Realizing My Childhood Fantasy (M older Woman) pt 1

Warning – this is a slow build. Be patient…and enjoy the ride!

“Just when you think it cannot get any stranger” is all I could think of. My day had gone from strange, to bizarre, to astonishing faster than I could keep up. Driving home I cannot decide if it would be better if I never experience anything like that again or would do anything to see Lisa as soon as possible.

Let me explain.

This morning I was dragged out of bed. I’m home from college due to a Covid outbreak. Dad explained a fire grew surprisingly fast overnight and might be threatening our family cabin in a couple of days. My parents are working and the cabin is a few hours away in the mountains. He asked if I would go and collect some family photos and irreplaceable things. How could I say no? Strange way to start my day, but okay.

I was 30 minutes from the cabin when things got bizarre. The fire shifted during the day and the road was closed. Worse, there was no turning around. A new fire had started an hour behind me and firefighters needed us to stay in place. Along with 20 or 25 others I was going to be stuck in my car overnight. We were safe, and the cabin would be too, but I wasn’t getting there until tomorrow.

As reality sunk in, and I started planning my night, I couldn’t believe my eyes. She got out and started walking down the line of cars. I couldn’t be 100% sure, but I was confident it was Lisa. The focus of nearly every teenage fantasy I ever concocted with my dick in my hand!!

“Lisa?” I asked as she walked past.

“Oh my God, is that you Mike? What are the chances? Give me a minute. I need to pee and I’ll be back.”

A couple minutes later, there was a tap on the passenger window. I opened the door and she climbed in. This was the woman I fantasized about daily from 13. She lived three doors down until I was 16. She got divorced, and moved. I left for college 2 years later. The next 2 year flew by. Instantly, one thing became obvious, my dick hadn’t stopped thinking about her in the last 4 years.

Equally obvious was the fact that Lisa saw me as an adult. Her questions were exactly what I would have expected from a friend. Our conversation was entertaining and hectic. It felt like we were old friends with 4 years of catching up to do. Except we’re not old friends! Bizarre.

Before either of us knew it, the sun was getting ready to set and the conversation turned to our overnight strategy. I shared my thinking.

“I’m not surprised you have a plan. I remember seeing you in Boy Scouts. Do you still have your old uniform? You know women love men in uniform!” she said with a wry smile.

Her plan was much less detailed. After comparing notes we realized the best strategy was to combine my supplies with her car. I had food and water. She had a Subaru with room to lay down. We gather my stuff and walked to her car. We put down the middle seats, arranged a blanket settled in.

It was dark, but neither of us were tired. Things were about to become astonishing.

“Good news, I have wine!” she shared. “College kids still drink right?”
