The Garden of Eden Women’s State Mental Hospital [FF] [chastity] [MTF] [lesbian] [bondage]

The asylum was quiet at night. It was an eerie quiet occasionally interrupted by a patient screaming from the electroshock machine or the torture at hands of the nurses. The lights dimmed down as the guards walked the floors with their flashlights and riot sticks checking the locked rooms. The patients were straitjacketed and strapped to their beds to ensure the safety of the staff. The Garden of Eden Women’s State Mental Hospital was home to 350 female patients deemed insane by the state, women diagnosed with ailments brought upon by chronic masturbation or hysteria. The head nurse was Tamsin Helston, a tall woman who towered over the other patients, especially in her high heels. Her ginger hair was shoulder length and her nails also an extra two inches of pointed acrylic—perfect for scratching down the legs of patients.

Nurse Helston was on duty Friday night when the hospital ambulance pulled in with a new arrival. Helston walked to the receiving area, her white uniform crisp and pristine—a short-sleeved tunic and white skirt ending just 3 inches above her knee, and her red high heels. All the patients could recognize her signature red Prada heels clacking through the halls and struck fear into their hearts. The receiving doors opened and revealed three men trying to subdue the young women strapped to the gurney.

“Let me go! You’re all going to be sorry when the court realizes I’m not crazy!” The young girl yelled. Azucena was a tall slender native girl who had been involuntarily committed to the hospital for behavioral issues. She had been an outspoken activist in her community for queer issues and the civil liberation of people of color, in other words, she was trouble.

“Tell me about her,” Nurse Helston asked the paramedic holding the chart. As Nurse Helston was updated, she prepared a syringe of a strong sedative meant to knock out the young problematic girl.

“So she’s a problem child,” Helston said as she walked up to the gurney. “Well, that won’t be an issue here, we’re going to take good care of you,” Helston said as she turned to the young girl and poked her neck with the needle.

“Get the fuck away from me with that needle! Don’t you dare!” Azucena yelled and she felt the sharp and deep poke. The world started to get blurry, and the last thing she heard was Nurse Helston instruct the others to fit her into a straitjacket before they secured her to her bed.

The next few days were full of talking to the hospital doctor, a large fat man who asked her explicitly sexual questions. When she was uncooperative or refused to answer, she was shocked until she seized or given “truth serums” which were simply diluted acid meant to stimulate pain compliance. Azucena had lost track of the days and weeks as she was moved from room to room and tortured for information. All the while she could see Nurse Helston walk the hospital and enter patient rooms for long periods with screams filling the quiet spaces. The doctor called her in and explained her diagnosis—borderline personality disorder caused by her chronic masturbation and uncontrollable sexual urges with women. The doctor also explained that he did not agree with the court sending a trans woman to a female hospital, and therefore would prescribe a male chastity device to prevent her from using her penis and foster feelings of femininity. Outraged, Azucena began to kick and scream and was quickly subdued and put into a straitjacket and taken back to her room.

Hours had passed and the hospital got dark as the sunset. After being in the dark for what seemed like hours, she began to hear a familiar patter from outside in the hallway. The silhouette of a tall woman materialized outside the wired window of her door and the door-handle began to shake. The door quietly creaked open, and her eyes adjusted to the light—Nurse Helston appeared and began to make her way to her bed.

“My, you’re a pretty little thing,” Nurse Helston said as she lightly touched Azucena’s face, running her fingers up and down her cheek and her thumb over her soft pink lips. “You look so much like a real girl, I supposed that’s why the judge committed you to the woman’s hospital,” Helston began to play with Azucena’s hair gently pulling on it before letting go and running her red acrylic nails up and down her thigh. Azucena whimpered and breathed in quickly as she felt her fingers make their way up closer to the cage she had been in for a month. “This behavior cannot be ethical,” Azucena said as she whimpered. “Ethical? I don’t know the meaning of the word,” Helston said and she began to run her hands softly over the chastity cage locked around her penis, “is this unethical?” she said as she began to grab the cage and move it back and forth with more feeling. Azucena began to breathe faster and faster not having felt this kind of stimulation since she was committed. “Stop, please,” Azucena moaned, “I’m a patient and you’re a nurse.” Nurse Helston began to squeeze around her cage and could feel something sticky drip from out of the cage, and she giggled to herself, “you’re right, it would be wrong to make you cum right now, what a mess you would make.”

Nurse Helston stood up and walked around the bed and pulled her restraints down tight, taking away the last few inches of freedom Azucena had. Helston moved toward her feet and pulled out a spreader bar from under the bed, slowly fastening it to her ankles and pulling her leg restraints tighter. Azucena began to feel frustrated realizing that the only hope of orgasming for the foreseeable future was now standing above her and would refuse to let her finish.

“Wait, don’t go,” Azucena said desperately as Nurse Helston walked toward the door, “please, help me cum.”

Nurse Helston laughed and pulled a necklace out from under her uniform—a small black key dangled from it. “Oh little girl, as a nurse, I don’t think I should enable a chronic masturbator.” The door slammed shut and Azucena found herself in the dark room, tightly tied down and unable to do much except fall asleep in hopes of forgetting her sexual frustration.


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