[MF, CNC, Rough, Forced Orgasm] Taking Everything from a Naive and Thirsty Slut (#3)

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iwm60c/mf_cnc_tease_taking_everything_from_a_naive_and/), [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iwphff/mf_cnc_rough_oral_taking_everything_from_a_naive/)

#Part 3: The Unwanted Orgasm

Marie thought it was over. She thought she’d completed her initial mission of “helping James with something.” After all she had ate his cum, what more could he want?

Turned out, a lot more.

“Stand bitch.”

She struggled but got to her feet, it wasn’t easy without the use of her hands.

And it wasn’t easy considering her knees fucking throbbed.

But she stood.

James reached up and grabbed her face, by the jaw.

She actually thought for a minute he was going to kiss her, and she would have loved that.

But there was really no chance of that.

James considered carefully his next move. I mean, he’d already got largely what he came for… then he remembered that overriding thought he’d had so many times in the math lectures. When Marie sat a few seats in front of him, when he’d watch her and dream of pulling her hair while violating her stupid little ass. James needed that.

James basically used Marie’s face to walk her back to the wall beside his desk. She stepped as he pushed until her wrists made contact with the cold brick wall.

He didn’t stop though, he forced her head against it. She felt a ting of thankfulness that he let it gently make contact…

*Maybe he’s not a monster after all…*

And at once he slapped her across the mouth with twice the force of before, erasing any doubt that he didn’t want her pain.

“Don’t fucking move bitch” he ordered, and she wouldn’t.

His hands both found her waste, and he quickly and crudely had her jeans undone and he peeled them off. He dropped to a knee and forced them to the floor, where she stepped out of them as she knew she was supposed to.

As he found his feet, James let his hand slide up the inside of Marie’s leg, from her ankle all the way up her inner thigh and he grabbed the front of her panties full in his hand, palming the pussy underneath.

He smiled. He looked like he was going to kiss her, he was so close to her mouth, his mouth was so close to her mouth.

She wished he would kiss her. She closed her eyes.

*This bitch is so funny, she looks like she wants me to kiss her, but there is no way I want to taste my cock, and there is no way I want anything tender with this cunt.*

James squeeze the pussy in Marie’s panties as hard as he could.

*This bitch was gonna give even when she was taking.*

James squeezed and released, squeezed and released and heard Marie’s breath quicken. She was trying to hold back her pleasure, he could feel it, he could see it. It was actually sexy. He felt his cock start to harden again already. This Marie was a fucking treat.

He felt her wetness, it was only when he finally “relaxed”, when he started to come down a bit from the high of fucking her face and moved onto fully in body and mind to this next act of lust, that he was aware of her wetness. But it was unforgettable once noticed.

The panties he mashed against her mound weren’t just wet, they were soaked. The material was damp and almost stuck to his palm.

*God she was fucking thirsty.*

He grabbed the material at the front that covered her cunt. He got a firm grip and James pulled those panties as hard as he could away from her. Then again, and again. He tried to rip them off of her and he heard the material stretching and maybe ripping.

She moaned in actual pain as her ass basically was forced off the wall and then back onto it with his actions.
It hurt, it was the definition of rough and Jesus even she just wished for her panties to break.

Finally, any elastic snapped and any material gave way and he’d ripped them off her body. And her ass was bruised against the cold brick without him even spanking her once.

James was stubborn in his need to rip off those panties, and when he’d finally succeeded he was panting. He almost doubled over when he saw her looking at him, and what, silently judging him for not ripping them right off?
*This isn’t the fucking movies bitch, that’s hard work.*

And he saw her mouth open, was she going to say something?

He took those fucking damp, wrecked panties and he pushed them full into her dirty whore mouth. She could taste herself and taste what was left of him.

She wanted to ask if he was alright. That was her honest thought.

And when her mouth tried to do it on its own, she was stopped by the humiliating gag he stuck in her mouth.

*ugg is that how I taste, is that how I… smell?* she thought to herself. Before she was snapped out of any thinking by the feel of his hand on her pussy.

He rubbed it as before, but, right away a finger started slipping between her folds. She stiffened, she shuttered against it.

No man had ever touched her like this.

