One Late Egyptian Night (M/F)

“Who disturbs? Enter,” came the priestess voice from within the fire lit temple chamber.

Amshun touched the bronze frog at his neck and reverently opened the heavy door.

Peering through the incense and smoke heavy air he saw the woman he came to see. Skin dark like the starlit sky, heavy in breast and belly was the demigod Naktmun of the Riverbed. Amshun had never seen a more fertile body, though it was befitting a descendent of the gods.

She dismissed him with a golden ringed wave, ”No, I have seen the farmers today. You must come all at once or not at all.”

His heart dropped in his chest. He dropped to his knees before the white robed figure.

“Please hear me, Naktmun of the Riverbed! I am a stone cutter not a farmer. I seek to plant a seed not of earth but flesh! I am cursed. Plead with your kin ,the gods, for me!”

“Oh? A seed of flesh. If you seek to plant it within myself then no amount of appeasement to my kin will let your mortal seed conquer my womb. But you look faithful. I will not deny you the attempt. Lift your eyes again and let me look upon you.”

Amshun did as she asked and gazed at her bountiful form again but remained kneeling his eyes low. Just being in her presence was intoxicating. His eyes unwillingly lingering in the fire lit glow of her soft skin.

“Please priestess, I would not assume to sully a vassal of the gods with my seed. It’s my wife…”

“Is that why you bare a mark of fertility on your neck? Your wife is the one who should be wearing such a thing”

Amshun covered the bronze medallion in embarrassment.

“My wife wears it yes, to no fruit. I lay with her once every night for the entire harvest season. Her womb remains empty. I wear this to help her, I just want to give her what she craves. The gods do not bless me.”

“You must do more than once a night. You must labor between her legs until you cannot move. Give her your love until it hurts, then once more after that to plant it deeply.”

If it where only so simple for him.

“The desire of my youthful self has left me, River Priestess. Even a second time in a night is troublesome, my cock does not share my love for Zerpheti.”

“Your wife is called Zerpheti? Have you gone to the village shaman” Said Naktmun.

“Yes, but here I am. My wife didn’t want me to come to you. She doesn’t know I’m here.”

Naktmun looked him over more and then began to step down from her alter, her dark body jiggling as she moved.

“ I’ve decided to assist you, when I’m done with you your wife will be laden, I promise you.”

“Oh! The gods will help me,” Cried Amshun finally feeling hope after so long.

“Yes, wait here with me,” Naktmun said and clapped her hands for her servants to approach.

She stood over him while he knelt, her divine womanhood near his bowed head. He could still sense the heat however. Could smell the fertile pungent odor of her sex from beneath the supple robe. She was speaking with a massive stud of a servant. He was naked save for a loin cloth that did little to hide the beast underneath and ceremonial markings on his brown skin made from the muds of the Nile. The large man nodded and left to complete his task.

Amshun could not hear her words, his head was so filled with her pheromones. He began to sway slightly at the sensation. His heart began to lurch in his chest. There was a welling feeling in his loins. He tried to push the thought of seeking out the source of the tantalizing sent. She stepped closer.

“Drink deep my scent, Stone Cutter. It will open your soul, so we can begin.”

A soft and gentle hand rested on the back of his his pale bald head and urged his face closer.

“Deeply,” she cooed above him and he inhaled with greater need.

It was overpowering him, the divine womanhood was forcing consciousness from his mind. He had to back away or lose his mind. She clicked her tongue and held him lovingly but still.

“Don’t fight, let it go. There is much you carry with you to bed. You must learn to let those thing go in the presence of your mate. Take it into your being and it will cleanse your mind. I have you, don’t be afraid mortal. A lovers embrace is no place for fear.”

He trusted her words and let go as the mystical entered his mind. He lost his balance but a push to the back of his head stumbled him forward. Burying his face into the groin of the demigod his forehead pressing into her soft and generous belly. It was as if he was beneath the sacred waters of the river. Somewhere there where footsteps.

“Set them there my servant and leave us. He requires my magic if his wife will ever swell.”

Immersed in the powerful aroma Amshun clawed at her robed ass. Taking great handfuls of thick cloth in his hands as he followed the heat beneath the robe. Something was in his mind, something pushing him further, familiar yet unwelcome. It yearned for the heat it had tasted on the air and would not give him his body back until it was sated.

“Yesss,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Let him free.”

She parted her ample thighs and he was plunged deeper. At last he found it. Burning against his face like Ra himself in midday. The peak of erotic light filled his mind, burning away doubt and fear that held him chained so many nights. No longer could he hear the dissatisfied sound of his wife’s sigh as he rolled off her, sweaty and shriveled.

Now he was alive. He was stone, but he felt nothing could cut him, especially himself.

“Yes, yes yes, Amshun. Let it all go as you breath me in. Let me help you, you are ready.”

