Sexy times with a pen ahead

First off, very much appreciate the click. I shall reward you with this filthy little joke: *why is sex the same as riding a bike? My step-dad was gripping my shoulders the first time I did them.*

So a little about me. I am hopelessly single but not through lack of trying: one or two experiences have left me heartbroken and perhaps generally broken to begin with…. so i am hibernating in more ways than one, and looking to indulge myself in my primal loves.

The premiere of these deep passions is EROTICA. Why erotica you ask a girl so young? Well, to be perfectly honest, my first ever encounter with the deviant was not curiously checking online for pornography, but rather finding an adult channel on T.V. my parents had neglected to block…. and there I found my first love: softcore. Erotic films that were heavy-handed in both PLOT as well as sensuality that porn to this day could never capture. I loved getting to know the characters before their clothes came off, whether they be jaded police officers, free-thinking strippers or bored housewives; sometimes you had to wait an entire hour before you saw them bare and nude but dammit was it worth it, and I loved the genre.

Years went by and I exhausted practically every adult film there was, and soon the Emanuelle’s, the Gabriella Hall’s, the Nicole Sheridan’s & and the Erika Jordan’s fell away… but my desire for them did not. I wanted to re-create that genre in the only way I knew how: the written word.

I was always a talented writer, that much praise was true from my family, and I would use that gift to write in secret erotic tales that were based in the real world, like the softcore flicks I loved so much…. something the “pizza guys” and “black guy orgies” that porn couldn’t capture even if they did it by mistake. Environments that were richly detailed in meaty paragraphs detailing memorable set pieces, characters whose every flimsy button could be imagined on their blouse, and every action captured in the most eloquent and beautiful wording…. But of course, the experience is never really as good writing it yourself…

So here I am now, seeking a talented pen to help take my coveted ideas and run wild with them, bring them to brilliant life in ways I never could or want to be surprised by, in exchange for my gratitude and possibly more… in exchange for these stories. (*If you’ve read this far, chances are you are fairly adept at the written art, anyway.)*

So please, make my day, make this lonely little girl’s life by telling me you ARE that writer of my dreams, more detail the better, and that you will breathe life into this world of erotica that I so desperately wish to visit again.

Say you will.
