Star Wars : Rise of a Dark Lord – Chapter 12 – Sith, MFF, Domination, Hardcore, Servant and Master, Master and Apprentice, Big Dick, Submissive, SWTOR

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When Xau and his newest slave returned to the Draedus the dark lord couldn’t help but grin at the developments. Lady Erito was basically going crazy from having to hold off being able to cum. As they had returned back to the ship he had watched her legs squirm and rub together when they had waited for the secret lift to power up and take them back up to the surface.

When Xau felt that the acts was only going to lead to his newest acquisition getting what she wanted he had only to rest his gaze on her to get her to stop. Since then she had put on a brave face but he could see the occasional tremble on her lips as the lift became fully powered and started to take them back up towards the surface When they both returned to the ship Thamar was waiting for them. The Mandalorian was set up close to the start of the ramp. Xau’s perceptive dark eyes caught sight of an immediate chuckle from the Mandalorian when her gaze looked over Erito.

“I knew I should have come after her. Looks like I missed out on some fun.” Thamar stated dryly. Erito glanced back at the armored warrior; disdain wrinkled her features ever so slightly under her mask of cum.

“You were too busy working on your fun drills to notice anything metalhead.” Erito replied back sharply. Xau’s brows rose in amusement; he hadn’t anticipated the Sith agent putting up much resistance to anything the Mandalorian might say after the experience that Xau had put her through. Thamar’s lips curled into a small smile as the two stepped up and onto the landing ramp. The Sith Lord caught the hint of a warrior’s anger in her eyes and he moved forward to place himself in between both girls. His hands extended out and rest on Thamar’s breastplate and Erito’s large full breasts.

“I’m sure each of us have interesting practices to help maintain ourselves. It would be wise not to judge. So long as you’re on my ship you will play nice.” Xau growled and looked back and forth between both of them. “Clear?” Xau asked the two of them as his eyes narrowed slightly. Thamar was the first to cool down. With a slight chuckle the Mandalorian warrior backed off a bit so that the Sith’s hand fell away from her breastplate.

“Just don’t expect me to be bowing anytime soon Xau. This is cooperation, not servitude.” The former Hutt enforcer said before she turned on her armored boot heels and headed down the main corridor of the Draedus.

“Set course for Sorafin Two. Smart girl like you should be able to get us moving. I’ll be along shortly.” Xau said and was glad to see the Mandalorian nod before she continued.

Once Xau saw that they were alone his gaze fixed itself on Erito. The girl looked nearly timid to him now that he had brought all his focus on the purple haired Sith agent. He could almost feel the chill coming from her naked body but he didn’t move the hand on her breast to warm her, keeping his newest slave naked had been a choice based on further breaking down her general ideas of her identity. She belonged to him now and he wasn’t to be sure she knew the fact absolutely. There could be no half measures with a potentially dangerous entity like Erito. Xau knew that he had to keep her secure under his will or risk gave consequences.

Still she had carried herself well and had not given in even during the distraction with Thamar. Perhaps a reward was in order. “Would you like to cum slave?” Xau asked the naked Sith agent. Her eyes immediately brightened at his words and she nodded quickly. Xau’s gaze remained on the purple haired girl before he grabbed her throat and forcibly shoved her against the bulkhead behind her. Erito squeaked and her eyes grew wider as Xau pressed his body against the envoy’s smaller form. Her lips quivered as her dark eyes looked up into his dark blue eyes.

“Yes… please Master. I need to cum… now! Please…” Erito pleaded as her entire body quaked before Xau’s mind went into action. His belt opened up with the assistance of the force and soon enough his thick long cock popped out and was immediately nudging up against his newest slaves still moist pussy. He immediately heard her gasp out when she felt the sudden veiny presence rubbing up against her sensitive labia. Xau’s eyes gleamed with dark purpose before he grabbed a hold of the head of his member and started to nudge it inside of her bottom opening.

“Niaggghh…. Master… you’re so big… I don’t think… don’t think it will fit…” Erito moaned out as her hands moved down and scratched against the bulkhead behind her before the first few inches of the bulbous head passed her barrier.

