How my manager [M] whored me [F] out to his boss

A little back story here… I work for a global company. We have offices all over the world from North America to Asia and the Middle East.
The manager at my office is a very handsome, forty-something, married Italian man. All the women fantasize about him, and I know he’s had his eyes on me ever since I started working there. He’s made many passing comments to me about wishing more of my female coworkers would dress like me (pencil skirts and heels), or put an effort in to looking nice for work. He’s commented on how nice my hair is, and has told me several times I have a very nice body. I’m 5’7, brunette, and I have been growing my booty in the gym since before Instagram made it cool.

Around Christmas time we entertain a lot of clients and out of town guests, this is the story of how my manager whored me out to his boss who was visiting.

Right before Christmas, some of my coworkers and I attended a client Christmas party. The dinner had over 1000 people attending, it was a very classy affair. Typically, the dinner ends around 10-11, after which there is an after party at a bar for the younger attendees to let loose and mingle.

This year, we had several guests visiting during the Christmas season, one of which was my managers superior. He was 37, around 6’2, medium to heavy build, blue eyes, blonde hair, bearded, and had a very charming southern accent to match. Let’s call him Chris.
My manager and Chris were clearly hitting it off, and at one point after dinner had cleared I noticed them standing in a corner in an intense conversation. I hadn’t actually introduced myself to Chris until this point, so I walked up to the two. I could see my boss notice me walk up, lean in to Chris’s ear to whisper something, then Chris shot a curious look in my direction. He immediately lit up after looking me up and down.

I introduced myself to Chris by sticking my hand out and saying “Hi, you must be Chris, I’m Sonya, nice to meet you”. As Chris took my hand, it felt almost electric. Between him not letting go of my hand, and eyeing me up and down with that smirk, I felt my entire body heat up. Finally my boss interrupted our stare down.
“What are you doing after this, Sonya?”
– “I’m going to the after party with some of the guys, why?” I said.

He pulled me away from Chris and explained to me that he had promised Chris to take him out after the dinner but I guess his wife knew he was a cheater and was blowing up his phone to get his ass home.

“I can take him” I told my boss with a sly smile,

“You’ll take him to the party? And then what?” He asked

I smiled even bigger, “don’t worry about ‘and then what’, he’s a big boy, he can handle himself”.

My boss took a step back, and shot me a look. “Just don’t ditch him and make sure he has a good time”.

“Have you seen the man? I’ll make sure I give him a very good time”. My boss gave me an almost jealous look. I know he’s been wanting me for years now but we work together and could never just go for it (we did eventually hook up a year later).

I walked away from my boss, back to Chris, and asked him if he wanted to come to the after party with me. He looked very pleased, and so I hooked arms with him, and went to tell my other coworkers that I’ll meet them at the party. I took Chris back to the office so I could change in to my after party dress. I was wearing a flowy cocktail dress before and changed in to a very tight little black dress. Chris’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. We called an Uber, went to the bar and ordered shots immediately. After a while, we were dancing and grinding on each other, he was thoroughly enjoying my ass and kept grabbing my hips and bending me over as we danced. At one point, he grabbed me by the neck from behind me, and held me straight up against him while pushing my pelvis back, harder in to him. I was dripping wet and super turned on. I ended up tying my long black hair in to a ponytail because it got so hot, and Chris grabbed my ponytail with one hand, turned my face to look at him with the other hand, and started kissing me. He was a bit sloppy at first, but I forced him to slowdown in to a proper rhythm and kissed me properly. We moved off the dance floor in to a dark corner of the bar where he pushed me against the wall and continued to kiss me and grab at my tits and ass. He was a big guy, and his dick was trying to tear out of his dress pants. At one point, he opened up his jacket to create a kind of barrier, grabbed at my thighs, spread my legs apart, and while he shoved his tongue in my mouth, he shoved his fingers deep inside my wet wet pussy. I moaned in to his mouth. I was ready to cum right there except he pulled his fingers out and licked his fingers clean. “You taste so good” he said to me. At that, asked him if he wanted to stay or leave. Leave he said. So we called an Uber back to his hotel, and continued making out in the back of the car. I was straddling him in the back seat, the Uber driver started to yell at us but Chris threw him a $100 bill and the Uber just turned the music up while we continued to moan and grind in the back. At one point I got off Chris’s lap, started retightening my ponytail while Chris undid his pants. His cock was huge, and straight to the back of my throat it went. He held my ponytail very taught and forced my mouth to his base, I pulled my head back off while he moaned profanity, and forced it back down again. I was choking and gagging and spitting on it but I could definitely take it like a champ. We finally made it to the hotel, we readjusted our clothes in the Uber, I wiped my mouth and tears, and made a poor attempt to walk through the lobby without looking like a hot mess. This was an extremely beautiful hotel, and I looked like a prostitute with the way my hair and makeup looked by now. We got in to the elevator and he pulled my dress up, got on the ground, pulled my panties to the side and started tongue fucking my pussy in the elevator. I wrapped my thighs around his head and pushed his tongue deeper in me. He ate me until the elevator reach the penthouse and the elevator doors opened. When barely made it inside before he held me against the wall and kissed me very hard, he had pussy juices all over his beard and I just licked them up. He stopped to pour us wine then told me to follow him in to the bedroom. This was when I noticed how beautiful the suite was. It had a huge Christmas tree, a fireplace and everything. I followed him in to the room, and saw he had dimmed the lighting, started playing music, and was going through his suitcase for something. He turned around to face me, tossed handcuffs and a blindfold on the bed and told me to put them on… that’s when the action really started.

My fingers are numb from typing so comment if you want the second part :)



  1. VERY good beginning! You should write on the “lushstories” website! I can’t wait to read the rest!

  2. >He turned around to face me, tossed handcuffs and a blindfold on the bed and told me to put them on… that’s when the action really started.
    >My fingers are numb from typing so comment if you want the second part :)

    YOU TEASE!! ?

    Yes, second part, please! ?

  3. The guy obviously is a CEO at a striptease company.. I mean who has cuffs and blindfolds with him on journeys

  4. Haha you’re such a little tease. You know we want the next part. Loved this very hot story.

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