The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4)

The Pretty Manger’s Corset Dive (Part 4)

Well who is at my apartment at 5:35 pm Friday, Yep Stacey. She comes in and I have the table set with her favorite Chinese food including her favorite, Crab Ragoon.

I tell her to Go change into some casual clothing then it dinner time, then I need to introduce her to what is in my closet…the one in the bedroom with the lock.

Well she switched into a t shirt and some runner shorts and sits down and we just dig in taking time out to feed each other. Once done we walk back into the bedroom and Stacey sits on the bed and I unlock the closet and turn towards to her. This closet is my armory, It contains my weapons and armor I use to protect my self from the mundane world.

Stacey is looking concern I walk towards the bed and ask her to go and open it and that it is safe to do so. Now I sit down as she gets up and carefully reaches out to open the door. As the door swings open my Rapier and Main gauche are in there sword belt hanging on the hook behind the door. She looks to me to see if she can touch it. I smile and say “you may touch anything in there all blades are blunted the bow and arrows are replicas and all the real weapons are over there in the metal safe. The weapons are not the only things in there. Turn on the light and see the things that usually scare women away..please and ask any questions you need to feel comfortable.

As she turns on the light the bow and quiver of arrows are visible behind the rack of clothes. She starts going threw each item on the rack starting at the Blue Captain uniform from Star Trek the Next Gen then the Battlestar Galatic viper pilot uniform, then V Lizard costume, and finally all my ren faire garb.

She looks back at me puzzled and says “What is so scary here?” I smile back and say “Nothing for the right Hero and tonight you are my hero.” I get up walk to her and hug her and she just giggles.

I step back “now I know you have no Garb of your own…” She looks puzzled “Garb?” I smile and explained that ren faire clothing is called garb do to the fact they are actually clothing able to be worn year after year to faire and not a costume you wear once or twice before it is ripped or ruined. She smiles I might want a costume or two in this closet.

“As I was saying you have no garb of your own but I want you to pick out what you would like me to wear tomorrow. As you can see I have many different outfits.” As I said this her eyes had locked on my Dress Kilt combo. She pulls it off the rack and hold it out to me with a smile.

“Is this for me to wear” I smile back and whisper

“nope, me. What you never saw a Kilt?” She said she had heard of it but never saw one. “Well if you want me to wear it I will.” She looks at me and smile and I say “I will wear it regimental and you get to tie the blue ribbon.”

At this point I have stumped her, as I figured it would and walk over to my computer and call up the song “The Scotsman” and played it for her to which she looked at the kilt then me and she shook her head at the same time she just said the word “YES!”

We fooled around but I refused sex tonight just allot of cuddling. She looked a bit disappointed to which I told her that tomorrow night when we do it she will enjoy it a 1000 times more.

10 O’clock hits and I suggest we make it an early night with the long day we had planned. She reaches into her bag and Pulls out not the blue satin camisole but a pink one and I can see there is a red camisole still in the bag.

Stacey notice my glance and tells me she has been looking into Victoria’s Secret and she bought many items of satin and silk she will treat me to. God I love a woman who comes prepared.

After getting in bed Stacey takes up her favorite spot of her head on my chest and says “Thank you will Knot.” I purposely misunderstand her and say that dinner was take out, not like I did any work beyond the ordering and putting it on the table.

She looks up to my eyes and says that she did not mean dinner she meant what lead us here.

The next morning I woke up early and snuck out of bed to make a very filling breakfast and to get all the accessories I needed and my spares Stacey would be using tho she did not know my plans to dress her properly so I can properly undress her tonight. I pack it all into my garb box and put it in the van. I got back in and was making breakfast and set the table.

I am a weirdo who does not drink Coffee but I knew Stacey couldn’t function without at least two mug fulls. I went to Jamesway (defunct chain store) and bought a 4 cup coffee maker and I am sure that smell of the coffee is what drug her from my warm and comfortable bed.

“Good morning, (I bowed) my Lady.” Yea turns out she needs the coffee to be awake and civil” She just grunts flops down at the table and I brought her a mug, the carafe, and creamer and sugar.

After 2 sips she was back to her smiling self. “Now let’s try this again. Did you sleep well?” She smiles “well it was great when I was snuggled up to my teddy bear but when I woke up and he was gone it wasn’t great.” Now it was my turn to smile.

“If I hadn’t left the bed you would not have your coffee or food. Tell me that isn’t something nice to wake up to?” She smiles back “thank you.”

After the meal I told her to go shower first while there is enough hot water. While she showered I took care of the plates and laid out my kilt vest, hat, belt and sporran. Found my kilt hose and my sgian dubh (knife of last defense) and my kilt pin.