“Mwaraaggh!” Erito moaned out before she suddenly moved her lips forward and secured them onto Xau’s. The Dark Lord was a bit surprised, but he didn’t pull back. Instead he pushed forward; vigorously attacking his slave’s lips while slowly rolling his hips forward to send more of his length inside of her. He could feel every inch of her pale almost luminous skin spasming under his muscular body. Her pussy felt even more tender then the first time he had sampled it. There was something dark and sweet in this new coupling and the Sith Lord’s hunger pulsed through the Force as he drank in the pleasurable energy coming from her body.

Xau immediately started to thrust harder into Erito’s welcoming body. His thrusts sent her warm curvy ass right up against the cold steel behind her and he could tell each moment seemed to be a union between warm and cold as his long thick cock pushed inside of her again. The dark lord’s hips pulled back and his cock nearly pulled out his slave’s pussy before he drove back in again. His hips slapped against Erito’s and she suddenly moaned out as her hands flew from the bulkhead behind her and latched onto Xau’s muscular shoulders. His pace never let up and within five more thrusts he could almost feel Erito’s mind explode from the impactful pleasure he was raining down upon her.

Her release fed his carnal lust like an ocean wave crashing upon the beach. Her pussy tightened around Xau forcing a tiny hiss of air through gritted teeth. Erito’s nails dug deeper into the flesh of his hard shoulders before she bit down on his exposed neck. Through all of this her pussy choked at his cock, begging for his cum as the explosion of energy ran through her body. Her toes shivered and her large breasts heaved with labored breathing when she finally started to come down. Suddenly Xau heard footsteps behind the pair and he thought he might have to deal with Thamar again.

“Master Xau. It’s so good to see you teaching Erito more! I hope you don’t mind if I join you two.” Kelsa said happily as she suddenly appeared on the Dark Lord’s side. Her hands reached up and stroked Xau’s shoulder before she kissed his cheek in a very cute fashion. The Sith Lord grinned and then gently pulled back his cock from Erito, removing the large thick pleasure focus from her needy cunt. She resisted his action but with a simple force push he nudged her back against the wall as he focused on Kelsa and pulled her in quickly for a warm welcoming kiss. His apprentice melted a little in his arms as he held her close. Xau had to slowly come back to his senses and he gently let go of Kelsa. The dark lord had to recall that while his relationship with Erito was one of the more base setups with his subjects he was supposed to be doing nearly the same with Kelsa.

Slowly he pressed his hand against Kelsa’s chest which for the moment was covered by a simple bathrobe at the moment. His lips curled into a sharp smile before he nudged her back against the wall so that she stood right next to Erito. “You are correct. I don’t mind you joining but Erito has been slow in understanding all of my lessons. She’s not quite as good a student as you are Kelsa” Erito’s dark eyes lowered for a moment, shame resonating on her features even through her still slightly shimmering features. It’s good to have them playing against each other sometimes. Xau thought as he looked at both of the girls.

“Kelsa please show Erito some appreciation for joining our class.” Xau said smugly and Kelsa smiled and quickly leaned forward to kiss the purple haired girl’s neck. At first the imperial envoy seemed shy but just like the first time they had all slept in the same bed she soon warmed up to the blonde’s advances. Xau’s smile grew as his cock throbbed again. The same way that Erito’s features glistened so too did Xau’s cock shine from Erito’s juices that lingered. As Kelsa lips continued rubbing up and down Erito’s neck and lips his apprentice’s hand reached up and squeezed the envoy’s healthy right breast. The purple haired girl’s pussy moistened with each passing moment as she reached out to return the treatment Xau’s apprentice was giving her.

