What’s a little bondage between friends? Or how my pizza got me laid [MF]

Grace’s eyes got as large as saucers when I showed her the lighter. At this point, there wasn’t anything she could do about it since she was restrained with her hands in cuffs over her head and secured to the door jam. The ball gag was secure in her mouth, allowing her to breath, but any vocalizations were more grunts and moans than coherent words. She had two choices: flash me the ALL STOP hand sign that we had agreed upon, or trust me.

I should probably give you a little background behind Grace and I so that you understand what led us to this point.

I met Grace online at the end of January (2020). At this point, Covid-19 was just something on the news that China was trying to control. Initially our relationship was based on sex, we were both looking for something fun and exploratory. She’s 28 years my junior, but it rarely felt that way between us. We just worked.

Usually the women I date fall into the 35-45, MILF, short, curvy, hips, big boobs categories. Not Grace, besides her age, she’s not my usual type. She’s tall, willowy, small boobs, long arms and coltish legs. She’s got long brunette hair that she usually wears falling straight down or tied behind her head in a ponytail. Grace has a pleasant smile that will melt the heart of any man that’s fortunate enough to have it shine in their direction.

We dated for a few months, had some great adventures ([MFF](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iadyz4/adventures_with_grace_our_first_mff_long/), [MFM](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ic4d54/adventures_with_grace_the_day_she_got_two_cocks/)), fell in love, and couldn’t get enough of each other. All in all, it was a magical Spring with Grace.

Unfortunately there were some core issues at the foundation of our relationship that Grace couldn’t overcome, no matter how hard I tried to convince her otherwise. The last time we had sex was at the end of April, a week or two later she ended us. I’m not going to lie, May & June were rough months for me. We kept in touch, still keeping up the daily texting habit we had developed.

In July a few things had changed between us, and we went out on a casual date. It was nice, and felt like a first date. Two days later Grace was heading home to see her family for a few weeks since she could work remotely from anywhere

The original three week duration of her trip turned into six. At first it looked like we were on track to reconcile, and possibly explore dating but that was derailed. Our relationship seemed to be stuck in the friend zone. I can’t lie and say I wasn’t disappointed. She came home a little early last week since it worked with her schedule. I couldn’t wait to see her, even if it was just as friends.

She had been wanting to try my pizza for a few months, ever since I started texting her pics of my culinary triumphs in an effort to impress her. So I offered a pizza night, knowing it would be hard for her to pass up. I know, I’m a sneaky sonofabitch like that. She’s got her feminine charms, I’ve got pizza. Each to their own.

Pizza night was last night. I can’t describe how excited I was to see her, it was like I was a little kid again with the excitement of Christmas and Easter compressed into one night! Just kidding.. I wasn’t THAT excited to see her, but I had been looking forward to it since we set the date. She knocked on the apartment door a few minutes early, and I yelled that the door was open.

Grace walked through the door wearing jean shorts and a floral print blouse. She kicked off her sandals and took the glass of wine I was holding out for her. She put her arms around me, stepping closer for a hug. Her hair smelled like cherries just as I remembered. I wanted to reach up, turn her head, and tell her how much I missed her through my kiss. Instead I just squeezed her tight and told her how great it was to see her.

“That smells amazing! What did you decide on?”

“You’re getting to try my crab pizza tonight, I’ve tweaked the recipe a little since the first time I made it. I’m also making a sausage & peppers pizza… just in case. You can NEVER have too much pizza. At the least you can take it home for tomorrow.”

“Aww… that’d be awesome! Thanks!”

She sat at the kitchen island, sipping her wine and telling me about the drive home. We laughed, we talked, we flirted, always skirting around issues of dating & sex. After a few slices of pizza, she shifted the conversation.

“Sooooo….. Remember when you suggested we try being friends with benefits?”

Luckily she said that when I was in between bites otherwise I might’ve started choking out of surprise. “Ya, I seem to recall something along those lines”

“Well….. I haven’t had sex since our last time, and I’m getting tired of masturbating. Do you want to discuss it?”

“Discuss what? You’re masturbation habit?” I replied, never one to pass up a good wisecrack.

“Haha funny guy! Seriously though, do you think we could leave the emotions out of it if we tried that?”

“Well…. To be honest… “ I paused to collect my thoughts, taking another sip of wine. “Probably not. At least not totally.”

She just looked at me, not sure where I was going with that and not getting the answer that she wanted to hear.

“I think part of what made us so good together was the emotions. Neither of us can fake those. BUT I think we can control it better than last time, than last Spring.”

We talked about it for a while longer. She seemed genuinely torn, on the one hand she wasn’t convinced that the objections she had previously held had really been cleared. On the other hand she was horny as shit. That seemed to be playing in my favor.

A few minutes later and we agreed to give it a shot. Friends, benefits, leaving as much emotion out of the equation as possible. There was no guarantee of a second hook up, but I was going to enjoy the hell out of this one!

