Royally Entertained, Part 4 [FF, long]

I think I enjoy writing this more than you do like reading it, but that’s ok. I want to see where this story goes and what happens to out purely fictional girl Kate ….


Kate was roused from her nap by soft fingers running slowly up and down her naked body.  It was a testament to how much she has changed over the last 24 hours that she did not even open her eye to see who was touching even thoughts he assumed it was Polly.  Instead, she stretched her tight muscles as the hands continued to run over her body. As the fingers ran down her legs she spread her thighs invitingly, another small action that would never have happened, ever. If her family could only see her now. Kate considered if she would wear a butt plug for her lover and though the answer may be yes.


The fingers bypassed Kate’s lips, ran over her smooth pubic mound, circled her bellybutton, continued up Kate’s sternum, around her areola, giving her goosebumps, up her neck and stopped at Kate’s cheek. Kate opened her eyes to see Polly kneeling beside her.  Polly turned Kate’s face and kissed her, just brushing Kate’s lips at first, delicately just long enough to pique her interest.  Then she leaned back looked a Kate’s face, eyes closed longing for Polly’s mouth.  Polly kissed her again and this time let their tounges explore, lingering for long moments, breathing the same breath, leaving Kate wanting more than Polly could give her at that moment.


Polly broke off again, “Kate I have some bad news. I had cleared your schedule but there is a problem with the upcoming children’s virtual benefit and the team wanted to run a few things by you. The video call is in 30 minutes, you can take it from here, I already have your computer set up and ready for the call. But,…”  Before she could finish Kate replied, “No more free time and no shower.”  Polly could only nod and reply, “Well you still have time to shower, but not with me.”  That is when Kate noticed that Polly was back in her dress.  Kate was not happy with the change in plans.  She finally got a couple of hours to herself when duty called, again.


Kate was trying to figure out how to get a few more minutes of pleasure out of Polly when her private cell phone rang.  Polly handed it to Kate, “It’s William.”  Kate put a smile on her face and feigned warmth, “Hello dear.”  As William greeted her and started to talk about his trip. Kate stood and started to pace with the obligator “Uh-huh” and “yes”.  She looked at Polly who was smiling at her.  What a state she must be, au natural, on the phone, hair disheveled, and smelling of sex and sweat.  She needed a moment to think. “yes, uh-huh”


Kate motioned for Polly to sit on a nearby ottoman.  Once seated, she put her foot on the ottoman between Polly’s legs.  While Polly was sneaking glances and Kate’s pussy, which was right in front of her, Kate was tempted to have Kate eat her out again.  But she knew that would just leave her frustrated when she had to get ready and be difficult while she was on the phone.  She had a better idea. 

“My day?  My day was fun.  Polly was just about to share some sweets she had earlier.  Polly said a friend of hers laid them out for her, there were two flavors and both were amazing.  Polly brought me a sample back and I was about to try them.”  Polly looked confused. Kate pushed Polly back on the ottoman with her foot, so she was laying on her back, then lifted up her dress exposing her crotchless painted and well-trimmed landing strip.  Kate then dropped to her knees in front of Polly. 


Polly now understood.  She hesitated for just an instant before lifting her legs up and grabbing her ankles, causing her pelvis to lift and expose both her holes, one filled with a red plug.  Kate immediately started to massage Polly’s clit.  The stimulus and position she was in started Polly’s juices flowing as Kate continued her conversation. “Wouldn’t you agree that presentation is half of the experience?  If it looks mouthwatering and appetizing, it must taste wonderful, right dear. Polly, William says he agrees.”   Kate could see Polly was now well lubricated so she slid three fingers straight into Polly’s cunny.  Polly had to bite her finger to keep from gasping out loud.  Kate continued to work her fingers deeper,  in and slow in and out motion until she remembered the come-hither motion Polly used to knead her g-spot.  Once she did that Polly’s legs began to twitch and Kate knew she had found her target.


“What’s that dear? What did Polly bring me?  Well, there are two scrumptious little sweets.  The first is a pink sweet-tart and the other red, well I think it is sweet, Polly has been coy about the taste all day, it has been quite frustrating.”  Kate resumed finger fucking Polly! Polly moaned around her finger despite her best efforts. “Oh no dear, I just stubbed my toe, I am fine.”  Kate scowled at Polly.  Kate removed her fingers from her and saw the juice flowing out of her cunt down her ass crack.  She immediately grabbed the red plug and gave it a firm push.  Polly bucked uncontrollably at the intense pleasure the added pressure caused. Kate then began to work the plug slowly stretching out her sphincter. “Dear, do you mind if I try the tart now while on the phone, it has been driving me crazy all day?  Good.” Polly held her breath as Kate lowered her face herself.  While still working the plug, Kate inserted her tongue past Kate’s labia deep inside her folds.  She took three long licks then made a loud slurping sound as she sucked up as much cum as she could manage.  Polly shuddered and bit her finger harder as Kate said into the phone, ”Oh, sorry honey, the tart has a very moist filling.  I just had to suck it up. How did it taste?  It is like nothing I have ever had before.  I will be having it again for sure. ”


From Polly’s perspective, the Duchess was kneeling in front of her, Polly’s cream dripping down her chin on to her exposed tits and nipples, which were quite hard, while working her asshole like she has been doing it her entire life and talking to her husband too boot.  It was so sexy, Polly couldn’t help but start playing with her clit eagerly.