Stacey came out of the bathroom and I was thankful for the small hot water tank which left her pale skin glistening and the towel covering her barely. I jumped in for my cold shower which helped me to get my cock down.

After I dressed I walked to her and handed her a dark blue satin ribbon I just clipped of the roll and says she needs to kilt check me and give me my first prize.

She slid her hand up my inner thigh right to my cock who decided the cold shower was not enough. And when she finally touched my cock it was rock hard. She lifted my kilt and came face to my sign saying Loch Ness monster and my fully erect cock.

Well she was not scared of my sea monster. She hungrily got down on her knees and leaned forward to sucked my dick into her mouth. She pulled back and my cock pop out of her mouth with a loud pop. She lifted my cock and she ran her tongue up the underside and when she hit the spot at the point where the head meets the shaft I literally had to step back and lean on my desk as she smiled looking up at me.

I watched her and she started to lick my cock as she looked into my face smiling. She looked like she was licking an ice cream cone and that she was not going to share.

After a few minutes licking my precum was dripping like a melting ice cream cone. This is when Stacey asked me to do something she was afraid to ever ask Chad, she wanted me to fuck her face like she was a slut. I just look at her and said that I will do anything she ask me to do and then I began to slowly thrust my cock into her mouth and pulled it almost out and slid it back in and slowly I got faster and faster till I was afraid I would hurt her but she stuck her tongue up and the next ten strokes became almost to much to bear till I could not hold it any longer and I thrust one last time and held her head as I shot an incredible large load down her throat.

I pull out and not all my cum made it to her throat because she had choke on it and some came out her mouth and nose. She smiled up at me and said she need to change her shirt and maybe wash her face and brush her teeth again.

When she came out I had her take the ribbon and tie it around my cock and behind my balls. Before putting my kilt down she gave me a kiss on my knob than stood up and gave me a big wet kiss on the lips.

We took off and two hours later we are standing in front of the gate waiting for the queen to arrive to open up the faire. While waiting I think Stacey was getting a hint of that I am rather well known by patrons waiting to get in, Playtrons (patron like myself wearing there Garb), and many cast members call me by the name Will Knot (sounds familiar?)

Stacey ask me how they all know me just as the trumpets heralding the queen’s arrival. I take Stacey by the hand and move her back a few steps as the queen comes walking up in front of us and Stacey gets her first look at a Noble ladies gown, which she gasp at its beauty, and at the same time her Majesty the queen sees me and Stacey hand in hand. The queen leans towards Stacey and says “Oh good you look like a sensible woman and maybe you can keep this practical joker in check. Last year He made the sheriff mad and I had to hide him under my dress…tell me does he like your knees also?”

Well after the queen ordered the gates open she looks to Stacey and says” Come see me at 1 pm at the Rose stage, I am having tea and we can compare notes.” The queen walks off and Stacey looks at me and shakes her head muttering that she is at a loss at wondering why someone has not ordered me beheaded or killed to which I say “They have, why you think the queen had to hide me.” as we headed in the gate I told her the whole story but one part which at the tea party came out.

I took her hand and lead her to my favorite clothing shop to get her dressed. Mistress Kitty met us and I told her we need to match. Stacey is looking at the clothes and prices. “These are not cheap is it. Can we not rent something for the day.” All I did was shake me head and motioned to Kitty, “Do your best.” I walk to the counter and tell Mistress Lisa the shop owner and Kitty’s mother that they find something she likes and the price is not a problem.

Kitty’s munchkin Sam (12F) is there and I ask her to help me with something at the amber shop. I told her I want to get Stacey something to wear but I have no clue what. Sam smiles and said she knew exactly what will look good. She took my hand and we went around the corner to the amber shop and pointed to a light blue satin choker with a perfect golden heart shape Amber jewel in the case. The kid has taste. We bought it and I bought Sam a chocolate covered frozen cheesecake for her hard work.

We get back and I can here Kitty say that this looks better than she had hoped. Let finish the ties and I will present this masterpiece of clothes and beauty to that (she popped her head out to see if I was hearing her) Wanton Will Knot and I hope he chokes on that golden tongue of his.

Yes my faire family does love me. I know because when Kitty open the curtain to the dressing room and I did lose my ability to speak as this unbelievably beautiful woman walked out in an outfit that was just as beautiful as her. I looked to Sam and hand her my credit card and motion to her Grandmother. Sam stares and screams that I am speechless and all I can do is nod and point to this goddess in front of me.

Stacey looks at me and just giggles “this is a first.” to which Kitty agrees.

Kitty moves Stacey closer to me and points to my master bodice diver pin, and said “has he dived your bodice?” I shake my head no as Stacey ask “what’s bodice diving?”

Kitty chuckles and tells me to show her. I look around to see if there was any other customer (no reason to give a shop a bad name) and kitty says it just the 5 of us and Sam pipes up that if I don’t show Stacey, she will.