James held her jaw and stared her in the eyes as he started fingering her little cunt.

He started with his finger on her clit, and he rubbed it, and he felt her squirm and try to escape, though he had her firmly pressed against that cold wall.

He loved watching the fear in her eyes as he rubbed his finger up and down her length. Then he heard her scream into the panties when he finally pushed his finger full up into her pussy for the first time. As it disappeared into her juicy little hole she bit down on the panties in her mouth.

She didn’t love the taste of her pussy, but it was a distraction from the hand on her pussy. It felt good, but almost, too good. She’d never had a man do that. The one boyfriend just put his dick in her and pumped a few times. This was something else. She wanted to squirm away though, that feeling of pressure on her clit was like a tickle from the inside that she just couldn’t remove or stop or disconnect from her rapidly beating heart.

She couldn’t stop him.

And when she felt his finger finally slide up and in her. Oh god she screamed and almost came immediately. She screamed into the musky cloth in her mouth.

James hooked his finger inside her cunt. He knew where her g-spot would be, and he found it almost instantly. The increased sounds confirmed he’d found the mark.

Marie moaned into the damp panties – mainly because *what the fuck is he doing to me?*

She’d never had her g-spot touched, by anyone else, or anything she stuck in there. She wasn’t even sure she had a g-spot. But here this pushy half stranger was fucking beating on it, and the pressure it generated inside her was exquisite.

She squirmed though, no man wanted to dig around inside her before. It was, dirty in there. That’s what she thought, that’s what her ex- had said, why would James want to be in there? But yet he was and oh god he was making her insides want to cry. She felt so conflicted, she squirmed with fear and disgust but also lust. Oh it felt so fucking good.

He loved how Marie screamed into the cunt rag and bit down on it. He knew the screaming was because of him – it only happened when he pushed the fingers he invaded her with harder. She basically jumped each time he pressed so perfectly inside her, but when she jumped it just drove his fingers harder. Then she moaned more, pushed more… it was a nice little cycle that’d climb until she’d admit to herself she was enjoying it, and guilt would reset the cycle.

He realized she wasn’t giving in. He was gonna make it even harder on her.

As he spoke he literally finger-stabbed her pussy perfectly in rhythm with each word, “Marie, you fucking bitch, you’re fucking, loving, this… don’t, pretend… you, aren’t…”

Then he put his cheek to her cheek and whispered in her ear, “Cum… cum… cum… cum cum cummmmmmmm…” as he finger fucked her now, full in and out.

Then he whispered, “Cum for me you bitch.” as he squeezed her pussy now pressing on her g-spot on the inside and her clit on the outside.

Then he instructed her, “Cum and scream my name into your soaked panties you filthy little fuck hole.” as he rubbed her clit back and forth like an actual machine.

She came, and she came again. He just kept assaulting her cunt with this hand, and pushing Marie further and further to orgasm. And James saw tears and he felt them, since they ran down her cheeks and pooled on top of the hand that held her jaw.

She was spent, but he wasn’t finished with her yet.

#Part 4: Pussy or Ass?

As James worked her over, the sights and sounds and even feels of Marie wrapped around his fingers forced his cock to harden again. It had already enjoyed her little mouth, now it wanted the other holes.

When he decided he’d denied himself long enough he also realized something else.

He ripped the panties from Marie’s mouth and threw them on the floor. They splashed down making a disgusting sound when they hit the tile, confirming how soaked they’d really become from the combination of what cum juice she hadn’t sucked off and what saliva she’d just deposited.

His other fingers were still in her pussy at that moment, deep in her pussy just flexing on her g-spot, almost out of gas themselves.

“Tell me bitch, have you ever cum like this before?”

Marie shook her head gently from side to side…

He grabbed her jaw again and held it firm.

“I can’t hear you, Marie. Say it, tell me you’ve never cum like this before…”

She thought to herself: *well it’s no lie, I’ve never cum like this, or maybe at all before.*

Marie finally built the courage from deep inside, for a quiet, “I have not.”

James laughed, “Good…” then his hand found the back of her neck, “Now we’re gonna make you cum the right way…”

*To be continued…*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ix41rn/mf_cnc_rough_forced_orgasm_taking_everything_from

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