Kate pulled the plug out farther just to see how wide it was as she continued talking to her husband “Your right, you should try it sometime, I will see if can arrange that. What?  No, I don’t think I am going to try the other treat right now.  I think I will save it for later.”  Polly eased her fingers into her drippy pussy as Kate eased the plug back into Poll’s ass.  Polly was now the one sweating.  Kate released the plug, ran her fingers over Polly’s glistening thighs mixed the sweat she gathered with some of Polly’s cream and inserted it into Polly’s mouth.  Polly sucked her fingers clean.  Kate laughed genuinely, “No dear, I am not going to save the red tart for you. I may be able to hold out for a couple of days but my willpower is only so strong.”  She thought how addictive Polly was and then began to think about Nigel and his cock and feared what she would do once she had a taste.


After a pause, “Walls I have built-up for years are crumbling and there is no going back.”


She looked at Polly who was still finger fucking herself, getting close to cuming. “Oh, nothing dear, just being silly.  I have to run, Polly needs me.  Love you too.”  Kate dropped the phone and leaned her chest on Polly’s ass pushing it further up in the air. “I am so close, help me cum Kate, Please help me cum.”  Kate took Polly’s hand out of her cunt and clamped her mouth on Polly’s clitoris swiftly flicking it with her tongue.  She then inserted three fingers in Polly’s gushing hole and started to pump. Allowed to focus, Poly stared into Kate’s eyes and mouthed “yes, yes,” over and over again as her climax approached. Kate took her fingers out of Polly’s cunt and when she inserted it again it was four fingers. “Yes, Yes” were now shouts. Then her orgasm hit her.


Polly squirted three quick bursts into Kate’s mouth which was still clamped over her clit before Kate leaned back and then her cum shot into the air and on to Polly’s dress and stomach.  Polly’s entire body spasmed twice and when Kate stood her legs fell to the floor, Polly did not have the strength to hold them up anymore.  Kate licked her lips and fingers savoring Polly’s cum.





Kate looked at the clock and saw she had three minutes until her call. Oh no! “Polly get up and get the computer ready.”  Polly stood up drunkenly and made her way to the laptop.  Kate walked to the mirror and saw that she was a mess.  She put her hair in a pony-tail, washed her face, a little sad she could not save more of Polly’s cum, and quickly touched up her makeup.  When satisfied she looked somewhat presentable, she put her sports bra back on, grabbed a towel, and sat down as the meeting started.  Polly, now safely out of frame, turned the video on.  Kate turned on her charm and said how sorry she was, as she dabbed the towel on her face, she was working out and lost all track of time.  She then coyly complimented the host on how lovely she looked, “And is that your garden behind you, your roses look beautiful.”  Kate threw the towel over her shoulders, an homage to the modestly she no longer felt.  She looked down at her body naked from her ribcage down and smiled.  If they could only see her now.


The call went off without a hitch.  During the call, Polly cleaned herself and the room.  She winked at Kate as she put the vibrator in Kate’s nightstand for safe-keeping.  She then left to handle some events and make sure the kids were on their way home from the field trip and occupied while Kate got dressed.  Kate finished the call and jumped the shower, still angry it was not the shower she was promised.  She dressed and went downstairs to finish her day.


The rest of the late afternoon and evening were a blur.  Polly had changed her dress, but probably not her undergarments.  What would Nigel do if she did?  Maybe not take her anal virginity?  Dinner was finished, the kids bathed, put into bed and stories read.  Before she knew it, Polly was excusing herself to go to her room.  She said she had some work to do for tomorrow, which may be true, but she wanted to be alone to get ready for Nigel.


It was now almost 10 and Kate was alone in her room standing before the mirror staring at herself.  No one suspected, no one guessed, no one treated her any differently.  How could they? No one was the wiser.  But she was different.  Could no one see it? Well Polly saw it. But they were very close and now co-conspirators.  Kate liked the new Kate, the “I will lick a girl’s pussy” Kate.  The “I will join in a threesome tonight and get fucked, really fucked well for the first time… ever” Kate.  Kate smiled. 


Kate readied herself for bed.  She took off her clothes and admired her body again.  She thought at 5’9” she was long and slinky and would look gorgeous wrap around Nigel with his cock in her.  Or tied to the bedpost.  She opened the drawer with her pajamas, but she closed it without taking anything out.  Tonight, she would sleep in the nude.  As she went through her nightly routine she started to think about Nigel and Polly.  She knew she would go back down to Polly’s room, but the pink teddy was the only sexy thing she had to wear.  Well, if she could sleep in the nude, she could walk to Polly in the nude as well.  She laughed out loud about the brazen thought.  She really liked that idea.  Nigel would approve.  Well, nude except for the perfect heels.  

After rooting around in her closet for an eternity she found just what she was looking for in the back corner in a dusty box.  They were red suede, 6-inch Christian Louboutin, with a peek-a-boo toe and ankle straps.  She always thought they were a little slutty, for her anyway, she had an image to protect, and that is why they were in the back of the closet. But for tonight, with Nigel and Polly, they were perfect. She placed them next to her bed so she could find them quickly in the dark.  She then set her alarm for 2 am.  With the day she had, she was not taking any chances.  After slithering around in her sheets, enjoying the way her body felt, especially her nipple, on the soft sheets she fell fast asleep.



She was awakened sometime later, not by her alarm, but buy soft fingers running up her body. Her sheets and blanket had already been pushed away. Again, she had the temerity to not open her eyes to see who was touching a Duchess without her prior approval.  She smiled at this new person she had become and rolled on to her back to let the fingers and eyes of Polly explore her freely. And for the next minute, they inched over her body giving her the chills, in the best possible way.

“Are you awake my dear.” A commanding male voice said.  

She knew that voice.