The Sith Lord inched closer and then grabbed a hold of his cock and started to push inside of his apprentice’s tight pink pussy. The looks of jealousy that spilled over Erito’s features was worth its weight in Alderaanian fire crystals as she watched the same cock; that had unlocked her explosive pleasure just moments before, pushing inside another girl. The look in her eyes was unmistakable but it only fueled Xau on as he treated his apprentice to a new round of ‘training’. The pleasure was incalculable. Ever since Xau had started expanding Kelsa’s training in the arts of pleasure their bonds had grown stronger than Xau could ever imagine. Each act of pleasure was felt at an increased magnitude giving Xau both power and a mountain of satisfaction each time their flesh joined together. The fact that it made Erito squirm made the act that much more gratifying.

Xau preceded to continue pounding into his apprentice’s tight little cunt. He rolled his hips back again almost pulling the tip of his mammoth nearly out of horny body. Through the force and just plain feel alone he felt Kelsa’s body hungering and pulling at every inch of his 12-inch member. When he finally shifted, he drilled into Kelsa’s sweet canal again she immediately gave a hard gasp of pleasure and leaned her body away from Erito and trying to kiss Xau. The Sith Lord entertained the notion for a moment before pulling back and finally pulling his cock out of Kelsa and then angled it to the right. Erito’s eyes glimmered with lust and she inched her pelvis forward, presenting her naked body for her master.

“Please… please Xau. I want you to teach me like you teach Kelsa… Please…” Erito begged and Xau found there was both weakness and need in her voice. Decided that while she had begged for his cock, she hadn’t done it well enough Xau simply brought the tip of his large cock against Erito’s moist entrance. The fleshy head of his saber moved over her light pink folds before it angled up and flicked off her clit before starting to rub through the short cut purple strands of her well-kept pubic mound. The move made the Sith envoy’s knees nearly bend and she had to hold onto Kelsa’s large plump breasts for support. Xau continued to tease and rub his newest slave near enough to the breaking point.

He watched with amusement as Erito’s hands clung and squeezed Kelsa’s large Double D breasts and he finally gave in to his own primal urges and pushed his cock inside of her. With one thrust he nearly brought the purple haired girl to orgasm and he didn’t stop there. His hips rolled back before moving back. His hips drove forward till his balls slapped against the lower curve of Erito’s dripping cunt. A shockwave of pleasure billowed forth from the point of their connection and Xau snuck in a quick breath as he pulled back and then raced forward again.

“Naurrgghh… Yes…. Right there… Master! So…So hot and hard…” Erito gasped out as her hands played with Kelsa’s nipples. The blonde girl smiled at every little thing Erito did to her and her head leaned back as her mouth opened up in a nice gentle moan while Erito continued to pull and rub the blonde’s nipples while her pussy was filled and stretched by Xau’s magnificent cock. Xau could feel every vibrant tingle of pleasure spilling out of Erito as he fucked her like a spunky young coed at some academy dorm. Her right hand squeezed the lovely large breasts of Kelsa again before moving her left hand down between her legs. As Xau continued hammering away at her wanton her fingers played over her needy and sensitive clit causing her warm juices to spill down along her inner thighs.

Kelsa howled again while her hands squeezed together her pretty mammaries before Xau pulled his cock out of the envoy’s pussy and turned to give his apprentice some forceful attention. Erito howled like a rancor when the wonderful cock was once again stolen from her needy cunt only to be drive right into Kelsa’s pussy. He drove his blonde apprentice against the wall and thrust harder and harder as he started to feel his own release impending. Erito moaned and knelt down on her shaky knees while continuing to have one hand rubbing against her pussy while the other rested against Kelsa’s legs. Each time that Xau pulled back with his hips Erito leaned in and would lick and rub her tongue over the exposed length of Xau’s manhood before she pulled back to allow Xau to drive back once more.

The Dark Lord of the Sith had to give the envoy credit for the extra effort. Having her silky strong tongue rubbing up against his hard-throbbing cock before it disappeared inside of Kelsa was invigorating. It drove him towards his limit even faster than just thrusting into his apprentice’s pussy alone. Kelsa’s hands reached up around his neck and pulled Xau closer to her lips but the Dark Lord held back and simply nudged her back against the wall with the Force before he grabbed onto both of the blonde’s legs and hoisted her up, locking her body to him.

