East Flying West Chapter 2 [AMWF / AMXF]

Chapter 1 can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/AzianKing/comments/ilfs01/east_flying_west_ch1_long_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

**East Flying West Chapter 2**

Zoe asked Ryan just about his opinion on white girls. Ryan didn’t want to say anything weird so he responded by saying that he thinks they are fine. She didn’t ask any follow-up questions about it, which Ryan appreciated.

It was going to be a long flight, about 13 hours to get from Hong Kong to London. Ryan and Zoe both prepared well for the flight. He listened to music, read some books about the UK and talked more with Zoe. Zoe suggested to watch a movie together, so they did before taking a nap on the flight. As Ryan woke up he was just 2 hours away from London. He went to the toilet and looked around as he walked, he would say that most of the flight was Chinese with quite a few young people possibly going abroad for studies. After he sat back down a flight attendant came by with food.

They arrived in London about 7:10 PM UK time. They collected their belongings and after picking up a rental car it was almost 8 PM. As they walked towards the car, Zoe noticed a stare from a middle aged man. She ignored it.
They loaded their luggage in the car and started driving towards Manchester. A few hours later they were getting tired so they decided to call it a night and he drove to a hotel next to the highway. They walked in and walked to the reception. An woman sat behind it, probably around 50.

“Are you on holiday with your girlfriend sir?”

“No, she isn’t my girlfriend actually. Just friends and we are here to study.”

“So then it would be 2 rooms?”

“2 Rooms soun..” he got interrupted by Zoe midway through. Zoe said they should get 1 room to save money and that she didn’t mind that.

“ okay, 1 room with 2 beds please.” Ryan told the woman. She got them set up and gave the keycard, Zoe picked it up and started walking away. Ryan picked up his luggage when the woman said:

“oh well, good luck studying and possibly with her if you change your mind young man.”

She smiled. Ryan felt weird as he walked away, Zoe wasn’t bad looking he thought, She was about 5 foot, slim figure and a small ass. If he had to guess he guessed small B cups for her breast, but she was just a bit too young and he didn’t want to make things awkward between them.

The room they got assigned was room 119, so Zoe and Ryan got in the elevator and pressed button 1. They walked to room 119 and Zoe opened the door. They got inside and unpacked what they needed for the night.

“They have a bar downstairs Zoe, you want to have a drink?”

“Uhm, I never had alcohol before actually.”

“Oh haha no worries, it’s cool we don’t have to go down.”

“No, I want to try, new country new experiences right?”

Ryan and Zoe went downstairs, they got to the bar and there were more people than he expected. Zoe looked at the menu and settled on “Sex on the beach” while he ordered Tsingtao, a Chinese beer. They got their drink and went to a table and started talking. It had been a few minutes but Zoe still hadn’t touched her drink yet. She finally took a sip, had a face like she didn’t enjoy it very much and then put it back down.

“ I’m going back to the room, I’m tired anyway okay.”

“No problem, i’ll just finish my drink and i’ll be on my way.” Zoe walked off.

Shortly after Zoe walked off, a girl from another table stood up. It was a table of 3 girls. 1 blonde girl and 2 brunettes. The blond girl came over and asked if he was going to finish Zoe’s drink.

“No i’m not, she didn’t like it so she went back to our room, feel free to have it.”

“Thank you, do you want to join our table?”

“Uh sure.”

Ryan went to their table and the girl picked up Zoe’s drink before walking back. He was kinda shocked about how forward people seemed to be in the UK compared to Hong Kong. The woman at the reception suggested he should make a move on Zoe and now these girls just invite him over to their table. He sat down and made small talk with them. One of the brunettes, which he found quite attractive, asked if he wanted to come to the bar with her to order a drink. He said yes and they walked to the bar. She started talking on the way to the bar.

“What is your name by the way? I’m Valerie.”

“Ryan, nice to meet you Valerie.”

“ I saw your girlfriend walk away and how do I say this, she doesn’t seem very fun to be honest.”

“What do you mean?” Ryan knew Zoe wasn’t his girlfriend but was curious where Valerie was going with this.

