Futa Cum Industries [Long] [Orgasm Denial] [Hand Job] [Milking Table]

I built a world that revolves around the sudden mysterious appearance of futanari among the human race but with somewhat realistic problems and people. It’s mainly about a guy who tries to fix some of those problems but make a little money on the side while doing it. 3k words.

“Just like that guys- mff- you keep pulling on me like that and I’m gunna fill the quota for the month -fugh- and maybe next month,” groaned Victoria, the fontess for Phoenix.

Not too long ago such a job was not common and people would wonder what kind of job was a ‘fontess’. The answer is someone who is genetically gifted to produce large volumes of she-seed by the fucking liter. Futa cum actually became quite valuable due to the vast number of commercial and domestic uses that totally exist, once refined out of its raw state that is. The women with the equipment to produce even more valuable, earning them quite a payout at certain companies like Phoenix. And by the slight thrusting of her hips against the ‘nut hole’ on the padded massage table it looked like someone was about to produce very soon. People like Jag made a great deal of money from these moments.

Below the table running oiled hands rhythmically over the swollen member hanging through the table was the cock trainer Jag hired. Her name was Xev and she was one of the best. Not only because of her handiwork, but her lack of literal lip service. It wasn’t uncommon for hands to get tired, for a deadline and a quota to get too close together and a pair of lips to suckle a sweet load while taking a little off the top for themselves in the spirit of brevity. Jag had been in this business long enough to see once upstanding members of society turn into cum addicted cock tuggers after using their mouth too many times to finish a job. He only hired extraction professionals for that very reason, the pay roll pain was worth keeping people and his profits safe, when there where profits to make that is.

In the early days It was just futas trading addictive cum for food and shelter because they couldn’t find work being non humans. Before places like Phoenix, futanari and humans only could take advantage of one another, unable to find a symbiotic relationship without horrible dependency, leaving both incapable to live proper lives while coexisting.

That symbiosis, that harmony was what his first and now his second business was all about. Making a place for people who had none and filling a need nobody else could fill. Now was a time of new beginnings with old friends like Xev who followed him from his old company. She was only the one to do so, not that he blamed anyone for staying. But Xev was the first person he ever hired, he liked to think they where friends. Some might see her as plain but to others as pretty as a hidden pond in a lush forest. Xev was a woman of subtle beauty and kept her appearance simple while still highlighting her best features. Efficient would be how Jag described her usually. Xev liked that word ‘efficient’, something he was well aware of. Xev was the best money could hire, a beautiful yet disciplined woman with a kung fu grip.

It was a shame he would have to let her go soon.

“I can’t even -mm- imagine what your mouth feels like if your hands can just pull the nut right outta me,” mumbled Victoria into the table through wet lips.

Xev gave a professional nod,” I wouldn’t know either but I hear it’s pretty good,” stroking the drooling cock in front of her.

“Damn tease, sucking everyone’s cock but mine,” said the woman on the table breathlessly. “Its actually quite good ya know? I’ll give you everything, not something I do for just anyone. Mff- it’ll get me of faster than- mmm- even them beautiful hands.”

“A bit too good actually, and expensive. Let’s get that bonus huh? Open those balls for us.”

Jag wasn’t sure if Xev said that because she knew he was watching but was grateful to have everyone reminded of how dangerous this line of work could be. Victoria turned her head so she could see him through the glass of the adjacent observation room, her eyes holding his gaze as she was milked. Those hungry eyes, she was dangerous for sure. Not dangerous physically, but that ambition was, people like that where risk takers. Given the right support she would do whatever it took to be the best. He needed that right now, hunger was something he could use.

But maybe Victoria was a bit too hungry. Xev looked concerned at the increase of throbbing when Victoria’s eyes met His own. Xev spoke over to her assistant keeping her voice quite and calm yet direct, “ Alonzo I need your help under here. Bring the black bag.”

Alonzo wasn’t employed by Phoenix directly, he was hired by Xev. A fontess’s cock could get massive, it was usually a good idea to have an extra set of hands around for heavy lifting but also to chaperone in a sense.

