Royally Entertained, Part 2 [FF, long]

Kate walked back to her room, still in shock from what she had experienced.  It did not help that she could hear Polly’s moans halfway through the first floor as Nigel continued to pound her.  Kate made it to her room, opened the door, and saw William still sleeping.

Kate closed the door a little harder than normal.  William stirred and looked up through sleepy eyes, not truly seeing her in her lingerie.  Before he said anything Kate said, “Go back to sleep dear, I am just going to the bathroom”. William laid back down none-the-wiser.  Until then she had planned on waking up William and fucking him silly.  But, at that moment his inability to see her when she so wanted to be seen, and appreciated, and touched, she changed her mind.

She walked into the bathroom, turned on the light, and closed the door.  She saw herself in the mirror in her pink teddy and took it off immediately.  Then she saw herself naked before the mirror.  Her nipples were red from all the attention they received and she smelled like sex.  Regardless she thought she looked beautiful, but she was angry her husband didn’t see what her secretary saw.  She strode to the shower with the intent of masturbating again.  She would be fantasizing about Polly, and their homework and about what would happen tomorrow night.  But she stopped herself.  She decided to wait and let life happen to her.  She wanted real experiences.

During her long, hot shower, Kate was thinking about what she would wear tomorrow, she gave herself that much, and she thought about when it might happen.  Tomorrow morning she decided.  There was an hour-long break before lunch, that is when it was going to happen.  Kate got out of the shower, dried off, let the towel drop, and looked at herself one more time in the mirror.  In that moment she appreciated herself, her pert nipples, firm stomach, long tone legs, and brown hair cascading over her shoulders and thought that she was perfect as she could get, except for one small thing.  She walked to Williams sink, grabbed his electric razor, and shaved her pussy bare.  She then used her razor and lotion to get as smooth as possible.  A wax would have been better, but there was no time. She rubbed the smooth skin on her mound and grazed her clit and felt the moisture return to her lips.  She successfully fought the urge to try and get three fingers in her pussy, be patient she told herself.  She put on some comfy pajamas, got in bed, and fell fast asleep.


William woke Kate up a couple of hours later.  He was already dressed, packed, and about to head off to the airport.  He gave her a peck on the cheek, told her he loved her, would call her when he arrived, then was gone.

After William closed the bedroom door, Kate jumped out of bed, her body forgetting the lack of sleep. She stepped out of her pajamas and proceeded to get ready, in the nude.  Hair and makeup took her about 30 minutes and the entire time she hoped Polly would walk in to check on her, which was not uncommon.  

When she was done, and Polly had failed to materialize, Kate picked out the clothes she had thought about during her shower last night.  Because she had several video conferences and had to keep up appearances she grabbed a sexy somewhat sheer white bra. Kate realized last night that she does not have many sexy clothes and nothing like the scandalous lingerie Polly had, something she would have to remedy.  She covered her thin bra with a conservative, high collard white blouse and added a fitted charcoal pencil skirt that was a little shorter than she normally wore.  As if it mattered, no one on the video conference would see her from the waist down. Then black thigh high stockings that would just be covered by her skirt, but would allow Polly to see some skin as they worked together throughout the day.  Knowing that gave her a little tingle between her legs.

Polly walked in just in time to watch Kate sitting on her settee putting on her 6-inch black heels.  That little tingle grew, and Kate felt the moisture increasing because that was the last item of clothing she was going to wear this morning.  Since Kate did not have any crotchless panties she had decided not to wear panties at all.  She was tempted to leave her legs open to give Polly a look but decided to be a little coy.  But she did plan on fingering her pussy during the day to get a taste of what Polly had yesterday.

Kate looked at Polly and knew she would not suspect anything.  Nigel would not tell Polly about Kate, where was the fun in that.  Kate assumed the game was for Polly to push her boundaries and open up about her sexuality and see how Kate responded.  In return, Kate had to be, what did Nigel say, open-minded. Whatever that meant, the day would tell.  


When Polly walked in and found Kate sitting on the settee putting on her heels, which were higher than normal.  There was something different about Kate this morning.  Polly noticed the skin showing between her skirt and her stockings as well as a glow Kate had that was not present yesterday.  No, it was more a look of confidence that she had not seen over the past year.  When you are with someone as much as they were together you pick up on things, and there was definitely something going on.

