Natsuko’s Drunken Threesome Part 1 (MMF | Threesome | Shy | Virgin | Double Pen)

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# Chapter 1 Catching Up Over Drinks

Natsuko Matsumiya had not seen two of her friends in many years before deciding that she wanted to do some catching up with the old highschool pals. She had not seen them in nearly five years since their graduation ceremony. It was a shame because she enjoyed spending time with these guys back in school. One Friday afternoon she decided to send them a message online to invite them to hang out at her place for some drinks. Natsuko did not know how they would respond so she made sure to invite them separately, in hopes that one would have the free time. First, she messaged Kenma since she always had a little thing for him in the past. There was something mysterious about the quiet young man, there always had been. Natsuko remembered him being the kid in school that did not speak much and many thought he was weird. Whenever she would flirt with him he would get flustered because it was awkward for him to have a conversation with a female. The message she sent to Kenma was, “Hey it has been far too long since we hung out. Would you like to come to my place for a few drinks to catch up? I miss you.” It took her about three times to rewrite that message to get it sounding the way she wanted but finally just forced herself to press the button. Then she did not think too much about what she sent to Kuroo. His message only read, “Wanna come to my place to hang out with some drinks? Been a while.” It was clear that she wanted Kenma there more than Kuroo but she did want both of them to show up. Tonight was the night she not only intended on catching up with an old friend but she also wanted to show Kenma that she always cared a little more about him. He was always a shy boy back in high school that caught her eye but neither of them ever made a move.

There was only a few minutes after sending the messages before Kuroo replied. Natsuko was secretly hoping that it was the other boy. The slight disappointment was not all bad because one guest had already agreed to come. Kuroo’s reply was,  “Sure, I will be there.” She could not tell if he was enthused or happy to be hanging out again. That was how Kuroo always was in school. He was always the person who did not care about much other than himself. It was annoying sometimes but he was still a good friend when you really needed him. Natsuko replied back, “Great, will see you later then.” The girl sent him a message with the details on how to get to her place. She could not help but check to see if Kenma replied, even though no notifications were implying any. He was probably at home trying to think of an excuse to say no so he could avoid the awkwardness of meeting up after years of not seeing each other. She decided that he may need a little nudge to come over but did not want to be too forward with the shy boy. Another message was sent saying, “Just got Kuroo to come so I am sure you will be here now.” The girl thought back on how close of friends they were. Around Kuroo was the only time that Kenma seemed to open up to be normal. It did not take him long to reply after hearing that his good friend was coming over. He even checked to be sure by messaging him before replying to her invite. Kenma said, “I will be there. Will be fun to hang out with you two.” Natsuko had a grin on her face when reading the reply, she could tell it was going to be a great night of catching up with old friends.

Later that night Tetsurou Kuroo showed up first. When he knocked on the door, he was happy to see that Natsuko was not dressed up for the night. The short girl was wearing a yellow jacket over her red shirt with a pair of black jeans. “So glad you could make it, I just got back from the store myself,” the girl said while taking off her jacket. Kuroo joked with her, “You have not changed a bit since high school. Still barely making it to anything on time and got the same style too I see. Nice to see you too.” She forgot that she had basically the same style in high school. It was a little embarrassing but she could live with the knowledge. Natsuko responded, “Well come inside and have a seat. I will get you a drink. When is your friend going to be showing up?” Before he even got a chance to reply, there was another knock at the door. “Speak of the devil,” she said while going to answer it for the guest. Kenma was standing at the door with his head down. The shy boy could not be reunited using eye contact right away. It did not help his awkwardness that the girl greeted him with a big warm hug as she said, “I am so glad you could make it tonight. I know how you like to avoid social interactions, especially ones that involve women.” She could not help but tease him upon entering. Kenma said, “Well, umm it is nice to, uhh see you too.” The man was barely able to look at her long enough to get the sentence out. Luckily Natsuko knew exactly how to get him to loosen up. “Have a seat with Kuroo and I will get us some drinks to catch up. It has been far too long since I saw either of you,” the bubbly girl said as she walked to the kitchen.