All that out of the way, she tossed back the rest of her wine and moved closer to me. Her arm slid around my waist, her legs touching mine. I could smell her again, it was intoxicating.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I asked with a bit of an edge intentionally in my voice.

She stopped dead in her tracks, unsure of where I was going.

“You’ve been lax on a few things, and have earned some punishment. You’ve got to earn your way back into my good graces.”

“What am I being punished for Daddy?”, easily falling back into old habits.

“Well a few infractions come to mind. First, I gave you an assignment in July that you never completed. You were supposed to tell me about three fantasies, and only told me about one. Also, remember the 420 cartridge you picked up for me when you home? You weren’t supposed to smoke the WHOLE thing! Plus you never sent me pics in the stockings I ordered for you a few weeks ago.”

“I know Daddy. I’m sorry”

“That’s a good start. Now I want you to take your clothes off.”

“Ok” she said with a slight grin, heading to the bedroom.

“Right here”

“I thought we were going..”

“Right here” I said. The years I spent in the Army allowing me to add a sense of command to my voice.

She followed instructions, stopping in the middle of the living room and turning towards me. She pulled her blouse off, then shimmied out of her shorts. Reaching up behind her back, her bra came off easily. Now she was just wearing one of the thong panties I had bought her in the spring. She slid them down her legs, and stepped out of them.

After five months in the wilderness, she was finally naked in front of me again.

“Come here”

She came as instructed.

“I want you to kneel and service my cock”

“Yes Daddy” was all she said, playing her role perfectly. Once on her knees, she unbuckled my shorts and pulled my dick out. I was already rock hard, but she had always had that effect on me. Swallowing me whole, bouncing her chin off my balls she started giving me an aggressive blow job without any build up.

I loved it.

After 10 minutes I was ready for the next scene, but wanted to cum in her mouth first. I was close, but not quite there. “Stop” I commanded, to which she obeyed instantly.

Her hands were on my hips as she let my dick pop out of her mouth. Grace started playing with my balls as I tried to decide on what was going to make me cum. I remembered that I hadn’t had a rim job in a long time, AND that I had showered right before I started cooking.

I started to turn around in order to lean over the island, and present her with better access to my nether regions. “I want you to eat my ass like you mean it, and stroke me at the same time”

“Mmmm…. Ok Daddy!” I could tell she was getting turned on by something new. She pulled my cheeks apart and dove in. Her tongue searching for my ass hole, licking all around until finding it. It was like she was trying to french kiss me from the other end! Holy cow did that feel amazing. Her right hand snaked up to my dangling cock. Luckily it was still slick with her spit from the blow job, so she started stroking. It only took me a few minutes of this stimulation overload to get me back to the edge, and pass the point of no return.

“I’m about to cum, put my dick back in your mouth” I said urgently, trying to turn around but finding it difficult since she was stroking my cock from behind. She let go, sensing my need. As soon as her lips pressed on the head of my cock I started to blow my load. Five months of waiting, five months of build up, five months of longing, it all came flooding back. She started stroking the shaft, trying to milk every last drop out of me. In the end my balls felt as drained as my emotions.

Grace appeared to be holding it in her mouth and motioned me to get my phone. “Do you want me to take a pic?” She shook her head no.

“Video?” This garnered an up/down shake of her head.

I picked my phone up, switched to the camera app, and pressed the button for video. “Ok, it’s recording”

She slowly spit my cum out of her mouth, letting it dribble out of her mouth and run down her chest.

“Holy shit that’s a lot of cum!”

Here’s a screenshot from that video: [http://imgur.com/a/R2hb6Mr](http://imgur.com/a/R2hb6Mr)

Damn I had missed this woman. Once the video was off, I told her to go into the bedroom.

“Don’t wipe my cum off”

“Ok Daddy”

I pulled my shorts back on, and followed her into the bedroom. She had taken a seat on the bed, waiting for my next instruction. I told her to hold her hands out as reached into the closet. I pulled out a pair of restraint wrist bands, these were the types with sturdy plastic barrels hanging from the side that were designed to be placed behind a closed door, securing the person wearing them as the door was closed.

I put the restraints on her, and tightened them down. I could still slide a finger underneath the cuff, ensuring that they were tight without cutting off the circulation.

“If you need me to stop at any time, just open & close your fingers twice in quick succession. I’ll immediately stop what we’re doing.”

“Thanks Daddy” she replied, standing up to move to the door.

“Hold on, I’ve got something else for you.” I said as I retrieved the ball gag from the closet. It only took a minute to gag her, and put her further into a submissive state of mind. Once her restraints were securely in place behind the door she was mine to do with as I pleased. I had her facing the door, this prevented her from seeing what was coming next. I was in total control.

