I [M] got a new tenant [F]

This is really the continuation of things that happened in my life though now it is starting to get a bit more recent. You can click on my profile and find my tutoring adventures if you like. I had left teaching, moved, and found some new adventures in my new town. It is lengthy as I am somebody that likes a bit of build up, detail and more.

Teaching was fun. It has its rewards, but money was not one of them. I will admit that this extra side job of tutoring had some benefits, and I played with mom, Tammy, and a couple others. I would provide a service and they provided a service right back. I learned a lot. About sex, women, and my want and desire to fullfill my dominate desires

I had moved on from the town that I had been teaching in. A friend of mine worked in corporate America and had reached out to me. He was opening up a new office a few hours away and needed somebody he trusted, and a person that could crunch data. Somebody that could read people, and manage with an objective view and also make sure things were making money.

The new job sure was an upgrade in the pocket. The perks helped too. A nice company car, check, company phone, gym, and a few more perks. I sold the teacher car and enjoyed the new wheels. I left my townhome and got a real home in the suburbs close to my new job.

I had some fun with my space. I had to put the hot tub in, a new bar, game space, and some private area for me. I had enough space in the basement that I also made a small one bedroom apartment that for the longest time I just used for friends when they would come to visit.

I did have some adventures. Heck of a time with this cute Mormon girl. She had come home from her mission and wanted to experience life. Tammy from my previous story would come up for a while. But that is not what I want to talk about today. Instead, I want to talk about how I rented the apartment and what happened.

I had decided that it might be nice to rent the apartment in the basement. Maybe I would find somebody cool and we might get the opportunity to hang out. Plus, I was getting word that I might have to do a lot more travel for work so having somebody in the house would be a bonus. I put an add up on the college campus that was in town. I figured what the heck might as well target my audience junior or senior, or grad student, and female would not be a bad thing.

I put my first add up as the spring term was ending. I had a girl that moved in just for the summer which was a good thing as I ended up being gone more than I was home. I was comfortable with her as she really showed that she could take care of things. It was also nice that she had nice breasts and would tease me with them. I was trying to be good and keep the landlord tenant relationship, but I could never say no to her if she wanted to get in the hot tub when I was there. I will admit she was a moaner and loved to talk dirty. I know that because she would have her boyfriend over and she never seemed to hide the fact that they fucked like rabbits.

That fall another girl, Jennifer, moved in. She was a typical sorority kind of girl. She was in her last year. She was student teaching at a school just around the corner from the house so it was convenient for her. She loved the idea that I had been a teacher when we first met. She had a nice personality, and I just knew that she would be perfect to rent the apartment.

She moved in a week before the college students came back to college. She had to attend the new teacher orientation. I met her family. They were very typical, and kind. After they left I showed Courtney around some other areas of the house. The apartment was right next to my game room, and I told her that she was free to use the pool table, bike, and other things I had around the room. The room opened up to the hot tub which was private by design. I brought her upstairs and showed her my kitchen, tv room, and the other rather typical boring rooms. I let her know that at times I do like my privacy, but that if I had the door to the basement open that she was free to come on up, or that if she needed something she could just text and see if it was ok.

The first few weeks she would come up occasionally. Nothing crazy. I would leave the door open more often than I would close it. Then one day she comes up with a towel wrapped around her waist, and a t-shirt. She is telling me that the hot tub was not working. Honestly I was having a bit of a time trying to look her in the eye as she was explaining to me what had taken place. Since she had been wet the shirt had gotten wet and it was not doing much to hide her small breasts from my imagination.

I went down to check on the problem. She followed me like a little puppy following its owner. When I walked out to the hot tub her bikini top was laying on the side of the hot tub, explaining even better why her breasts were more on display than I would have guessed. I checked a couple things, and found the simple problem. She kept bending over as I moved about looking for the problem. It was as if she was one of the girls back in my teaching days that was trying to get an A. I told her not to stay too long or she might become a prune, and went back up the stairs.

I waited about ten minutes and sent her a text. “Hey, I am grilling steak and have an extra one, hungry?”

“I am so hungry, but I am just getting out of the hot tub, and am soaked”

“Did not stop you before, don’t worry about it- dinner in 7, get on up here”

A couple minutes later I heard her coming into the kitchen. I turned and smiled. She had a pair of shorts on, and the same t-shirt, but was now even wetter than last time. The material clung to her breasts. If it had been white there would have been nothing left to the imagination.

“Grab the salad and come on out on the deck”

We each made a plate and sat down. I had poured each of us some red wine to go with the dinner. We had a good conversation. She talked about her teaching, sorority, and just about what was going on. I asked her some questions about that, but what I was really doing was looking at her breasts. I could not take it any longer, and I just said, Jennifer, I am sure the guys at school have said this to you, but damn your breasts sure do look nice.” She quickly blushed.

“Do you think so? Honestly I get crap for my sisters about them being small, and the guys always seem to look at the other girls before me.”

