Another chapter of Jade’s exploits!

For those that have tracked her exploits: There’s another chapter of Jade hot off the presses…here’s your preview until it gets printed over on []( at: []( Don’t forget to show some love and drop a 5 star rating!

Dr. Gilson droned the entire ride to Buckingham Palace about the great history behind all the sights we would be taking in throughout the day. All I could focus on was the fact that I was wearing a short skirt and plunging neckline halter top without a stitch of underwear. I also had at least one, if not two, eager photographers with an itch to help me in my journey to document my naughty romp through London over the next two weeks.
We parked the van in a large lot where at least a dozen tourist buses were lined up. There were cameras everywhere and as we piled out of the van, I was already getting excited at the thought of giving some added subject matter for some unwitting shutterbug. The seven of us all lined up beside the van and Dr. Gilson went over the plan for the day again.
“Okay, so the changing of the guard is at 10:45, then we’ll be going to the National Army Museum, followed by the Victoria and Albert Museum, where we will eat lunch. You will then have the rest of the afternoon to yourselves. We will meet back here at 6 to go back to the hotel. Any questions”? Everyone stared blankly until he waved us along to follow the crowds all shambling towards the Palace.
We made our way as close as we could to the gates and found what we had decided was the optimum place to take in the sights. I made my way to the front of the group and Amy followed closely behind. I held my hands up to my face and faked taking a photo and shot her a wink; she took the direction and took out her phone then walk across the group until she was perpendicular to me, which gave her a straight shot to my front without making it obvious she was photographing me. As nonchalantly as I could, I brushed the material of my shirt over my nipple and exposed one breast and let it hang out in the open as if I hadn’t noticed. After several seconds of no one noticing I decided this was a perfect position and did the same on the other side.
What started as a barely audible murmur had grown into a raucous stampede as the parade of the Queen’s Guard came into view. All but one lens in the crowd was fixed on the large crowd of men marching toward us. As they came closer, I could feel my heartbeat steadily increase and I reached my hands down to the waistline of my skirt. The crowd was completely oblivious as the hem slid further up until it rested just over mid-thigh. Once the first row of men were roughly twenty feet in front of us, I reached down and grabbed the hem of my skirt and tucked it into the waistline.
Amy’s eyes seemed like they might burst from her head as she pointed her phone at me while I stood with my breasts and shaved mound fully exposed to the uniformed men as well as anyone in the crowd who happened to look my way. I had my phone in my hands as well and held my arms high above my head as if I wanted to get an aerial shot of the procession. In actuality, all I was accomplishing was further flaunting my nakedness. As the guards stalked closer, I inched closer until I was a full step in front of everyone else and found myself nearly in the street. I brought my arms back down to check one of my photos and noticed my shirt had spread considerably further than I had intended originally and the material was now pinned under each breast and my shirt was now acting more like a frame for my boobs than doing anything to hide them.
My eyes darted around the crowd to see if anyone had taken notice and was disheartened when it seemed all lenses were still fixed on the group of men. My ego was stroked, however, when my gaze went to our little group and Steve had taken notice. Also, to my disbelief, Brian had his camera pointed straight at me and they both had wide smiles on their faces. I did my best not to let on that I had caught them, and even turned slightly towards them to afford them a more direct shot.
The large gates started to open as the guards crossed in front of us and the loud noise behind me startled me. I jumped and as I did, noticed one of the guards’ hats turn slightly in my direction. From his line of sight, I was sure he had caught a glimpse of me, and I froze as I was not sure how to respond. As he passed, I swear he shot me a quick glance and wink, and I felt a surge of heat run to my face. Without thinking, I blew a kiss and instinctively reached to my skirt and flipped it all the way up my tummy. My skirt fluttered back down into place and I quickly reached down to straighten my shirt when I noticed a policeman walk up to ensure no one crossed the thin rope barrier. We watched the rest of the show and I tried to pick out the man who had winked at me, but could no longer distinguish him from all the other identical toy soldiers.
