The Ethereal Bond Pt. 2 [MF] [DWP]

Part 1 here

The Ethereal Bond Pt. 1 [MF] [DWP] from eroticliterature

Like part one, this one isn’t very sexual. It does have suggestive themes. The story should get progressively more sexual as the part numbers increase. Again, this is my first story, so I’m open to criticism. That’s all for now!

James awoke late. It was around noon when he rolled out of bed. His sleep was not very sound, and he felt as though he only got four hours in. James looked into his mirror, recalling the events of the previous night. Was it really a hallucination, or did he pass out and have a bizarre dream? James pulled some clothes on and went down stairs. Turning the corner into the kitchen, he nearly fell backwards at the sight of the figure standing in the middle of the kitchen floor. He sat back down on the steps, obstructing his view of the kitchen.

“I’m fuckin’ losin’ it,” he whispered to himself. James got up and peeked back into the kitchen. A sigh of relief left his lips at finding his kitchen empty.

“Good morning James!” said a voice behind him. He spun around and fell backwards. Standing above him was Abigail.

“Jesus Christ, what the hell!” James exclaimed. Abby giggled. “This is fuckin’ real isn’t it?” She nodded to him.

James stood up, the excitement wearing off and leaving him feeling just as tired as before. He walked into the kitchen, but abigail moved in front of him. She put on her innocent girl impression.

“Y-you’re not going to make me cook you breakfast naked, are you?” She tried her hardest to conceal her grin. “I can’t cook for you, but…”

“Not this early, I just got up,” he tiredly responded to her lewd suggestion.

“James,” she said in a more normal voice, “you think I don’t know what you do in bed some mornings? It doesn’t ever seem too early for you.”

Hell, he thought. Is there nothing she doesn’t know?

“You don’t have to hide it, there’s nothing I haven’t seen living here with you so long,” Abigail added slyly.

James put his head in his hands. Before she could say something else, James snapped. “Can you stop for one minute? I only got up five minutes ago! I don’t even know what the hell is going on!”

Abigail’s expression turned to a frown. She slowly turned and left the room. James stood there, trying to process everything. How is this happening, he thought to himself. James put bread in the toaster and poured his coffee. When the toast was ready, he buttered it and carried it to the dining room table. He sat in his seat. Abigail walked into the room and sat in the seat on an angle from him.

Abigail spoke in a meek tone, “I’m sorry James. I should calm down a bit. I was just so excited that you can see me. I haven’t been able to talk to anyone for as long as I can remember.” She sounded sincere.

James sat there, eating his toast and mulling over what he would say. “You shouldn’t exist. According to everything I know, ghosts shouldn’t exist. How am I supposed to process that? You don’t seem dangerous or anything, but it’s just too much too fast. Could you perhaps not be so invasive?”

Abigail thought for a moment, “Ok, I understand. It must be hard finding all of this out. I’ll try to keep myself constrained.” Her voice sounded sad.

James looked at Abby and outstretched his arms. Abby quickly moved to enter them and they embraced again. The same icey warmth he felt during their last encounter was again present. Pulling back, Abigail looked into his eyes. He wasn’t afraid of her, she could feel it. He just needed more time. They sat together for a while. James began to get curious about Abby’s personality

“So, is that flirty demeanor an act, or do you really like me that much?” James asked Abby.

Abby blushed dark blue again, “I do really like you. I don’t know if it’s just because I’m bound to you or something else, but it’s not an act. I do want to kiss you, love you, sleep with you.”

James pressed on, “You want to sleep with me?”

“Yes, in both ways. I don’t need to sleep, but I can if I want to, and taking care of yourself gets old when you do it for this long.” Abby’s sly smile was back.

James was surprised. “Wait, ghosts masturbate?”

Now Abigail was surprised, “Don’t just say it like that!” she exclaimed. Her face turned darker blue. “But yes, I can’t say I don’t.”

James was intrigued now. What would that look like? She was pretty hot for a ghost. And what would having sex with a ghost feel like? Would that even work?

“Would having sex even work between you and me?” asked James.

“James! So forward,” she continued to blush. “I feel that it will, you know?”

“Why does your demeanor keep changing? One minute you’re shy and the next you’re completely brazen,” James asked. It was very odd when she would switch like that.

“Well,” she began, “I’ve been around a long time, so I’ve been able to develope a very diverse personality. I read the situation and try to act accordingly. If you’re taking the lead on a conversation, I probably act more shy. If I do, then I’ll be more aggressive. It’s not really something I do consciously. I can be any type of girl you want.” With that she gave him a wink. Well, that’s certainly pretty hot, James thought.

“You said you’re bound to me and have to obey me, what if you don’t?” James asked.

Abigail got a bit more serious, “I’m not really sure. I’ve never tried. This is new to me too. So far I haven’t felt forced to do anything. I think I just feel compelled to do anything you say. I think if you told me to do something I didn’t want to do, I’d still feel like it was something I should do.”

That’s definitely interesting, James thought. He finished his toast and got up to put his stuff away. Abby followed him and watched what he was doing. He rinsed off the butter knife and set it on the counter.

“I want to run a test,” James said, “Try to pick this up.”

Abby looked a little confused, but tried anyway. Her hand went through the knife without it moving at all.

“Ok, take your hand back.” She complied. “Now, when I signal you, try it again”

James had an idea. What was this aura thing she was reading anyway? Maybe he could manipulate it. He thought about the knife and gave her a quick hand gesture. Abby tried again, but her hand did nothing to the knife once more.

“Once more,” said james.

James focussed on the knife. Specifically, he imagined Abigail picking the knife up. He gave the signal once more. Abby reached out and touched the knife again, but this time it moved. It didn’t move a lot, but it moved. Abigail looked in shock.

“How did you do that?” she asked, surprised.

“Well, we can hug, can’t we? I figured there must be a reason. If I think about you touching the knife, then you can touch it. It probably has something to do with that aura thing you were talking about.” His explanation sounded pretty strong.

Abby thought it over. She seemed to get what he was saying. As she thought, her eyes perked up a bit.

“What is it?” James asked.

“Oh nothing,” she said, “This has given me an interesting idea to try out.” She smiled at him. “Not now though. We’ll need to find a… suitable instrument.”

The look on her face made James think it was something dirty.

“Well, I’ll help you with it when you figure it out,” he reassured her. She smiled more at him, clearly having dirty thoughts. James finished loading the morning’s dishes into the washer. “I’ve got to do some writing now Abby, I’ll be in my study.”

James left the kitchen, leaving Abigail alone. She stood by the window and looked out at the yard. A bittersweet expression formed on her pale, blue face.