The tall and lanky young man didn’t have to stoop to far to get under the table, fontesses typically had a massive package but Victoria had more than most in her skill class at Level C. They had to raise the table so her considerable cock didn’t touch the ground. Jag watched Alonzo set the bag down and activate a lamp taped to the bottom of the table so he could look through the bag in the gently lit room. Jag shook his head with a smile— his trainers had to tape up their own lights, how far he had fallen.

Xev continued to work the throbbing cock with her slick hands paying extra attention to the flaring head and squeezing it. Victoria was still looking at Jag allowing him to see the shivering pleasure Xev gave her. Victoria’s combination of dark complexion, high royal cheekbones and pink bow shaped mouth made his head swim with thoughts of pulling her gorgeous face in for a kiss on more than one occasion. There was no time for things like that, as badly as he wanted to be the one stroking her off it would just make his already hard job even more difficult. If Phoenix failed then Victoria would end up back where most fontesses started— in a neighborhood she was too good for surrounded by people who didn’t deserve her, slowly starving to death.

“What do I do?” Xev asked neutrally but Jag could spot her feigned ignorance. Anyone of her skill would have done it already but she had to take a little risk here to test her apprentice, nothing like real world experience. Training on the job, how efficient of her.

Jag could already tell what was going on, just by looking at Victoria’s generous flexing ass as she clenched her pelvic muscles to keep herself from releasing pre maturely. She was obviously in overstimulation, a fontess didn’t actually have such a thing as a ‘weak’ orgasm but due to the large nature of their balls it took a while to build a full orgasm, at least for a C class fontess.

However Jag could tell Alonzo was a novice due to the by-the-book way the assistant checked Tory over. He gently ran his hands over her ballsack and then inspected her heavy balls individually with his fingers, gently squeezing each one. The entire process sent Tory bucking against the massage table, her long manicured nails digging into the soft pads in restraint. Jag sighed in relief, Alonzo was lucky his examination didn’t set her off, a less focused fontess would have blown her load right then and there.

“I don’t think her reservoirs are even half full yet, she’s overstimulated,” Alonzo said sending a slightly accusatory glance at Jag, perhaps he wasn’t such a novice after all?

Alonzo rummaged through the bag using the makeshift table light to see, “we’ll use this,” he said pulling something long and thick at of the bag.

Xev gave a satisfied smile,” Well try it and see if you’re right.”

“Aye, what the fuck you guys talki- hrg,” Victoria’s objecting tone was choked off at she felt the leather belt being fastened around the base of her cock. The leather pressing her hard dick causing a thick clear drop of precum to ooze from her cock hole on to a pre cum jar that was nearly full.

“You’re going to belt me? Like-ohh so tight- like a rookie?”

As soon as the buckle was safely fastened around the girth Xev locked her soft strong hands around the sensitive head and doubled her pace. Only gasping sounds could be heard now from the fontess. Xev adjusted her hands so that her left could rub underneath and her right would squeeze and rub the engorged head. Victoria never could last long against this, not on her most sensitive areas. She likely had already lost control. The belt was forcing her to fill her the large reservoirs inside her futa balls. Without release they stored cum until it was ready to come out. C class had trouble controlling these natural storage bladders in their balls, hence the belt. They would keep her like this in a purgatory of pseudo torture and pleasure while her body’s hormones worked double time to produce more she-seed.

A deep groan came from Tory’s chest with primal need. Her fingers tore into the fabric of a pad on the massage table and gouged the memory foam, not that it concerned Jag overmuch, they where replaceable his Victoria.

“Tory, if you want to cum your going to have to snap that belt closing off your urethra,” Xev spoke in a soft voice, an amused whisper of a smile tugging at her thin yet luscious lips , hardly noticeable to any but Jag himself siting in the next room watching, he knew Xev enough to know she was showing off her skill but also her well trained assistant.