“ That you could have more fun with me if you know what I mean. I won’t go all the way, but it can still be fun and it would help you release stress.”

He thought that this probably meant a handjob or a blowjob and not actual sex, which was still good. He did want to experience doing something with a non-asian girl.

“Anything I have to do for you Valerie?”

“Just buy me and you a few shots to do together.”

She smiled cutely after saying that. Ryan really liked her outfit too. Denim shorts with a white crop top which seemed her stomach, she had slight abs and a belly piercing. Valerie said she liked Sourz shots, so Ryan bought 2 shots of Sourz Apple, Cherry and Tropical flavors. Ryan and Valerie took the shots together before walking back to the table. Valerie informed her friends she was going to her room with Ryan and then she left with Ryan together.

As Valerie opened her door, Ryan thought about how it was good that Valerie’s room was on the 4th floor as to not encounter Zoe.

“Pull your pants down and I’ll show you how my mouth is better than anything your girlfriend could do with any of her filthy holes.”

“ I’m up for it, but I never came from a blowjob before.”

“Oh you are in for a treat then, but I can’t say I am surprised she got no skill with the way she looks to be honest.”

Ryan unzipped his pants and took his dick out.
She started licking his dick.

“She comes to a bar in a baggy shirt and joggers and then has 1 sip of her cocktail. She is asking for her man to be drained by someone else.” Valerie grinned.

“ Oh my god, you are so good at this.”

“See i knew you would like it much better than anything she could give you.”

Valerie was going all out, she slurped rough, put it deep in her mouth and did things with her tongue which he never experienced. No girl in Hong Kong ever did anything, they usually wouldn’t give a blowjob already and when they did, they usually nibbled for a few seconds.

“Are all girls here this good at giving blowjobs?”

“What do you mean, you are not from the UK?”

“No, I just flew over from Hong Kong. Usually it is just sex with me on top, sometimes the girl goes on top.”

“Okay, I get it, the girls just act like a dead fish. “
Ryan laughed at what Valerie said.
“Why, is it here different?”

“ Ryan, I’ll show you what girls can do here. Your balls will be so drained that you won’t have anything left for your dead fish girlfriend for a while.”

Valerie started speeding up, faster and more sloppy, it felt amazing for him. He was being teased and pleased at the same time.
Valerie noticed that Ryan was getting close.

“Tell me, who pleases you more? Your Asian dead fish girlfriend or a white girl you just met.”

“You, you Valerie.”

“Say, a white girl who I just met pleases me more!”

“ Some white girl I just meet pleases me more than my asian girlfriend!!”

Ryan came in Valerie’s mouth as he said those words. Ryan was so surprised at how good Valerie was at giving head. He was having the best orgasm he ever had. He wondered if what Valerie said was true and that all white girls were this good at sex.

“Mmmm, that cum was tasty, do you want to know who I wanted to do this with you?”

“Yeah sure tell me, I’m very curious as this was the best orgasm I ever had.”

“Because I knew I was gonna please you better than that Asian girl, she seemed boring and I like draining guys so that they got nothing left for their girlfriends.”

Ryan went back to his room shortly after, he saw that Zoe had fallen asleep and fell asleep shortly after. Ryan caught a glimpse of Zoe’s thigh but was not aroused at the slightest after what Valerie just had done to him. The next day he woke up and had breakfast with Zoe in the hotel. He went for a classic British breakfast. Shortly after Zoe and Ryan left to finish their journey.

Ryan finally arrived at the University of Manchester and was walking to the main building. It was a sunny day so many people were out sunbathing and picnicking. Ryan just kept seeing a cute white girl after another in clusters talking to each other in crop top and shorts. As Zoe and Ryan were almost at the building, there was a girl sunbathing on a big towel. She had light brown hair, was wearing a orange bikini and had such a pale and peachy ass that was poking out of her g-string bikini bottom.

“I saw that Ryan, looking at her huh.”

Ryan kept quiet. He was getting a boner just thinking about that ass of that girl. He knew it was going to be challenging being around so many cute young white girls.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/is3a7x/east_flying_west_chapter_2_amwf_amxf