She patted his head and instinctively he backed away. Taking great gulps of air he didn’t know he needed.

He gazed up to her, his mouth open. It was like he was seeing her with new eyes.

“Who… who was I before” stammered Amshun.

She undid a golden lotus that held her robe closed.

“You where a fish stranded in the shallows of the River.”

The robe fell away.

“I push you deeper, where your kind belong. You will be as you should.”

His eyes devoured the raw unhidden sight of her demigod flesh. His blood boiled, yet there was still a hint of fear. This was what the fertility goddess must look like, Naktmun’s kin. How dare he display his desire for one so high as her. Kin of Pharaoh herself. Yet his desire was obvious regardless.

“Now you,” she gestured to his own raggedy servants robe. “You will not need those where you go.”

He tore them apart. Unknown strength flooding his arms and hands. If she said they where useless then he would rend them so.

She held his manhood with an uninhibited gaze,” And you say the gods do not bless you.”

She held her arms out in longing,” Embrace me, my Amshun.”

He walked forward with effort. It felt as if he walked upstream.

Then her arms coiled around his shoulders, the heat of her supple body embracing his own. Their sexes so close together, mingling in the fire of full arousal.

He had never felt so desired. If one such as Naktmun, akin to the gods, wanted him then anything was possible.

Her eyes sparked in the firelight and full lips parted in a smile that she brought to his own grinning face. Her tongue slipping between his lip and teeth. He let her in without obstruction. The soft pink visitor exploring his mouth with lust. She tasted of cinnamon. It prodded him teasing his own, encouraging his own to come and play.

She did not have to beseech him long before he retuned her visit with one of his own. Her teeth caught it before he got far, but her forced it further still. Her heavenly moan filled his mouth as she gave him further access into her sucking mouth.

She backed away slightly.

“Yes, no more fear, Amshun. There is one last thing before we continue. You have done so well. Please lie down on my alter.”

He did as she commanded and eager lay on the comfortable and elevated bed that served as her alter.

She was upon him as he lay back.

“Let me love you now, do not resist me or it will ruin the ritual and you I’ll be cast from here.”

He nodded but she was already moving. Her straight black hair falling over his belly like a curtain.

And then something soft and wet grabbed hold of his cock and pulled in into a world of pleasure. Her moans vibrated down his cock to his very spine and she sucked him. Soft spongey lips griped his shaft, sealing him in. He was attacked by her tongue and his hips bucked. She lifted his leg with a gentle hand behind his knee.

Something pressed into his ass.

His first reaction was to clench and fight but a slight application of her pearly teeth to his cock held him still. Her earlier words echoing in his mind.

It pressed in further still widening him as she sucked. The rest of the intruder was pulled in by his own ass, holding it tight. His mind swam with the new sensation. Feeling the intruder as if it where inside his own cock. Something warm seeped into him from the object. He could not last any longer. Her tongue forced his cock hole open, greedily seeking the contents of his balls. Just before the first spasm hit a golden fetter locked around his cock and balls, sealing his orgasm in. He bucked in frustration. Something in his mind tore free, he could not contain it.

“It comes. It comes. It comes” Naktmun chanted.

“It comes for me.”

He didn’t listen anymore. To be brought so far through her garden of pleasures only to have a golden wall barring him from his climax. He would not have it.

He couldn’t see anymore, there was nothing to guide him. It was like he was falling and inhabiting someone’s body. He reached out for his guide, his only hope Naktmun. He found her and held her by the arm. Pulling her down to the alter he mounted her. Pinning her down by the shoulders with his hands, her own hands running something wet and soft over his flesh.

He jabbed at her belly with his cock, blinded as he was. Her hand closed around him and pulled him.

“Yes, I will take you there,” Naktmun whispered, guiding him to the opening of her divine body.

Divine or no he would have her. He would make her his. She wanted him and he her, what came next was inevitable.

Then he felt it and his body freeze when the warm folds of the demigods body part as he pushed himself forward halting at the entrance. She was above him, yet helping him from below. Sharing her most precious gift with him. What had he ever done to deserve it?

“Even now you remain humble to the gods. You will not cut stone any more. Your only labor is between *my* legs,” And she dung her heel into his ass pressing on the object inside. He fell in to the hilt and let her currents take him. She rocked back and forth moving them both as his twitched and held on to Slowly his sight returned. He saw it all in her face, a friend, a mate, a mother and his mistress.

“Deeper is where you belong,” she said through clenched teeth and he pressed himself I’m further.

He held her shoulders and pushed himself in and drew back out.

“We are one now. There is no going back, mortal,” came her voice low and severe. Possessively clenching her muscles around him.

“I was so afraid before. Thank you priestess,” He slammed him self in and holding himself deep.

“You can be who you are with someone who understands your needs.”