“Alonzo, grab her balls before she starts bucking I don’t want her to hit them on the table,” Xev instructed as Victoria began to thrust her long cock back and forth through the milking hands of her trainer. Those balls paid a good chunk of the bills in this small business and they needed to be looked after with care. Alonzo hesitated and cupped the wobbling cum factories with his large hands barley holding them. They began to swell in Alonzo’s hands at they reached their capacity.

“Damnit holy motherfucker,” Victoria said as elegantly as could be expected. Her she-seed was being denied it’s rightful release and that was something her body excelled at, few things could stop it for long not even the belt which was creaking under the pressure. Xev allowed the stud to fuck her hands. It wasn’t a typical pro move they taught trainers but any extraction professional worth a damn knew that everybody is different and let to them do what makes them comfortable when they needed a fat load. In this case that was Victoria pounding her drooling cock through the table into the urging hands of her trainer and it was working. Tory continued to pound her bound cock through the opening for another ten minutes with growing violent thrusts of her curvy hips. Jag didn’t need to see the customers in the lobby to know they could hear the frustrated pounding of a natural born fontess. A bulge grew at the base of Victoria’s cock just before the belt, Xev took her left hand and caressed the angry bulge below the belt. feeling the heat beneath the skin, then she squeezed it.

A low growl escaped Victoria’s full lips, “Get it ready,” she commanded.

Victoria’s fixed gaze on Jag during this whole time told him she wanted to be releasing this in him, not that he would permit that.

Alonzo fumbled with the industrial extraction condom that was reinforced with straps. Holding it open to receive the payload.

Victoria grew still and drove her cock through one last time causing her thick ass to jiggle and then tense as she forced the burning hot cum from her self. The massive bulge pushed at the belt and then began to slide the belt along the slick shaft slowly at first and then faster than their eyes could track it as it slid down the great length. The strong leather strap was being forced down the entire thing like someone rolled a bracelet off of their arm. Frustratingly her wide cock head halted the belt from sliding off.

“Holy shit you damn torture queen take that fucking thing off me and let me fucking bust!”

Xev immediately used all her strength to squish the head and allow the belt to come flying off as the torrent of thick cum poured out and into a sloshing condom. Gently stroking with the pulses, milking her dry. Victoria’s massive balls clenched in unison like massive hearts, audibly beating and forcing the thick valuable cum down the long pulsing length of her futa cock.

Alonzo shoved the mouth of the massive condom onto the pulsing member without spilling a drop. Victoria’s throbbing grew intensity when she felt the fastening strap close around her head holding the rapidly swelling bag onto her cock. Alonzo massaged her nuts while they pulses working every last drop out as they visibly pulsed in his hands. The bag grew heavy and reached the ground with a soft plop. The sound of stretching rubber and obscene throbbing filled the room for a while. Victoria only breathing in rapturous gasps. The bag grew still.

Eventually her cock’s jerking spasms abated, it’s grand size lightly twitching at the now hyper sensitivity.

Alonzo gently retrieved the now laden bag with the care of one who understood post nut sensitivity, Jag nodded in solidarity. Sensitivity or not Xev gave her a through but standard check over to assess any damages.

She apparently found none because she gave the softening meaty member a few firm slaps causing the cock to jiggle and sway, ” You’re done Tory, now kindly remove yourself from the table so I can get to everybody else.”

“Could you *please* not slap it around right after? Kinda sensitive you know,” said a shaky Victoria asked as she lifted her curvy body from the massage table.

Even on her hands and knees her softening and shrinking cock still hung through the opening.

Xev gave a light sigh, “I don’t have a cock so I couldn’t know but seriously,” giving the large cock yet another wet sounding slap, “move your ass please so I can clean you up.

Victoria groaned but didn’t wait for yet another slap in the dick and slid from the table top, she was on the slight chubby side and her deliciously dark body gave a jiggle as she got to the ground.

Jag figured he had sat around long enough but waited to ‘pack up the tent’ before he stood. He opened the door to the extraction room. He would need to talk with them all individually, try to brace them for the budget cuts.

