bra days, skirts only, then shorter skirts only. Suddenly she would be wearing outfits that make other women around her blush and men turn their heads and they wouldn’t understand what changed. In subtle ways her actions and behaviors would change in a way that made her always guard her almost constant contact with me from everyone else. I’d teach her how to tell others that she’ll think about it and then come to see what was best, I’d teach her what to say to everyone when given decisions and I’m not immediately available.

Now I know this works both ways. There would be counter-suggestions by others around her. Suggestions that that top isn’t appropriate for this situation or do you really need to be going shopping in that mini skirt? And that’s when I’d get the text about whether changing her clothes to something else would be okay. I’d counter carefully, “That’s a great idea, but let’s keep this top on anyway, you look good in it, right?” “Right,” she’d text back before telling her friend or whoever that she’s going to keep it on and that she looks good in it. The decision would seem organic and those around her wouldn’t push so hard.

Then I’d suggest that I come over. Maybe if she’s in a relationship she’d say maybe that’s not a good idea because she knows she doesn’t make the best decisions when alone with another man. Of course I’d tell her I understood and that I only wanted to get together to talk and when is she home alone? Of course she’d give me the time. I’d suggest she wear my favorite outfit on that day and she would agree it’d be a good idea because of how much I liked it.

And on that special day there she’d be in front of me, dressed how I told her to dress, acting how I told her to act, knowing that we’re just here to talk. But then I suggest that she sucks my cock. That’s not a good idea, she’d say, she’s already in a committed relationship. I know, I’d say, but haven’t you been such a good girl for me? She’d acknowledge that she had and that she liked having someone who made all the decisions for her. Then it only makes sense that she sucks my cock now. After all, I’d grab her gently by the shoulders and aim her to the mirror, look at how good you look right now, wouldn’t you look so pretty sucking my cock? And then she’d be on her knees sucking my cock.

After she swallows my cum and I stroke her hair with my cock still in her mouth I say it’s probably not a good idea anyone finds out about this. She’d agree, probably not. No one else knows I’m here, right? She’d say right. And also, no one else would understand our relationship, would they? No, they wouldn’t, she’d say. So I’d ask her what does she think it’s best to do about the fact that she just sucked all the cum from my cock. It’s probably best to not tell anyone, she’d say. Good girl, I’d praise her. And why are you a good girl? I’d ask…. She’d think about it and then say because it’s best to not let anyone know I suck your cock. That’s right, I’d praise again, after all you’d never do that, you’re in a committed relationship. She’d agree, that’s why she’d never suck anyone’s cock.

This would go on, of course. Her spreading her legs in her little skirt and silk red panties as my cock pumped her tight needy pussy. As I stretch her wet hole I tell her how lucky she is that she was able to find me because no one else needs to know how needy her pussy his for my cock. She’d agree and beg me to fuck her harder just like she has learned that’s how she likes it. She would know that it’s better to transform into a slut secretly just for me because she knew no one else would understand.

She’d know this so well that when I suggested she started talking to her partner about having children that she also thought it was a good idea to stop taking her birth control not long before she was at her most fertile. And it just seemed like a good idea that I used her pussy extra good as she could feel her body in her most fertile stages and so secretly, of course, I helped her by pumping all the cum I could in there.

And when she found out she was pregnant she’d naturally text me on what should she do. Well it’s probably your husband’s baby isn’t it? Yeah, probably, she’d agree. I’d remind her that he had sex with her after I was done with her, didn’t he? Yeah, he did. Well then tell go tell him how excited you are that you’re about to have his baby, I’d say. Oh yeah, she’d respond. He should know if he got you pregnant, right? I’d ask. Right, she’d respond, brb I’ve got to go tell him how excited I am that he’s going to be a father.

Good girl.


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