“Then give me what I need,” he growled.

She reached down and unclasped the ring on his cock and he felt the hot stored pre cum flow into her.

She writhed under him coating her insides with the thick fluid.

Unrestrained he set his mind to rutting her until he couldn’t move.

Sounds of wet slapping echoed throughout as his pink cock pierced through her dark folds over and over again. Her soft body ripping with the force of his impacts. He pulled himself to a squatting position to put his full weight into her, pushing her legs back and earning him a precious little more inside the soaking hot embrace. Now he truly fucked her.

Needy hands clawed at his waist.

“Now slave, give me what you owe!”

He didn’t hesitate to slam her harder. Grabbing the golden rings around her ankles and went deeper again. Her primal cries propelling his thrusts. Something of a drum beat in his ear and he fucked her to it. The sensation of her pussy traveling up is cock.

With one hand Naktmun grabbed his aching sack and with the other she pressed the plug in his ass. She had it all in her hands. His entire manhood was sent into over load as he put his hands around her and lifted her hips as he stood with his cock inside her.

Then the dam broke.

Leg shaking throbs sent his seed into her womb. Standing with her hips in his hands and her shoulders on the bed he forced his cum down into her eager body. Strong legs wrapped around him, assuring that every last drop was devoured. His strength gave out and he fell to the bed. It was the first time he had ever given a woman every last thing he had. He felt such shame for waiting so long.

Still inside her he nestled his head on a large breast. He pressed his face into it.

“Just a bit lower,” she encouraged.

He did so and found her nipple and began to suckle. To his surprise a sweet and warm milk flowed into his mouth. So rich. As he drank his head filled with memories. Memories that where not his own. And strength, such enormous strength was inside her and she was sharing it with him, restoring his depleted body. He clasped both hands around the breast and squeezed it, forcing the power into his body.

A gentle pat to his head interrupted his feeding frenzy.

“Leave some for your brothers, hmm? I must meet with others now. Rest and I will return for you. Someone will bring you your cloth. Do not remove the plug. It is strong magic and might help you impregnate me if given enough time.”

He withdrew from her in shock. He had a chance?

She slid from the alter. His cum wasn’t even falling out. Was she holding it in somehow?

He watched her ass as she walked away. This wasn’t enough. There was more to give. He wanted everything she had to give. She would still be wet for some time…

He ran to her and pushed her over on to the floor. She obediently bent at the waist and placed her hands on the sandstone floor.

“You beast!,” She whispered huskily.

“I commanded you to wait mortal!”

He forced himself inside her cum soaked pussy, his own seed squirting out around his cock and spilling on the floor. At the sound of the splatter she dug her fingers into the stone, the floor cracked and broke in her grasp. He hooked his hands into her hips and began taking her cum drunk pussy from behind.

“This one cannot be sated. Oh what have I done,” she moaned and pressed her ass back meeting his savaged thrusts.

He pulled out of her. She froze.

“You. Will. Not! Only my most loyal- OH, GODS SAVE ME!”

Amshun took his cum and pussy soaked cock and slathered it on her holy hole. He wanted it.

“Have I not given you enough? I am the only one who you can be truly imamate with and you would take me like this after I have bound us together? Will you never be sated mortal?”

Her breathing had gone ragged as he dipped into her pussy once more. She convulsed on him, her body shivering as she tore a large piece of stone from the floor and crushed it.

Then he withdrew with more lubrication and pressed into her ass. She resisted.

“ It wont be so easy, Amshun,” she said with a smile and looked over her shoulder at him. When there eyes met her smile vanished. “What have I done?”

He hooked his leg over her hip and used it to help pull him while pushing off with his other. The milk he had drank filling him with astounding strength.

“I cannot any more! He will have my ass!,” She cried and pushed against his thrust as he pressed his way into her ass.

“You depraved human, you will fuck my ass using my own cum,” she shivered again, ”delicious.”

His head finally pushed in and the rest soon followed. He gave her a moment to adjust and then began rutting her from behind again. Even with his enhanced strength he could not budge her. She held fast under his thrust, only her soft ass rippling under his assault. Her mouth open and drooling.

He felt his balls righted again but she slipped off his shaft and throated his cock. His balls flexing on her chin. He held her head in place and pumped more down her throat. Once again his strength fled and he collapsed but not before she caught him. Had she known he would fall and sucked him off to be ready to catch him? She held him I’m her arms and shifted him so her nipple met his lips. He took it in and began to suckle once again, drinking her power in.

“Now I have to feed you once again.”


Thank you for reading.



  1. Feedback is really appreciated! Please feel free to PM me about the story. Do you guys like the length of the sex scenes? Make them longer? Shorter?

  2. I love supernatural elements in erotica and I think your story was great. Seeing this man breed a demi-God was certainly exciting

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