[m,F] [Fiction] [Self-harm] [Rape] [Trigger Warning]

Sulky Caden had been labeled by society as a bipolar sociopath with limited social skills. In his mind, he didn’t give a fuck about opionions… but on a subconsious level, everyone does. Stemming from a sense of rebellion, the teen painted his nails black and occasionally lined his eyelids with black liner. He was emulating the personality he had developed, and his internal struggles seemed to show on the outside. His “look” communicated the darkness that culminated inside of him.

Caden rolled his lined eyes as his mother dropped him off at the psychiatrist’s office. She gave a half smile as she waved goodbye to her son. Her smile didn’t meet her eyes. She like a nervous wreck.

“Honey, I’ll be back in an hour! Take your time. And remember to tell the doctor about what’s going on, we are all worried. Very worried, sweetheart.”

He shrugged. He should have been plagued with guilt, but he wasn’t. He didn’t’ have the capacity to take on his emotions AND the feelings of others. If they worried, they worried. He waved back, not able to fake a smile. His long black hair covered his brow, and he was constantly running his shaky fingers through it. He was starting to spiral down the rabbit hole. He had run out of his psychiatric meds and was starting to slip down his mind’s rapid descent. He entered the building and was greeted with a cheerful receptionist. He extended his frail arm to grab a clipboard from her, exposing silvery scars that ran up his arms in a ladder formation. Frayed bandages covered up the fresh slices. He ripped the clipboard quickly and took a seat, jiggling his leg as he filled out the forms.

When he was called back, Dr. Shriner introduced herself, and Caden followed her down a hallway. She was petite with her red hair cut in a sleek bob. She had her nose in the air and a sassy walk. *Prude*, he thought to himself.

Dr. Shriner didn’t entertain small talk as she walked him back to her office. They settled into leather chairs across from each other, positioned a little further away than was normal. She was silent as she looked through the intake forms he’d filled out.
She didn’t look up as she spoke “I see you’ve run out of your medication and need a script,” she clicked her tongue, “How were you functioning on the dosage you had? Were you fatigued, irritated, angry? Did you have thoughts of harming yourself?”

He scoffed, “Well obviously doc, look at my fucking arms.” She looked up and peered at the strips of white gauze taped around his forearms. She kept a straight face as she looked back down to scribble more notes.

He sat. He stared as he felt awkward tension. She mumbled as she spoke, “Self harm… yep. Okay, any other disturbances in your mood? How’s your appetite?” He started to get hot all over, a flash of anger came about. He thought this wasn’t the time to talk about if he’d had eggs or pancakes for breakfast. He thought if anyone would care about his self-annihilation, it would be a mental health professional. And he sat there feeling more agitated than ever. He didn’t have high hopes for the session, but he was shocked by her lack of empathy for him.

She continued to read through the chart, not acknowledging the cuts or his frustrated demeanor.

“Um, hello?” he grumbled as he stared at her face. Her dull eyes met his. Again, she looked down and scribbled.

“Youre like a fucking robot, you don’t care. I’m sliced up like a gutted fish and you don’t give a fuck…You just sit behind your clipboard doing who know’s what, you could be scribbling doodles, then you ‘diagnose’ people all day long without even interacting! And *I’m* the sociopath?! ” He inhaled sharply as he stood up to storm out. He hunched his shoulders as he paused, balling his fists. He felt an outburst welling inside of him, but didn’t have the coping skills to stop it. Something was going to explode in him. It wasn’t as much about the current situation as it was just *everything and everybody.* He had it all bottled up. It was spewing out, the fierce and relentless anger towards everyone he’d caged for a long time now.

She whipped her head up and glared at him, feeling defensive pride. Confusion and annoyance flashed across her face as her brow furrowed. “I’m a professional and don’t appreciate-” Caden screamed as he knocked over the desk lamp and broke the bulb. He was crunched over in a stiff, animalistic posture. He glared into her eyes, gripping a piece of glass, squeezing it hard until droplets of blood rolled down his fist. She gasped as she jumped up immediately.

The more silence he felt, the hotter his body became, his whole body was vibrating, building kinetic energy.. Adrenaline coursed through his body, locking up his muscles. Fiery signals shot down all of his nerves. Even hs **cock** hurt. His cock became erect, engorged with rich blood. Veins beneath thin skin pulsated rhythmically. His skin was flush. He felt widely animalistic as thick cum started to build up inside of him, begging to explode. His cock started to ooze watery pre-cum beneath his pants.

Her wide eyes met his as she instinctively backed up. She started to hyperventilate, watching him stand there, holding a chunk of glass. “Caden, please… let’s take a breath and sit back down in our chairs. Let’s think things through right now.” She eased her phone off the desk to dial 9-11.

He screamed as he dragged the glass with pressure up his already injured arm, tearing off his dressings. He threw the glass across the room as he growled and lurched at her. She had backed herself into a corner, her jaw hanging wide open. She screamed but feared running around him, she was trapped. Her knuckles were white, gripped around the phone. A dispatcher’s voice came in staticky. “9-11 Do you need police, fire or medic? Hello? Hello?” the dispatcher stayed on the line as she sent officers to the location of the cell phone.

Caden was in BIG trouble. He was FUCKED. Droplets of blood flew onto her face as he struck struck her hard, knocking her to the ground. She gripped her hands around her dizzy head as she lay still. She let out ragged sobs as she struggled to get up. Her inability to orient caused her weak limbs to flail around. He breathed heavily as he ripped at the buttons on his pants, relieving the pressure on his oozing cock. He freed himself as he pinned her down, his cock bouncing on and off of her clothed body as they struggled.

Her nails clawed his face and neck in an attempt to deter him. “PLEASE NO!” she begged as he held her down by her neck and straddled her. He frantically jerked his cock, yanking on it until he was in severe pain. It was filling up with his warm, sticky fluids. His bloody hand squeezed harder around her neck as he used his other hand to yank her skirt up, prodding his cock in between her thighs. She struggled, kicked, and tried to bite, but in ragged motions he jammed his cock in every direction, feeling the silkiness of her panties and soft skin against his erection. She tried to squeeze her legs together as hard as she could, but he ripped them apart with brute force. He looked down at her red pussy lips as he jammed his cock into her un-aroused hole. She screamed as skin ripped and tore, as he pumped angrily. His cock couldn’t get all the way in because of her resisting skin. She screamed for him to stop but he pumped fast jerky motions, destroying her pussy to please his cock. He was in a frenzy. He winced as his cock started rubbing raw inside of her. Her thin blood stained his cock as he came closer to a frantic ejaculation. Her swollen pussy lips were hugged around his throbbing cock. He panted as his cock stiffened and exploded in orgasm, letting loose all of his creamy, hot cum. He continued to pump his cum deep inside of her now puffy pussy.

He heard sirens in the distance. He knew they were coming for him. He yanked hard as he pulled out of her, cramming his satisfied cock back in his pants. He ran, darting out of her door and down a stairwell, his dripping arm leaving a trail with every step he took. He cried frantically as he attempted to escape the situation, knowing he was in irrevocable trouble. He jolted to a halt as he stared down the middle of the stairwell, assessing the chances of death, and jumped.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ixongg/mf_fiction_selfharm_rape_trigger_warning