Kelsa’s mouth opened with sublime delight filling her moans as she leaned her head in and kissed her Master’s neck and cheek as he continued to split her pussy wide open with his cock. She hissed and howled as her breasts heaved and she squeaked when suddenly she felt the dashing and lapping tongue of Erito sneaking up from below to tickle the point of insertion. In and out where Xau’s cock slid from its sleeve the ambassador’s tongue nuzzled and rubbed the tender hot meeting point. Xau himself smiled at the feeling as the combined juices from both him and Kelsa trickled down to feed his slave’s hungry mouth in between the slick wet licks of her skilled tongue.

Then suddenly Xau slammed his apprentice back against the wall one last time. Her ass cheeks jiggled, and her breasts bounced heavily up and down against Xau’s hard muscular chest as she cried out. With a rush from the explosive pleasure firing across his body Xau growled out before clamping his lips down onto Kelsa’s as he claimed her body yet again with his cum. Into her pussy a thick wall of his seed spilled forth as Master fucked apprentice to fruition. His seed saturated her walls and every inner space and Erito was just lucky enough to taste a few drops here to wet her own appetite. Finally, when Xau stopped thrusting he pulled Kelsa off his hard-throbbing cock and unceremoniously dropped Kelsa down nearby Erito.

“Yammphh!” Kelsa yelped as she looked up at her master and smiled when she found he hadn’t completely blown all his load. Both her and Erito were suddenly covered with a full thick splash of cum over both their faces. Even though Erito had already been treated to a similar treatment she eagerly welcomed the splurge of Xau’s thick seed even as it covered Kelsa’s young features as well. When Xau stopped Erito gave a playful little laugh as Kelsa grabbed a hold of her and gave her a nice warm kiss of sisterly love as the blonde’s arms circled around her wet cum covered bare body. The bout of pleasure winding down, both girls slowly broke the connection of their lips. Erito smiled warmly before giving Kelsa one last nipple pinch which made the blonde chuckle once again before she hugged onto Erito’s form pressing both marvelous sets of breasts together as Xau looked on with a bit of pride on his face.

“Both of you seem to be learning quite well. If only Thamar was so welcoming.” Xau said almost with a bit of a sigh before he pulled on his pants and plucked up his jacket. “Now both of you get cleaned up. We’ll have lots to do once we get to Sorafin Two.” Xau said before he rose up and left the two girls; covered in cum as they were. The dark lord took a quick stop in the refresher to change into a new set of robes before he moved towards the cockpit. As he settled into his comfortable chair once more Xau smiled hearing the familiar hydraulic hissing as his hands moved over to the controls.

Thamar had done a fine job of getting them on the way but he made a few minor adjustments for their reentry. After that he double checked the navicomputer Everything else seemed fine.

“Having fun with your students Xau?” Thamar said from behind him. The Sith Lord didn’t turn quickly knowing she’d think she got the drop on him.

“Discipline was the intent and I can’t help if it ends up being a bit fun. You should join us next time.” Xau replied to her as he looked upon the Mandalorian’s armored frame. She still wasn’t wearing her helmet and it gave him the chance to enjoy one slice of her beauty even when she gave him a small scowl.

“I’m not here to be just another ignorant cock sleeve Xau. I’ve seen how you treat Kelsa and now Erito but that doesn’t mean I’ll call you Master or Daddy.” The bounty hunter replied back curtly as she folded her armored gauntlets across her chest. Xau almost laughed at her indignation and gave a small nod of his head.

“Hadn’t even thought of that.” Xau lied before he returned his attention to the console.

“Good.” The bounty hunter said before getting up and moving over into the copilot’s seat and settling in besides Xau. “So, what are we doing on Sorafin.”

“Artifact recovery my dear Thamar. Nothing a sharp Jedi like me and a bounty hunter like you can’t deal with.” Xau said before he gave the Mandalorian one last smile before he took direct control of the ship and lifted up the Dreadus on her powerful afterburners. Following that the crew of Darth Violator lifted up from Hypori and headed out to the stars to continue their journey.

Next Chapter –


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