While she was gone, Kuroo tried to get him to calm down. He told his Kenma, “You have got to chill out. She is just an old friend, no reason to be all weird around her. You have known this girl for years, Kenma.” The older man was trying to explain to him that being around girls did not need to be a whole situation. He wanted him to be able to relax and enjoy the night. It helped to calm him down but his encouragement was not going to be enough to fix years of social awkwardness. Natsuko returned with three drinks in her hand for them all before handing them out. She said, “I just learned about this new drink a few months ago but I am sure you will both love it.” Then she sat down in between the two men on her couch. Her body language showed that she was more interested in Kenma but the friend was not speaking much. Their conversation started as they reminisced about the old days of being high school kids together. All of them agreed that life was much more fun back then, that it is something that gets taken advantage of too much. Each had their own favorite story of the group being all together. Kuroo’s was the time that they all skipped class to hang out together at the mall. Kenma enjoyed their lunches together with random conversations. Natsuko said the best part of being young was the freedom and time to do anything you wanted. By the time they were over the past, all of them were a few drinks in. Kenma was even on his third, even though he was a couple of drinks behind the friends.

The alcohol did not take long to get the group feeling loose. It even had a shy boy speaking up more often. Natsuko’s conversation became a little more playful as she got more flirty with drinks. She had not planned on it being a heavy night of drinking but it was the weekend so she did not care either way. Her flirting started to put be focused on Kenma. She said to him, “If you were not so shy I am sure you would be covered in ladies.” He was turning red in the face as her hand rested on his knee. Kenma was not used to being this close with a girl. Not many people knew this information, but the weird boy was still a virgin. The only person he had told before was his best friend Kuroo. He knew that he would never betray him by telling people his secret. Natsuko did not know the secret but had her own assumptions that led her to the same conclusion. She said, “Have you ever kissed a girl?” Her teasing was followed by the girl faking to kiss at him with her lips. Kenma was flush while looking to his pal on the other side for help. It was rare that a girl was this close to him, so her lips being inches from his face did not help the shyness. He wished that Kuroo was sitting next to him on the couch but this was the position he was currently in so he had to deal with it. Over the first few drinks, her flirting got heavier and more focused on Kenma. She began to touch his body more often without reason and nudge closer to him on the couch. The girl was throwing out all of the signals but the shy boy was catching onto none of them.

Kuroo was a little jealous of his friend getting all the attention but did enjoy getting to see him struggle around a girl. Normally he tried to protect the shy pal but he knew that he was in safe hands with Natsuko. When Kenma was not giving her any reactions, other than awkward gestures, she decided to tease Kuroo a little more. She said to him, “Are you as shy as your friend here?” The man proved he was not a shy guy by accepting her soft lips that kissed him on the cheek. “See, that is not anything to feel weird about Kenma, it is just a friendly gesture,” she said with a big smile on her face. Kuroo liked getting a kiss but it was not a big deal for him. The friend on the other hand was getting defensive when being called out for being a shy boy. His older friend had never seen his friend get so flustered while trying to speak. Kenma tried to say, “I have kissed a girl. I just, uhm do not try to get ladies too often.” Neither of the friends on the couch seemed to believe his lies, neither wanted to call him out either. The girl even found it cute that he would try to make himself seem wilder than he really was. He dug the hole deeper by bringing Kuroo in on that lie. Kuroo was asked, “You have seen me with girls, right Kuroo?” Kenma hoped that he would be willing to lie to impress the girl from high school. The older man stood up from the couch feeling a little light-headed from the drinking. He said, “Sure you have Kenma, but I am going to go out for a quick smoke break. You two do not have too much fun without me” Natsuko’s drinking was getting to her or she was not satisfied by just teasing one man. She said in a high tone, “Do not take too long, I am having fun with you here too.” Then the man walked out the front door to give them a moment of privacy while he got his nicotine fix. Kuroo felt the brisk night air in his light shirt as he walked outside of the building. He could not stop thinking about his shy friend getting all frazzled in front of a cute girl like Natsuko. For the first time in a while, he was remembering how hot she has always been.