Both Kitty and myself told her no she would not. I reached out my hands to Stacey hands and pull her close and lean my face down into her cleavage and motorboat her but at the end I let a very hot and slightly wet kiss on her breast bone between her cleavage and pulled away.

“That is a Bodice dive.” Stacey is smiling and then Sam ask me what is an Australian Bodice diver and why do I have a pin for it. At this point Kitty asked Sam to get the receipt for me to sign. I look at Stacey and smile and said “Australian bodice diving is what I did in the cash office which earned me a full body blush.

Before we left I asked her to look at herself in the mirror which when she did I took the choker and put it on her neck attaching the clasp and tying the satin ribbon in the back into a double bow. After much crying by Stacey about the choker plus the outfit and Sam saying I was dunderhead and needed her to pick the right thing for Stacey, then we headed out

We did make it to tea with the queen and the Queen filled her in on the fact that when the sheriff left looking for me that everyone in the area heard me belt out the song “Cheek to Cheek” I was singing “Heaven, I am in heaven” all the while I was under the queen’s dress. Stacey whispered to the queen she did not get the song to which I mentioned my tongue was otherwise involved at that moment…turns out the queen and Stacey both blush easily.

After Tea with the Queen asked Stacey if she would like to meet the queens hounds aka rescued greyhounds. She asked where and I pointed in a general direction and she grabs my hand and now she is pulling me thru the shire.

We only get a short distance when my biggest fans on the shire see me and before Stacey knows it I have 10 four to six years old clinging on me asking me to play with them.

I look up to Stacey and smile “Can I play?” You know Will sometimes I feel like a mother dealing with you.” Then a new voice pipes up and says “Don’t we all. Will is worse then my 7 year old (pointing to a red headed boy)”

I said that I can only play for a few minutes since I had to go see Master Davy (Davy was the first greyhound I had met and him and his owner made me part of the pact). So what are we playing?” All cheered and run to Stacey and kiss her hand and run back just chanting Dragon”

I guess we are playing pretty princess (not even the little girls wanted to play princess to the Queens disappointment.) As a chorus they all yell “NO! DRAGON!”

“Okay who will be the dragon and every finger, including Stacey who had walked over laughing, pointed to me.

“Fine but I need a princess and since none of you like being a Princess well the Lady Stacey will be the princess. Everyone agreed even Stacey.

I went all right then the rock in my lair and I have Princess Stacey there. You come to rescue her. Everyone agreed. Since I had the kilt on and was regimental I decided sitting be side the princess would be better than curling my body around her plus it let me feel her body close to me.

The kid rode there pretend horses to my Lair and the redheaded boy, Tobias, Orders me to release the Princess Stacey. I pout and say “I don’t want to.” They tell me they will slay me if I don’t. I look sad at them “But I love her” I never played the game like this before and literally changed the rules but the kids didn’t miss a beat and said that they did belvie me. I said watch she rubs my head I lean into Stacey and whisper “rub my hair” which she does. “She gives me hugs” Stacey did not miss her cue and hugged me. “She even kisses my green scaly nose and tells me she loves me Stacey giggles and says “Have you blown your nose today?” I pull out my hank and made it sound like I blown my nose and looked at it and went “ILL is green” and put my handkerchief away and Stacey leaned in and kissed my nose.

All the kids cheered and said well you are a good dragon so what should we do. I smiled and said “let’s all be Dragons and protect lady Stacey from bad guys…” As I glanced I see the actor who was playing the sheriff for the last several years, yes the same actor who I hid under the queens gown, coming down the path.

I look at the kids and I say I hope the sheriff does not come here he wants our Dragon skin to make leather pants with. The sheriff herd me as I hope he would and starts into a speech of needing Dragon leather pants for gardening (Yes he is a potter head and a hufflepuff).

I went “OH NO!! someone needs to save us!” I turn to Stacey and says “Maybe Lady Stacey will tell him he is a meany and he is not allowed to.” Stacey looks at Us and Stands up and walks to the sheriff and says I am the queen’s favorite tea partner (He had been at the tea) so don’t make me go tell her you want to to kill the dragons and make pants out of them.

The sheriff acts afraid and pleaded with her not to do that at which point I start singing the song Cheek to Cheek” Heaven, I am in heaven” and the sheriff had to hide his face because I am making him break character with this song. He literally is running away trying not to bust out laughing.

Me and the kids give lady Stacey a hearty Huzzah for saving us. I walk to Stacey who is still stifling a laugh on what I just did to the sheriff. You are really evil, I look at her and said “well there was not enough room to hide under your skirt so I had to sing it from there. I am now thirsty lets go get some water up this way.