Victoria gave a mock moan of pain and cried out in an exaggeratedly wounded tone, “Thank fuck, my man’s here! Good. Dis bitch, Ol’ Slappy here ,” she pointed at Xev with her floppy cock, “needs some sensitivity reeducation. Or a good fucking. Maybe both I don’t know.”

Jäger Manus the founder and sole owner of Phoenix gave audible sigh, now fully knowledgeable of Victoria’s antics especially when it came to Xev. He preferred to stay out of it unless another prank war started. The fallout was too great from last time to let something like that go on too long. Sure Xev did probably choke Victoria’s cock a bit more than needed but still.

“One of these days I’m going to be the one to get slapped, with a lawsuit”, Jag muttered. “I’d prefer to just lose one business in my lifetime. And please, Jag or Mr. Manus. Try to keep the slap n’ tickle on the non lethal side, huh, for me?

Jag was a man above the average height but Victoria was the exact same height, not uncommon for a futa.

She walked over to him with her arms behind her, ” I. Would. Never slap you, not with a lawsuit at least,” she thrust her hips as she said the word ‘lawsuit’ and her cock swayed forward and her still cum soaked head bumped into his kaki pants leg, leaving a sizable dark spot.

“My bad,” she said without a drop of sincerity.

Jag tried not to look at the dark souvenir on his kaki pants. The smell caused him to swallow the extra saliva in his mouth.

“In the condom please, not my leg,” Jessup said.

“Yes master, I’ll cum wherever you tell me”, Victoria said with a suddenly serious expression.

“Yeah, ease up on the ‘master’ stuff too while on the job huh? We’re getting a visit from the FAB this week and they don’t share your swell sense of humor.”

“I can tell, your face does this pinch when it’s inspection week,” Victoria said bluntly.

Jag nodded trying to relax the expression he wasn’t even aware of, “Sorry guys, everyone has a boss and mine aren’t too forgiving. We’re up to code but having the boss around can be a bit stressful.”

He gave everyone a look over as they got dressed and cleaned up,” I hope I don’t stress everyone out by being here.”

Victoria looked at jag’s face again while she gathered her things, “Not that kind of stress no. It’s kinda weird for you to be observing these sessions though. Making sure everything’s going well huh?”

Jag instantly blanked his face into his best neutral expression and looked her in her hazel eyes, “No I’m just staying in touch. This is a people business, I take any chance I can to deal with you guys as directly as possible,” he said with only a touch of rehearsal but it was a touch too much for Victoria.

“I bet you counted every last drop of cum that came out of my cock,” she added, her gaze growing in intensity, “I saw how you where looking at me in there.”

Alonzo and Xev shifted uncomfortably , they must think he would get mad at Victoria for her directness but he valued her candor, made her easy to read.

“It’s like you said Tory, it’s inspection week and I’m just a little anxious to be done with it.”

“ But you’ve looked like that for more than just this week. Ever since you bought those new contracts actually. We aren’t broke are we,” there was zero question in her voice. The certainty of her tone stopped Xev and Alonzo in their clean up and they now stared at Jag, suddenly curious if they would be getting paid this month.

Jag dropped the pokerface realizing Victoria was a bit too sharp to hide such a thing from. He should have know better than to try and fool her. Her easy and obnoxious manner made people drop their guard around her thinking she was just a loud mouth, underestimating her. Looks like he was the one being easy to read. Great, on top of everything else he was getting rusty too.

“It’s a bit more complicated than that but yes.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/isgo53/futa_cum_industries_long_orgasm_denial_hand_job

1 comment

  1. Thank you for reading! I’ve been sitting on this story and characters for a year now and after chatting with some fellow erotic writers in this and other genres I decided to just write my story. The next part is being written now and will be an example of why places like Phoenix need to exist in the first place. And I’ll also get to introduce my favorite character so far!

    Questions and constructive criticism about my story and characters are encouraged.

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