“Then they don’t know what they are missing,” I exclaimed

We cleaned up the dishes, and she said she had some planning to take care of and headed downstairs. I had some emails, and had some amazing boring spreadsheets that needed to be looked at so I went to my office. I kind of felt that maybe I had just blown a chance. Fifteen minutes later I get a text from Julie. I pick it up, look at my screen and it is an image of her naked breasts as she is sitting on my recumbent exercise bike. Just under the image is her message,”what do you think now ;) “ Damn, what would any horny male think if they were looking at a pair of naked breasts on their phone? My cock was getting hard, but the bigger question was how do I respond?

“Even more perfect than b4! :)” That was my response. I put the phone back down and tried to not think about her perky B cup breasts that had been exposed in my basement, but just as I was looking back at my monitor the phone buzzed again. I picked up the phone and there was an image of her with her naked breasts on display again. I sent a huge smiling emoji back to her. I think she was enjoying her game.I tried to return to my work when the phone buzzed again. I picked it up and looked, she had taken a pick of her bikini top that was hanging off the top of the space invaders game–yes, I am old school and have an old school video game. I figured I would have a little fun and sent her back an image of a paddle. Not really sure what her response might be I tried to distract myself by turning back to my work. Just like last time the phone buzzed, and I picked it up. It simply read, “yes, please.”

Well what am I to do with that, but to call her bluff. I sent her back a text and told her I would be right down, and that she best be standing in front of the pool table. I pushed back from my desk, walked over to my closet, and picked out a paddle. I picked out a nice wooden paddle. It looked very much like the ones you might find in a college greek store. I headed for the basement with my paddle in hand.

I turned the corner and she was in front of the pool table, but was leaning a bit on it. “I said standing, not leaning, now stand up nice and straight.” I saw her tense up.

“I thought you were teasing about the paddle,” she said.

“There might be some things I joke about, but this is not one. Now you said yes when I showed you the picture so I think it is only right that you get what you agreed to.”

She nodded, and said that I was right, that she had said yes, and that she would take the paddle. I had her turn around, place her hands on the pool table, and proceed to slowly deliver five deliberate smacks to her butt. When I was done I had her stand back up, turned her around, and swept the little tears from her face. She thanked me, and hugged me. I hugged her back and gave her a few moments to relax.

I brought her over to the oversized bean bag chairs and sat down with her. I opened up the conversation by apologizing if I had just gone too far. She assured me that I had not. In fact that she thought in reality I had been extremely respectful. She knew that she had teased, and that she had said yes. What she expressed next was that she was just shocked at how much she really enjoyed the pain, and being told what to do, and that she at that moment enjoyed just enjoyed not being in control.

She was feeding into my energy. I asked her if she had ever heard of kink, or bdsm, and she commented about how her and some of the sorority had watched 50 shades, read some stories, and had some fun with the younger girls, but it had all been fun. Oh, 50 Shades, how untrue you can be!

Jennifer went on to say that what she had just felt was not the same as playing at the sorority. She really did not find the words at that moment, but she said it was different. I did not say much, but assured her that it was a good feeling, and that if she wanted another spanking another day that I would be happy to spank her.

Two days later I got home from work. I was up in my room changing out of the required corporate uniform when I got a text. It was Jennifer, and she simply said, “Please spank me.” I responded back by asking when. And in no time she was texting back letting me know was available whenever I wanted. Sometimes it is nice to let there be a delay. I went about my evening routine, made a quick smoothie, made sure she would be able to hear me moving about on the first floor, Made some business calls with the door to the basement open just so she could hear my voice.

About an hour and half later, I sent her a text, “be ready in 10” with a devil emoji. Ten minutes later I am walking down with my wooden paddle in hand and this time she was standing in front of the pool table, not leaning. I stood in front of her, but back about five feet. I told her to take three steps towards me and she did. I took a moment and walked around her. Looking at this college coed with a possessive mind. I stopped when I was in front of her again. I commanded her to take off her shirt, and she did. She did not have on a bra. I looked at her, knowing that today was a day that she was on the college campus, and said, “did you go to school like that.” She shook her head yes. “You should know that is not right, and yes, now you do need a spanking. But you are not yet ready for your spanking. Take off your pants,” I ordered, and she did. She was wearing a pretty pair of boy shorts that really looked nice on her. I walked behind her, rubbed her butt, and pulled her panties down. I moved in close to her ear, and said, “now you are ready.”

I positioned her once again on the pool table. She bent over exposing her now naked butt. I gave her a soft but firm first smack with the paddle. I took the paddle and moved it up between her legs opening her up, and let her lips feel the strength of the wood. I withdrew from between her legs and delivered another blow. Her butt was starting to turn a nice shade of red. A third, fourth, and finally a fifth one. I let her rest for a moment, collect herself, and then had her stand up. She whimpered a thank you. I looked at her, and told her that she was welcome.

I stepped in and embraced her. She fell onto my shoulder, and started to just cry. I let her cry. After a few minutes she calmed down. She thanked me again, and explained that she really needed that spanking tonight. That it helped clear her mind. Again I smiled, and just told her that I was more than happy to spank her again, and that if she needed she could just text me.

Needless to say there is more, but I don’t want to write a novel all in sitting, so I am going to leave it right here. But if you think I should tell you more about the experiences with Jennifer just let me know.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ivgaym/i_m_got_a_new_tenant_f


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