I reached out and took her by the hand and waved to the kids as we left and she waved also.
At the top of the hill up behind the Human chess arena there is a tent for special patrons which always had a cooler of bottled waters. This tent isn’t used often so it was smaller but still had a few benches in it. I walked up to the attended, a teenager reading a book and showed my pass and took Stacey hand and pulled her in behind me.

I head for the cooler and grab two bottles and pour one in each of our mugs and put the empty bottles in the recycling bin and sit down and sip the cold water.

Stacey is looking at me funny. I lower my mug and say “What’s on the mind Toots?” Stacey smiles and replies “ When I am with you I am always in a state of some sort. With the children my ovaries were in overdrive, when you started singing my brain is full of laughter, when you just sit close my heart speeds up and I think about what you are not wearing under that kilt by clit gets to throbbing.” I look at her and said,” I am wearing two things under my kilt, a blue ribbon and your lipstick.” Boom instant blush.

“In all serious I can not help you with most of those but I slid forward and beckoned her to stand and walk in front of me and I life my kilt to reveal my hard cock and I said lift the dress and sit down on my lap with my cock against your clit. She sits down and I wrap my arms around her and she wraps hers around me. With her sitting on my lap I turn my head sideways and lay my ear to her cleavage and start to rock back in fourth singing Cheek to cheek as I hear her heart beat get faster. One point she says she need to reposition and she lifts up a inch or two and sits down, well in that moment my cock moved and when she sat down my cock found her pussy opening and she just moaned into my ear as I gasp from that warm and tight pussy dripping all around my cock.

Stacey whispers into my ear that she has never felt so right with a cock in her. I wispier back “That might be so but I have no condom on and you are not on birth control.” She wipers she knows and slowly stands up and I can feel my cock slide out and that was all it took for me to cum all inside her skirt.

I whisper an apology for the mess I just made of the inside of her new chemise. She smiles as I cover my cock with my kilt. She then sits down beside me and chuckles “I don’t know, I think if anyone she had the pleasure of doing that, you do. Plus I can not wait till the promise if that is how good you feel inside of my pussy.”

I made sure Stacey got to see the best shows and a much of by male cast members including jouster pleading for her to let them champion her on the joust list. And Finally I had one last a special present by my Brothers of the Shire who are members of the International Brotherhood of Rogues, Scoundrels, and Cads and our sister guild the Wench guild. The wenches sung her a naughty song as every member of the Rogues came forward giving Stacey a dozen roses and giving her a kiss somewhere appropriate (hands, cheek on the forehead and wrist. No lips or neck) Tho I only bought 2 dozen rose (one for each guild member) someone decided to make it extra special since it was her first visit to the faire and she had to deal with me all day and every Rogue gave her a dozen roses (lance made a pretty penny that day). I was the final kisser and I gave her a kiss on her neck below her ear and whispered “wait to we get home I have one more gift in the bedroom”, to which she just quivered.

We get to the car and before she tried to get in I suggested she let me take the Corset off for the ride home. Our neighbors were a Noble couple I have known for years look over and the lady ask Stacey “First Corset?” To winch Stacey nodded yes to. Lady B told Stacey to listen to me. Stacey says that I just wanted to strip her naked in public to which Lady B smirks He does not need a lie to do it, there were many women who would have volunteered if he had let them.

I warned her she is about to experience Bodice-gasm so hold on to the seat. As the corset comes off the body fat that had been moved to other areas IE boobs to give cleavage goes back to the rightful place. When I released the corset I swear a small Oh god that is almost as good as your tongue to Which Lady B asked “What did you say?” as she gave a wicked smile. Then she said “I never had the pleasure of that tongue anywhere on me so I will take your word for it.

I get the corset off, Stacey in the car and when I was asked by Lady B if we are going to head to our usual place to eat and recoup to which I said “Sorry I have a promise I need to keep tonight. Maybe in 2 weeks.

The 45 minute ride home was filled with Stacey gushing about her wonderful first faire day. I chuckled and glad this date went as well as it did.

We get home and sitting in the car about to get out she looks at me and asked if we can put off the “Promise” to maybe tomorrow? She was extremely tired and sleepy.”

I smile and say “I will deliver on the “Promise” whenever she wants me to. And however often she wanted.”

We get in and I send her to shower after I stripped her naked and when she came out I helped dress her in the purple camisole set I had not see that morning and put her to bed tucking her in and I told her I was going to shower then I will join her. Turned out I didn’t need to say a thing she was out like light.

I showered and I climb into bed and spoon up against her back and slide my hand over her satin covered hip and lay it on her exposed belly. Just as I compose myself I hear a weary mumble saying that was the wrong spot and feel my hand being slide over her satin covered belly to her satin covered tit where she covered my hand with hers as we both slipped off into dreamland.
