My first time swinger experience as a “unicorn” with a couple – a success story! [Group]

I made a post on r/swingers in the recent past from a throwaway about being interested in trying out the lifestyle, but not really knowing where I should begin, or what I should even watch out for. I received a lot of great advice! People were very helpful.

I began with making an R4R post on reddit. I was clear about my inexperience, what I was looking for, what my likes and dislikes were – and I eventually started chatting with this very pleasant, courteous, and fun couple. After verifying each other’s identity, we eventually made plans to meet up at a local cafĂ© on Friday.

I was quite anxious, admittedly, since it was my first time of doing anything like this. What if they were rude and forceful in real life? What if they didn’t look anything like they did in their pictures? What if they had some sort of ulterior motive? These were the thoughts circling around in my mind, but thankfully, I had no reason to worry. James and Sarah (not their real names, of course) were just like they said they were, and just like I expected them to be. Our first date was mostly spent with getting to know each other a little better, and with them talking about their experiences and answering my questions. I appreciated that they didn’t only talk about their amazing experiences, but about the ones too that didn’t go so well, too – they were refreshingly honest. I kissed both of them goodbye, and we made plans to meet up again next week.

In the meanwhile, Sarah invited me into the private group of the place they were regulars at – although I was of course too timid to participate in any way, it was interesting for me to see what it was like.

We met up next week, then the week after that. Our third date ended at their place – it was amazing. Both of them were very attentive, skilled, and very generously giving – they spent almost the entire night concentrating on me and spoiling me rotten. I spent the weekend of the week after that at their place. While I was there, we made plans to go to the event that was planned for the week after that – that is to say, last Saturday.

Saturday night came quite quickly. I couldn’t help being anxious again, but Sarah and James reassured me that if I ever felt uncomfortable or had any questions, I should feel free to turn to them whenever, which reassured me a little.

Since they brought me along, we got in for free, which was nice. My first impression of the place was that it was barely distinguishable from your average establishment on a weekend – people were mostly sitting at their tables, clothed, and talking, some were dancing, while soft music played in the background and the dimmed lights slowly but surely switched from various shades of red to various shades of purple and back. We settled down in one of the calmer corners of the club, and James bought us drinks – though neither Sarah nor I got anything strong since both of us had really low tolerances for alcohol. As I drank in the atmosphere, I got this feeling of being in a dream, of things being so familiar, yet the sum of things not adding up exactly to what they should – if not for the vague, muffled sounds coming from upstairs, and towels, bottles of lube, and condoms of all sorts and sizes being available at the bar, I never would’ve guessed the real purpose of the club.

After a while, the music in the background changed, it went from what sounded like Massive Attack to me to some fast, aggressive, latin-sounding, electro-ish song – Sarah asked if I wanted to join her and James on the dance floor. I couldn’t refuse.

Though I don’t remember the exact chain of events, I remember most of my anxiety practically melting away at this point – we had a great time. After about a couple minutes we were approached by this very attractive, friendly couple – I’ll call them Sean and Jennifer from now on. They asked if we wanted to dance, and we said yes. James took Jennifer, and Sean took me and Sarah. Sean had just as much fire in him as James did, and when he grinded on me from behind during the climax of our dance, it became clear to me that he was packing some serious heat between his legs. After the music soon slowed down again, we invited them back to our table, where we chatted, flirted, and explained our situation – Sean cracked a joke about James being a very lucky guy, and Jennifer told us that a couple “introducing” a unicorn is completely normal and happens quite regularly when inexperienced unicorns want to dip their toes in the lifestyle.

We soon decided to go upstairs and hop in one of the hot tubs available there. I was pretty excited – both about our possible encounter with Sean and Jennifer if things went well, and also about seeing a swinger club “in the bare”, if you allow me the bad joke. The sounds I heard from downstairs were much clearer and louder, obviously, and I saw plenty of people in various states of undress coming and going, kissing each other, going into and leaving rooms, and for a moment, I even saw a woman being sandwiched between two men in one of the open playrooms. The air was absolutely crackling with sex.

We got undressed – it was so weird to be nude in the company of so many people! – and hopped into one of the hot tubs that were available in what I assumed to be a “foreplay” room. I could barely decide where to look, or whether to look at all – Sarah and Jennifer teased me a little about being so shy when it came to checking them and their men out.

Tensions were ramping up. After some flirting and foreplay, both verbal and physical, we decided it was time. We took a shower, then chose one of the more private rooms – some of the rooms had see-through doors, for exhibitionists, I assumed.

I’m not going to give an act-by-act report of what happened – not that I could remember even if I wanted to, frankly – but what I can honestly say that it was some of the best sex I ever had. Really, it was fun and satisfying from beginning to end. We hung out a little upstairs, then took a shower and got dressed. We chatted a little again downstairs, then after James and Sarah checked in with me again (they did so almost every time we took things to the next level, I was very appreciative of that), we left satisfied and without regrets – I don’t know when I’ll go again, but I can honestly say that I absolutely didn’t regret my choice to experiment.
