[MS] [MFS] The day i got married [Fantasy] [Humil] [Mdom] [Sissy] [Fiction]

** was unsure if sissy had tags already established so made my own, if tags need to be corrected please let me know and i’ll adjust them accordingly. for now [MS] – Male and Sissy, [MFS] – Male, Female and Sissy **

**the inspiration for this story is my Mistress and based on one of her daily tasks i had to pen down my fantasy so here is what came out from that**

It’s the day every girl has dreamed about or well at least thought of once. Well today is my day. I’m finally getting married to the man I’ve never thought I would end up with. From the moment I laid my eyes on him till date he never leaves me without butterflies in my tummy. But one thing that I’m most afraid of is that my man doesn’t know the real me.

I am a sissy! My Mistress had told me not to lose my virginity to my beloved till I’m married, all good girls wait, she said.

I am afraid, what if my man doesn’t want me because I have a penis? I hate being with my guy all this time and essentially lying to him about not even being a real girl. But this is what my Mistress has asked of me and I must obey. I trust she has a good reason to do so though I wonder why?

So there we are standing at the altar ready to exchange our vows, I keep looking at my Mistress and she sees how happy I am. I am happy not just that i’m getting married but also my Mistress agreed to be my Maid Of Honor. She also giggled when I finally got the chance to order her around as she was helping me get ready for this wonderful day. So the celebrant does his thing. He gets to the part does any one object to this wedding?

‘ *I do*’

Said a voice from behind me. I froze and I recognised that voice. I am already crying by now, i’m thinking to myself, i’m yelling inside why Mistress? I can’t say it out loud. She forbade me from calling her Mistress in front of anyone. Mistress who has now positioned herself behind me as i’m standing here facing my beloved in a constant stream of tears, says

“*I cannot allow this marriage to continue, Aly is not a real girl she’s a…*”

My gown is ripped apart, my dignity now discarded, lying on the floor alongside what used to be my wedding dress. Mistress then yanks my panties to the side exposing my clit to everyone.

“ *Aly is a man dressed up and pretending to be a girl!* “

“ *And look this sicko is rock hard he is actually getting off on all this* “

“I’m not a sicko” I said…I tried to say….No words were coming out of me at this point. I’m just here crying from my eyes and my clit. Mistress whispered in my ear

“*Aly i know you were waiting for this day for a very long time i’m so happy for you when your husband is going ravage your pussy later on tonight*”

With her other hand she lightly traced the hole of my ass through my panties, its gaping like its ready to suck anything that remotely comes near it. I have no idea what’s going on at this point and I don’t care anymore. I just want to disappear from here and never come back. Oh and speaking of coming….

“OMG!! Did he just cum?” said one from the crowd……

“THIS PERVERT NEEDS TO DIE!“ said another….

I didn’t cum, what is everyone talking about?. Mistress then whispers in my ear

“*Yes you did sissy*”

I was so overwhelmed with everything that was happening i didn’t realise that Mistress had been stroking me all this time very slowly, to the everyone else it just seemed like she was holding my clit and because she applied the right amount of pressure to my clit it just dribbled cum all over her hand…the floor…my heels…I loved those heels :(

My knees turned to jelly from the humiliation or from just cumming I do not know. I’m sitting on the ground hoping it would open up and swallow me whole. Well something did swallow me, I ended up passing out and the next thing i know when i wake up i’m sitting in a chair in a dark empty room, it looks like an interrogation room where people get tortured. I see the man whom i would have called my husband but that train has passed now. He’s just sitting across me with a look in his eye like he is going to enjoy strangling the very life out of me. Might as well get on with it then i thought. I tried to speak but he glared at me and said

“*Not a word out of you*”

“*You are only going to listen and do as your told!*”

“*Everyone has wasted enough of their time on you today Aly, now they are all waiting outside i have told them to come in one by one and you are going to apologise to each person*”

Fair enough, I thought, but why am I being chained to the table now and bent over naked?

First person to enter the room was my man’s father. I never really liked him. He is a babbling drunkard and has no class like my man has and exerts with such grace and authority. To meet his gaze I had to hold my head up since I was tied down to the table so I started to apologise. Before i could even register what was happening he had his cock shoved deep into my mouth just short of hitting my throat he continued to face fuck me till he spurted his seed into my mouth. He pulled out his disgusting cock and wiped it clean on my cheeks. Zipped his pants and left.

The next person to enter the room was his wife, now she’s prim and proper like my Mistress. She muttered something took off her shoe while standing behind me and violated my pussy with it all the time caressing my clit i came so hard

“*I knew you were a slut i just didn’t realise what kind of a slut you were honey*”

she said as she brought her cum glazed hand to my lips

“Now clean this up and get ready to apologise to the next person”

By the time I was done apologising to the 200 something crowd, my Mistress comes in and lets me loose. I don’t know if i cried more than i came that day i don’t even know if all that cum was mine or someone else’s. I’m crying even more now into her bosom. She just hugs me holding me in her embrace and the downpour of my tears increases even more. Mistress then cleans me up and says

“*Come Aly we have to finish getting you married* “

I’m too confused and spent at this point to even question anything. Mistress had left the room already. Wait a minute, I thought, ‘**Why is Mistress in a wedding gown**?’

Anyways i left the room and found myself back in the church


It’s different now, there up at the altar is My Mistress and next to her is the man I was supposed to marry. They are both looking at me with the widest grins on their faces. The celebrant was muttering something and all i heard was

“ *….I now pronounce you Husband….Wife….and Sissy…..*”

Mistress comes to me, her scent is intoxicating i’m still in a haze about what’s going on but i’m smiling now

“*Lift your dress please*” she said. I obeyed. Mistress is down now facing my crotch

“*Silly girl, you’re always leaking down here*”

she said as she put a new cage on my clit. Turned to the man…

”*Honey can you give me a hand here?*”

He comes over and goes down on one knee next to my Mistress and locks the cage with the key still in it.

“***Now I’m the most popular girl in the room, I have both my Mistress and my Man with me***”

I said. He stood up pulled me to him by yanking my caged clit and whispered in my ear

“***I think you meant to say Master***”

as he snaps the key within the lock and hands me the broken key

Fin <3

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/itri1p/ms_mfs_the_day_i_got_married_fantasy_humil_mdom