When Nigel gave Polly her assignment for today, she was skeptical.  She did not want to lose her job, but Nigel reassured her that Kate may surprise her today. Seeing this new attitude on Kate she felt two things: hope for successes, and the butt plug stir in ass causing the first couple drops of juice to flow over her labia.  Polly was not sure how she would complete her homework, but she knew when it would happen.


The women began their day. The morning was packed, as usual, starting with helping the kids get ready and off to their tutors, then back to back Zoom meetings.  The Zoom meetings were fun for Kate.  She made a point of scooting forward in her chair a couple of times which had the effect of sliding her skirt up her leg exposing more and more skin to Polly sitting nearby feeding her information. Kate saw Polly’s nipples harden at these times,  even through the navy dress she was wearing.  Kate assumed Polly was wearing the same lingerie from yesterday – crotchless panties and bra leaving her nipples exposed, and a purple buttplug of course.

Kate also found two occasions to rub her clit, which was amazing, but she could not work her fingers into her mouth.  Between teasing Polly and thinking about Nigel and what would happen tonight, touching her clit was like a jolt of electricity up her spin and it took all her composure to keep it together on the calls.

Kate checked the time on the Zoom meeting and saw that she was only 10 minutes away from her first break of the day, and homework.  Her body could not help itself.  She felt her nipples pressing against her bra, felt her heart rate increase and felt moisture pass her perineum on the way to her dirtier hole.  When the call ended Kate looked at Polly expectantly.  Polly was getting up and heading for the door.  She looked back, at Kate a little confused.  

When Kate did not move Polly prompted, “We have the tour starting in 5 minutes.  Did you forget?”  Kate stared at her blankly until it hit her.  The tour, yes. There was a late change to the schedule last night.  With her insomnia and what she saw last night, she totally forgot.  Running the remainder of the day through her mind she was annoyed to find that the only free time she had to herself was 45 minutes after lunch to workout and shower.

The tour was a blur, Kate walked the guests around the property showing off the gardens, pergola, the garage with its 10 bays including one for an old horse-drawn wagon, and the piece de resistance, the chapel.  After the tour left and she said her goodbyes, she then proceeded to eat lunch, while signing papers and answering questions from her children. Frankly, all she wanted to do was get to the gym to run a few miles, then head off to the shower to relieve herself.  Before she left the dining room she even started thinking about which of her hair brushed had the largest handle.  Damn, how does she not have a vibrator?  Has she been that repressed?

After a quick change, she was on the treadmill running a brisk eight-minute mile.  She kept checking the door half expecting Polly to come in to complete her homework assignment, but she was alone for the full 30 minutes.

After she finished, she made her way upstairs to her bedroom in a huff.  She had just enough time to rinse off and change.  She was not sure that she had time to bring herself to orgasm and still get ready.


Kate stripped out of her sports bra and running clothes and walked to the shower.  It was a large walk-in shower, with jets mounted on two walls, and a rain system.  One wall was all glass, including the glass door.  All-in-all, a modern feature in the country.

Before she could turn on the water Polly called her name form just outside the door.


Now or never Polly thought to herself.  “I am sorry to bother you Kate, but I have been meaning to share some things with you from your social media accounts and there has not been a good time.  However,  I thought it could not wait any longer.”

From the tone in Polly’s voice, Kate started to get worried.  She stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around herself, which provided very little cover, and walked around the corner.  There Polly stood holding an iPad looking at the ground.

“What is it, is it the kids?” Kate asked.

“No, nothing like that,” Polly replied.  Polly sat on the settee and beckoned Kate over.

“I am not sure how to start, so I will just begin.”  With that, Polly turned on the iPad on her lap.  “Over the last year, I have seen a lot of crazy posts come anonymously to your social media accounts.  I always remove them or work with security to make sure you do not see them.  But, lately, the posts have gotten more graphic so I thought it was time to share with you.”  

Kate’s emotions shifted from worried to confused as text messages started to flash up on the screen.  Every couple of seconds, Polly would tap the screen and the next message would flash up.  Every message was graphic and detailed the various things people wanted to do to her and what they wanted to insert in every orifice.  Kate looked at Polly not understanding what she was seeing.

“These are all real messages you get every day,” Polly said and then the text switched to pictures. “And here are some pictures your fans send you.” Pictures of men, their penis’s only covered by underwear, and a few taps later they were not covered at all. They were in all colors and shapes. You did not see any faces, but they had one thing in common, the men were all well hung.