Once the crowd started to disperse from the palace, we started back to the van to head to the National Army Museum. Brian practically sprinted next to me and ensured he had a seat beside me in van and Steve laughed as he came along my other side. I felt a buzz in my hand and looked at my phone to see a text from Amy with a picture. The drive to the museum was a barrage of stolen looks and peeks from half of the van towards me. I started to sense that I may have gained a following on the trip and basked in the attention. Brian volunteered to become my unofficial tour guide through the museum and I was more than happy to take on the role of oblivious ditz and flash my deep cleavage at him as he enlightened me on all the exhibits. Steve and Amy were never too far behind with their cameras and I had plenty of chances to lean over railings or turn quickly to flip my skirt up for them.
The afternoon had passed by in the blink of an eye and it was already time for lunch. Dr. Gilson rounded us up and we once again piled into the van and drove over to our next stop, the café attached to the Victoria and Albert Museum. We all ordered our lunches and sat on the lovely patio seating section. Everyone talked about their favorite parts of the day so far and the topic rolled to what each of us had planned on doing for the remainder of the day once we got done with the tour of this museum. Dr. Gilson announced he was going to several other historical sites and offered the van to anyone who would like to tag along. Not surprisingly, he got no takers. Eric and Jim paired off and it was obvious to the group that they were looking for yet another seedy bar to spend their time in. Lindsay told the group that she was going to look at the crowned jewels. Brian thought it might be cool to head over to 10 Downing street, which turned out to be a grave mistake as Dr. Gilson jumped up and told him that was the first place he was headed and the two of them could stick together. Brian smiled politely and agreed begrudgingly. Steve and Amy both looked my way and didn’t want to commit to plans until I had a chance to weigh in. I said I had seen a couple of the double decker tourist buses and thought it looked like a fun way to see the sites. As I expected, Amy and Steve both piped up and said they’d both like to tag along with me.
We continued to talk as we ate our lunches and eventually Dr. Gilson said we should wrap things up and get into the museum before we got too ahead of ourselves. While we were going through the museum, both Steve and Amy pulled me aside and confided in me that they would send me all the pictures and videos from the day that evening and that they hoped having another person on the bus with us wouldn’t dampen our adventure. I had to laugh to myself and started to wonder how I might be able to take advantage of the situation of having multiple cameras to play to as well.
The group met up in the lobby again before we all went our separate ways and Dr. Gilson reminded us that we were to meet back there at 6 to go to dinner. Amy, Steve, and I started to walk down the road until we saw a row of buses lined up. We saw that one was fairly empty and decided that would be a good bus to get on. I made sure I was in front, and pressed my butt out as I climbed the stairs to make sure they both received a good up-skirt view. When I got to the top floor, I saw it was completely empty and took a seat at the very back of the bus. Amy sat across the aisle from me and Steve sat a row in front of me.
As the bus took off from the curb, a voice came over the speaker and told us that the tour lasted about an hour and a half in all and that we would be passing by a dozen monuments and/or historic landmarks. We rode in silence for a couple of blocks and I looked around at the old buildings and was taken aback by the beauty of the old architecture. The air blew my skirt and top around as we traveled between the stops, and if I wanted to keep covered, I would have needed to constantly readjust. Luckily for me this played right into my to-do list task of getting topless on the bus, so I resolved to not readjust at all. After our second stop, I looked down and saw my left breast was completely exposed and my right nipple visibly poked out against the thin material. I looked over and Amy was snickering and had her phone pointed at me. I thought of a good idea to get Steve in on the action and still let Amy think this was a happy accident for my embarrassment. I turned toward Amy and leaned back slightly, and when I did, I slid my hand between the seats and brushed Steve’s shoulder. When he turned to investigate, I closed my legs again and sat back up without readjusting my top.
“Hey Steve, how cool is this?” I chirped with a wink of my right eye, so only Steve could see. “This is the way to see London”.
“Yeah, it’s pretty great. Thank God it turned into a pretty nice day,” He said, and turned his face to the slightly cloudy sky.
