Threesome or caught cheating? [MMF]

So my wife and I went to Vegas back in early March. We hung out at the pool all day drinking. We met a slightly younger guy at the pool who offered to take a picture of us as we were selfie’ing. He was alone after his 3 other friends had left to go and get ready for a comedy show they were going to that evening. The 3 of us hang out for a few hours, drinking and drinking and more drinking (no exaggeration, lol). Once the pool closes at 6PM the three of us end up heading back to our hotel room to grab some more drinks that we had up there and hang out some more.

I know that from my point of view I was aware of the road we may be going down. With the three of us going up to our tiny hotel room with nothing but a bed and a bathroom after hours of drinking and little clothing to begin with (bathing suits). I have never had a threesome but my wife has back before we met and I’ve always told her it turned me on hearing about her fun past. I feel like we both kind of knew if the right situation arose we would both be open to a MFM threesome. This was the right situation. It doesn’t take long after getting to the room for some light kissing to start and a full blown Eiffel tower with my wife as the centerpiece is the main attraction. For being pretty drunk we do pretty well in being safe and he is using a condom thankfully. This does make it kind of awkward when it comes to he and I switching between pussy and mouth cause he has the condom on and shes not liking sucking on the latex (I dont have a condom on). Because of this I would say 90% of the time he’s fucking her and I’m getting blown which is fine, no biggie. It probably would have been smart to start with him getting blown and me in her pussy so he could then put a condom on after and switch to her pussy but we set it up backwards I guess. Overall this really does goes well imo and everyone has a good time, myself especially – I really enjoyed it.

The next part is where it gets a little iffy as to what this exactly was. When the threesome was over and we had gotten off my wife hopped in the shower as he had yanked the condom off and came on her tits/stomach. I guess I lied a bit earlier when I said the room was tiny with nothing but a bed and a bathroom. There was also a tiny ottoman chair that I left out, lol. I sat on the chair and he was sitting on the edge of the bed, we grabbed a couple more beers and talked a bit. It actually wasn’t that awkward, we put the TV on and watched some sports stuff. I figured he was just waiting until she got out of shower to say bye and take off. I was drunk, too drunk I’ll admit, and I fell asleep waiting in the chair. I wake up maybe an hour later (not 100% sure) and he’s got her on the edge of the bed railing her again. I wake up to the sounds of sloppy sex; I’m confused. The first thing I see are her legs wide open in the air and the bottoms of her feet as well as his bare butt thrusting. After maybe a minute they realize i’m awake and he says ‘get up, you’re missing out on round two’. I’m kind of shook by the whole thing and not sure what to do/respond with so I walk to the bathroom to gather my thoughts and end up getting my dick sucked a bit by her again but overall have a hard time getting it up/staying hard. I still don’t know how the second round for them came to be and who initiated it. All I know is she never got dressed after the shower because the towel was on the floor next to the bed. So she got out of the shower and ended up losing the towel at some point and all his clothes came back off (they were on when we were watching TV).

Was this wrong for them to have sex without me the second time? Was it really behind my back if I was literally in the room and was offered to join in (after the fact)? Is it a different answer if she got out of the shower and realized I was asleep and initiated contact with him? I have a lot of questions about the whole thing and some regrets about how it was handled. I genuinely don’t think either of us were drugged or anything, I think we just drank too much but I can’t say 100%. Her and I have talked about it a bit but never really gotten into all the details about it. They still follow each other on IG/Snap and talk from time to time but we live on opposite sides of the country. Was it just part of the landscape that I knowingly walked into or did she cross the line?



  1. I think you both were careless to get into a situation like that while drunk and having not negotiated clear boundaries beforehand. Without clear boundaries, what is or is not “cheating” is inherently unclear.

    Given the lack of clear boundaries, I think it’s unfair to blame her for whatever went down. That said, whatever you feel (and it seems to be at least a little jealousy/betrayal) is a real feeling, and one that it behooves you to share with her, rather than risk it festering. That could be the start of a conversation in which you two negotiate rules going forward that you both can be happy with.

  2. Doesn’t seem like cheating just a continuation of the first round. You were asleep and they were still turned on and didn’t want to wake you. It seems kind of hot to me.

  3. Doesn’t seem right to blame her. They weren’t trying to hide it. She was in the moment. Not like he followed you to the airport right?

  4. It’s all good. They had already had sex, and you were resting. Enjoy the memory Don’t overthink it or make it into something it’s not. But yes, rules in advance are good. Hot story.

  5. In a drunken state like you were, you could have been somewhat coherent enough that you seemed aware of what was happening. I guess my question would be if it was another girl and not a guy and you woke up to them having 69 or even a little strap on session would you be having the same thoughts. And honestly she didn’t leave the room with this guy to go and have a fling. It was agreed upon and you just happened to pass out. If it was you, wife and another girl and she passed out or came out of the shower to find you having round two would she feel the same way? Talk to her about it. If you guys have that good of a relationship I think she will understand. It sounds like insecurities on your end.

  6. I wouldn’t say cheating.. sounds like it was a continuation of the event that unfolded before however I can see why you are hurt, especially he end up fucking her the most.

    Maybe if you guys want to do it again lay out some rules prior to it and see where it takes you.

    I don’t think it is a great idea they are talking without you knowing what they say and send..

    Ps good to hear you guys were safe and used a condom with a stranger

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