Kate looked at Polly.  Polly was biting her lip and looking nervous.  Polly put a hand on Kate’s thigh and said, “keep watching.”  Polly’s hand was warm, and Kate found her touch reassuring.

Kate looked back at the screen as more beautiful men with large cocks flashed by.  It was almost as if the images were curated, only the best-looking bodies and most endowed men made the cut.  “What is…, ” Kate started to say when something caught her eye. There was something familiar with the last image, and this one.  Then she noticed the faceless white male in both the pictures holding his large unit was sitting on a bed.  A four-post bed.  His penis was as beautiful as it was last night, long, think, uncut and moist with precum or Polly’s juices.  She knew immediately where they were taken and who it was.

Then Nigel was gone.  He was replaced by a nude woman.  Polly said, “It is not just men that send in pictures.” Just like before, their faces were not visible, but all the women were beautiful.  Just like the men, the women started clothed and proceeded to undress before her eyes in this erotic slideshow.  There were not as many women shown as men before she saw the familiar bed.  All you could see of the women was her beautiful breasts,  her spread legs, cum dripping out of her black crotchless panties and her red, well-worked pussy.  No doubt Nigel taking the picture of his handwork after creampieing Polly.

There were several more pictures of Polly, each just as graphic, ending with her ass up face down showing off her purple plug. God, she was beautiful.  Kate noticed that Polly still had her hand on Kate’s thigh.  Polly had been rubbing slowing toward her cleanly shaved pussy that was now aching to be touched.  Polly’s hand had moved the towel slightly and her moist mound was visible. Polly had not taken that leap yet and stopped from rubbing any higher.  Kate thought Polly was still not sure how Kate would react, Kate was not clear either.

When Kate looked at Polly, Polly was staring at Kate’s partially exposed pussy.  Polly looked up into Kate’s eyes and motioned for Kate to look at the iPad.  Kate could not help but look, her curiosity getting the better of her.  There were a few pictures of beautiful people having sex, then it was Polly and Nigel having sex.

Polly continued to narrate. “There are so many people that think you are beautiful, that want to explore your body, show you things, and do these things to you.”  Nigel continued to pound Polly and in one picture was screwing her doggy style, the plug was gone and he had two fingers in her asshole.  

Abruptly, the images changes to two women intertwined. The pictures showed various women licking one another, in a 69, scissoring, and one girl had three fingering in the other girls’ smooth, bare pussy. Kate licked her lips uncontrollably. Kate noticed that all the women were brunette, just like the two girls sitting on the settee. More curating. The last picture was of two girls kissing in a steaming shower.

Polly’s hand had continued to inch up Kate’s thigh and was as close to her pussy without touching it as humanly possibly. At some point during the slide show Kate’s towel was pushed aside, Kate could clearly see her belly button down to her mid-thigh, and so could Polly.

Kate longed for Polly to keep going, to keep rubbing, to insert her fingers and fuck her with them, and to take a shower together.  Polly spoke at last, ‘I thought you should know Kate that you are loved by people in this house and they will keep you safe and their only goal is to please you in every way possible.”

That was it, Kate realized that Polly had completed her homework.  She had done everything possible to make her intentions know besides finger fuck Kate right there.  She still has plausible deniability.  Nothing had really happened to get her fired.  But Polly had put herself out there as much as she could. The ball was in Kate’s court.  She had to decide if she wanted to go down this road, be an adulterer or return back to marginal sex once a week.

Kate sat motionless for what seemed like minutes.  Polly put the iPad down but left her hand where it was and squeezed Kate’s thigh, but nothing else.  Kate was sure Polly could feel the heat coming off her labia.  

Kate made up her mind and looked Polly in the eye.  Polly waited and waited.  But Kate could not get the words out. 

“What do you want Kate?”  Kate still could not get the words out.  So she reached up and loosened the knot holding her towel up. The towel fell around her waist, Kate sat nude before Polly waiting for Polly to pounce, but Polly did not move.

After an eternity, Polly moved closer to Kate, their lips now only inches apart.  Polly then slowly rubbed one finger up the middle of Kate’s sex, paring her lips, but stopping at her clit, then spoke again.


“What do you want Kate?”

That gentle touch released Kate from her stupor and she surprised herself by saying, “I want to know if your first taste of my pussy will be before or after my shower?”  

Polly smiled and said, “Why not both?”  
