Deep the voice the deeper in (M/F)

I was never one for surprises, but any surprise he gave me I melted for. I sat alone at my desk in the near complete darkness. Tonight was a full moon, so light wasn’t much of an issue at my desk which was pressed up against a window. When the moon was out I worked on my art, doodling and sketching my next project. As the a cloud would roll across the moon obscuring it’s like I could barley see the hand in front of my face, let alone what I was drawing. Clouds came and went as I sketched then would break and just allow myself to exist. I watched as a cloud began to roll across the moon, one big enough to make me consider going to sleep. As I watched the last bit of moonlight disappear in a wave across the field out my window, I could feel him standing behind me. The second the shadow reached my window and the paper on my desk mixed with the darkness of night, I felt his fingers brush against my throat. The moment I felt his thumb press into the side of my neck he clasped his hand around my throat and pulled me to my feet. He slung the chair across the room, locking his lips around mine. In one swift motion I went from an oversized sweat to completely exposed in the time it took me to open my eyes from the kiss. He pushed himself into me as I bent at the hip, pressing myself up against the glass. The cold glass pressing against my bare breasts as he began to kiss my neck. I let out a soft moan, as he responded with a low moan into my neck. It seemed to reverberate in my throat as he did. “E-Ed… please” I whispered. He turned me around to face him as he began to crouch down, as he grabbed my bit and throw me up. Instinctually I wrapped my legs around him to catch myself, landing the above his abdomen. His breathing became deep and heavy as I clung to him and began to sink my finger nails into his back. I felt his hand press against the front of my pelvis, as his threw me onto the bed. Within seconds he was on top of me again, his hand slithering around my throat. I watched as his hand clasped on the head board, I heard the wood begin to creak under the pure strength of his grip. I looked back in his eyes, and he began to enter me. My eyes rolled to the back of my head in utter bliss, I heard the bed beneath us begin to shift with every thrust of his hips. He sounded like a demon crawling out of hell as he growled loud enough to silence thunder. I fought with every fiber of my being to not make a sound, as to hear every deep primal sound he made. With in a minute he had thrusted the against the wall as now it banged against the wall in rhythm with his hips. I myself had moved from half way up the bed to being inches away from the head board. I dug my fingernails into his chest as I felt myself begin to build, I opened my eyes to match his eye line. As I see both of his hand wrapped on the head board as the speed and power of his hips only builds. The moon begins to re-emerge from the cloud as I began to see the marks I left on him as his knuckles are white from there fixation on the headboard. I see the room start to fade as my eyes cross and I begin to raise myself into him, I bite into his color bone. My body begins to go limp as his more than growls but almost seems to scream in victory, a scream that would give anyone nightmares of a demon growling in satisfaction, as he finishes following me onto the mattress. He clutches on to me as he rolls over pulling me on to his chest. I listen to his rapid heart beat in my ear against his chest, as the other listens to the sweet rhythmic sounds of his guttural moans and groans.