While his friend is gone, Kenma was even quieter than he previously was in the room. Natsuko tried to start up a conversation. She said, “You must be so happy to have a friend like him in life.” That was all it took, she knew what would get him feeling comfortable to talk. He said, “Kuroo is a great friend, I am thankful I met him as a kid.” A grin crossed her face as she finally got him to say a full sentence to her. She tried to keep him going by asking, “Why are you so quiet all the time? I am sure you have plenty to say in there.” Kenma was stunned by her finger pressing against his lips to point out his mouth that never spoke. He froze in his position, hoping that she would remove the finger quickly. His brain was panicking to find a reaction to have to the situation. It was something that had not happened to him before. A deep sigh of relief left his body when her finger slid off his lips. Natsuko said in a sultry voice, “Your lips are so soft Kenma.” Her eyes were staring deeply into his while trying to get him to flirt back, even a little would be nice. She did not get her hoped-for reaction but it was better than the silence. The girl nudged her body closer to him while asking him honestly, “Are you not interested in women?” It would have been disappointing for a yes but it would at least be a reason. Kenma shyly responded, “I have only told Kuroo this so will you promise to keep it a secret?” He seemed nervously serious in the question so the girl wanted him to feel comfortable around her. The young man said, “I have not done much with a girl. I have always been too shy so I am still a virgin.” His head dropped to look into his lap to show the shame he felt for himself. Natsuko did not think that it was a bad thing for him to be, in fact, she found it cute. That made the girl want him even more. Something about taking a man’s virginity felt powerful to a woman because she would be the one to mold his sexuality as a man.

Her hand reached out to be placed on his shoulder as she comforted him. She said, “It is okay to be a virgin Kenma, it only means that you have not found a woman that is special enough for you.” He perked up slightly but still seemed down as he said, “Or maybe girls are not into a shy man who can barely speak to them.” Natsuko wanted him to feel special, mainly because of her secret crush that she had on him for years. Her hand moved up from his shoulder to caress the side of his neck. His eyes widened as he looked up into her big brown eyes. Something about her stare made him feel cared for. She was always great at making people feel better since she was an enthusiastic woman naturally. Her soft hand sent a chill through the virgin’s body. Natsuko said softly, “Maybe you can learn with someone who does care about you.” Those big brown eyes were comforting as she seemed to be looking out for him. Kenma shyly asked, “Are you, uhh offering to teach me how to be with a girl.” The pretty girl giggled as she said, “I guess I am because I have my own little secret.” Her drunk mind was about to let out something that her sober mind agreed needed to remain a secret. She did not want to risk messing up the friendship. Natsuko said, “I have always had a little crush on you.” Her eyes looked away to be playfully shy when announcing her attraction. Kenma did not know how to take in the information. He sat on the couch without moving for nearly a minute, not even a sound was made. Finally, she had to ask, “Do you feel the same?” The shy friend was trying to decide if this was serious or her trying to be nice before answering. He felt that she would not lie about something like that to him. His voice said quietly, “I have always thought you were a beautiful girl Natsuko.” That was all that the drunk woman needed to hear before putting her drink down on the table.

Kenma did not move while she moved towards him on the couch. Her lips puckered as she got closer. He knew that this was going to a kiss so he closed his eyes and prepared his lips. Natsuko’s hands were on his neck while giving him the most intense kiss he had ever had. She figured it was one of the few he had or maybe even his first. Her lips had to maneuver around his still mouth before pulling at his bottom lip. The girl pulled back to push her long brown hair out of the way. Kenma was bright red while looking into her eyes. She asked him, “Want to keep going, baby?” He was speechless as he used a head nod to agree. His eyes had never been wider in his life. Kenma could not believe that this was happening tonight. “You have such amazing lips,” the flirty woman said while moving in for another kiss. This time it seemed like her friend was actually in control of his body since his hands were on her back while kissing back now. Kenma awkwardly rubbed her back while trying to mimic the neck touching earlier. It turned on the woman to see how innocently clueless he was with a woman. She wanted to go slow with him so he could learn from her. Then her tongue began to tease across his lips. It was a test to see if he would let her inside. Kenma did not react the first few times and then he got the hints. His mouth parted so she could find his tongue inside. The virgin boy tried to match her actions by moving his tongue. She was glad to see he was opening up while feeling his robotic tongue movements that had no flow. It did not take her long to notice that he was trying to copy her moves. That gave her an idea of using that method to guide him through his first interaction of this kind. Natsuko’s mouth stayed attached to him while the curvy girl mounted the shy boy’s lap. He could feel her body resting on him while pressing tightly against his chest. This felt more natural to the man as his hands fell down towards her large ass. Kenma was not brave enough to feel her up but they did rest on top of the pockets of her black jeans.

—To Be Continued…

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