I took a moment to admire the naked woman bound before me. Her meaty ass was jutting out slightly so I ran a hand up & down her cheek. Sliding a finger in her crack to graze her ass hole, going further south to her pussy. I didn’t put a finger in, instead I just rested my hand so that my middle finger was barely pressing into her slit while the other fingers were applying a little pressure on each side. Her pussy felt warm, almost hot to the touch, and dripping wet.

Grace shifted her weight to give me better access to her sex. I instantly pulled my hand away, not ready to give her the pleasure she was seeking. I leaned into her ear and whispered “Not yet baby girl, you’ve still got some punishment ahead of you”

I reached into the closet and grabbed the faux leather horse whip I had recently ordered. I knew Grace had explored impact play with a previous ex, she had shown me a few pictures. They all featured her ass with various welts and bruises. A few looked to be so bad that it bordered on abuse, she said that he had gone overboard that time with a dowel and it was painful for her to sit for a few days. I hated those specific pictures, sex play is one thing but to get abusive like that with someone you love – that’s fucked up. I had never whipped anyone at this point, but I wanted to make sure I didn’t go that far.

Her head was still facing the door so she had no idea what was coming. I put enough power into my swing that I knew it’d sting, but wouldn’t bruise. She jumped out of surprise, the ball gag muffling whatever sound she was making. I pulled back and gave her another, and another. Honestly, I enjoyed it more than I expected. The feeling of control and sexual dominance, dispensing punishment as I saw fit; all of it was an aphrodisiac. I was getting horny & hard again.

After about 7 or 8 licks I stopped to survey my handiwork. Her ass was red, both cheeks showing the results of my punishment. Wanting to make sure she was still good, I told Grace “Give me a thumbs up if you’re ok”. She instantly stuck her right thumb in the air. “Give me another thumbs up if you enjoyed that”, this time her left thumb jutted up signifying that she had indeed liked it.

“I’m not sure I believe you” I said, “Let me check.” I reached up to feel her pussy again, this time without preamble. I stuck a finger in only to find her soaking wet. She wasn’t lying with the second thumbs up, she really had enjoyed it.

I gave her another round of licks, slightly harder than before but still nothing that was going to leave a mark past tonight. She started moaning with each strike, sticking her ass a little further in the air in anticipation of the next impact. Afterward I reached into the closet again, this time pulling out a shiny metal butt plug. I should’ve put this in first, but better late than never. I didn’t feel like messing around with lube so I slid it into her pussy to take advantage of how wet she already was. She moaned again, this time I think I detected a bit of surprise since she still couldn’t see what was going on behind her. Just for fun, I slid it in & out of her a few times. She had earned a little pleasure.

She let out a moan laced with disappointment when I pulled it out and moved my hand away from her pussy. She wanted more penetration, more stimulation. I pulled her cheeks apart with my left hand, and forced the plug into her waiting ass hole with my right. I wasn’t exactly gentle with it, not giving her any warning or asking permission. Just straight into her ass. She gave another muffled grunt of surprise. It was probably something like “Hey!!” but the ball gag prevented her from vocalizing any protests. Besides, it was the smallest of the three at my disposal.

I had one last trick in the closet, but needed her to turn around. I told her to face me, crossing her arms above her head in the restraints. Her eyes found mine. It was hard to read her at this point. I had just reddened her ass with 20 to 30 licks from a whip, then put a plug in her ass with a little blunt force. I don’t think this is what she had in mind when she suggested the friends-with-benefits arrangement, but I don’t think she was disappointed either.

I had held the lighter and candles in my hand at my side after retrieving them from the closet; Grace was about to be surprised again. Without announcement, I held the lighter up in front of her face and flicked it to life. Her eyes got as big as saucers, unsure of what I had in mind. She seemed to relax a little when I held up the candle, touching the wick to the flame.

It only took a minute for the wax to start melting. I held it over Grace, starting with her left nipple. The hot wax fell directly on the tip, the next drop a little further up. She whimpered with each stinging drop, shifting her weight in anticipation of the next. A few minutes later I switched to her right nipple, the one that didn’t stick out as far as the left.

“Every sting, every little bit of pain is punishment for your indiscretion.”

If she had been laying in the bed, I probably would’ve dropped some wax on her clit just to see her reaction. Since she was still standing, the laws of gravity prevented me from exploring that idea so I blew out the candle.

I was ready to move to the bed, ready for the punishment to be over, ready to enjoy the primal sex that we were both looking forward to. I couldn’t wait to taste her again, to feel her clit between my lips, hear her moan in pleasure from my efforts.

I reached up, and unbuckled the ball gag; easily removing it. Next came the cuffs, those too came off easily. She dropped her arms around my neck and started kissing me. Fervently. Aggressively. Passionately. It was the kiss I’d been dreaming about since she broke up with me in May.


This is long enough already, and I’ve got to get ready for work. I’ll finish in a second part later in the week.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/it8f2o/whats_a_little_bondage_between_friends_or_how_my


  1. Well done! Love a good scene description like that. Really paints the picture well.

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