Bombshell beauty gives lucky commuter a view to never forget [exhibitionist] [voyeur] [panties]

Last summer, I was on my way to work – walking through a busy London Underground station with the throngs of other Londoners.

I had my head down, looking forward at the ground – making sure I could weave efficiently through the crowds. It was then that I saw walking confidently ahead of me, a gorgeous pair of heels, leading to a pair of toned, olive-skinned legs. I’m not a pervy kind of guy, but she walked with such a strut that I found my attention fixed on her, and I was now no longer looking for the fastest route through the mass of commuters, but following this beautifully dressed young woman as she strode through the station, presumably on her way to work.

It was a really hot day. And for anyone who’s been to London or lives here, the tube gets frightfully hot. The girl was dressed appropriately – apart from the killer shoes leading to the toned legs, she had a light looking orange skirt whose thin material clung quite closely to her, and a loose and very elegant blouse. She looked absolutely incredible and I was quite transfixed on her, to be honest.

My gaze followed her legs to her behind, where her thin waist weaved and bobbed with each step she took in those killer heels.

I’ve always taken a mild enjoyment out of seeing the outlines of women’s panties through their skirts – whether it’s clearly a thong, or perhaps something more comfy – it intrigues me. So I focussed my attention on her backside, to see if I could decipher what type of underwear she might be wearing – only I couldn’t make anything out.

Anyway, she – followed a second or two behind by me – reached the platform. At this point it was only by pure chance that I was at the right one, as I hadn’t actually looked where I was going for the last minute or so!

The train pulled in, lots of people got off, and then there was the usual rush to get on and nab a seat. She stepped on, and got a seat in the middle of the carriage. For those that don’t know, seats on London Underground run lengthways along the carriages (against the windows), rather than across the carriages – leaving room for the standing in the middle.

I made a dash for the other side- I was hoping to luck out and get a seat opposite her as I was intrigued to see what this woman looked like. Well, the stars somehow aligned and I ended up sat down directly opposite her.

As the train pulled away, I looked up from my phone briefly, and scanned the carriage. It was a usual scene- lots of commuters reading their screens, the papers, or a book.

My gaze focused on the girl. Sure enough it turns out she was stunning from all angles. She had a youthful face – she must have been mid twenties – and she had mousey brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. I assume that perhaps she was Czech, or Polish, or maybe Slovenian. Who knows.

Anyway – she caught me looking, and we locked eyes. I felt nervous (and guilty for getting caught staring) but I held my eyes at hers longer than I (and perhaps she) felt comfortable. She was stunning. I diverted my eyes away from hers, and looked down to her lap. She held her hands together in her lap, resting against the thin material of her skirt.

I was leaning forward, my elbows on my knees, and it suddenly occurred to me more than it had in the past that my head, and my line of vision, was a lot closer to the girls legs and skirt than you might think. My eyes followed the line of her skirt from her hands in her lap, until they reached her knees, which she held together, presumably to protect her modesty. Even her knees were beautiful. Firm looking skin, tanned. Smooth.

I found myself staring intently at her knees, almost willing them to part slightly so that I could catch even a parting glimpse of her panties that I had not managed to see through her skirt whilst following behind. I must have been staring at her knees for a minute or so when I realised I should probably divert my attention away – like I said, I’m not overly pervy and I didn’t want to cross the line or make her feel uncomfortable.

So I flicked my eyes back up hoping to look at her eyes once more before bouncing my eyes around the carriage once again. It was then I realised she had caught me looking. I was mortified. I felt like I’d been busted. But what happened next surprised me – she kind of smirked. I was totally flushed with embarrassment and I cast my eyes down again, back to the solace of her lap, skirt and knees.

And I just stayed there. I was too nervous to look anywhere else. I couldn’t look her in the eye again, and it almost felt as though the whole carriage had caught me eyeing her up. So I just stared, straight ahead, into her lap.

Then something strange happened. Something amazing happened. Her knees parted ever so slightly. All of a sudden, there was a small gap that let a tiny bit of light in – and whilst due to my angle and the fact she only really parted her knees slightly, my eyes were now transfixed on a bit more of her smooth inner thighs that were now revealed.

I couldn’t look anywhere else. Not only was I mortified that the whole carriage must have been looking at me being a perv, but I literally couldn’t take my eyes off this sight. I just watched. My eyes stayed there, staring at the tiny gap in this girl’s thighs.

And then they opened a tiny bit more. I couldn’t believe it. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world – had she not realised that there was now a small view up her skirt? Had she not realised my eyes, that were almost skirt level and only a couple of feet away, were staring intently? I wanted to see what she was doing to distract her from keeping her knees together, so I slowly moved my gaze upwards, expecting to see her texting, or putting on mascara, or somehow otherwise distracted.

But what I saw next changed me forever. She was looking directly at me. In that moment, I noticed that not only had she caught me eyeing her up, she had been *watching* me looking at her skirt. And she must have known she had parted her knees. She might have even done it on purpose.

As the embarrassment and adrenaline coursed through me, I felt my neck get hot. And I felt my cock begin to stir under the thin material of my suit trousers. I didn’t know what to do. Part of me was telling me to get up and move, and get off at the next stop, but a bigger (and growing) part of me was telling me to stay.

I just kept staring at her knees and inner thighs, imagining what her panties might look like. Maybe she was wearing something lacy, white. Whatever it was I knew it would be sexy. Thinking about her panties, the bulge in my trousers was now somewhat obvious itself. The material of my suit had bunched up, and I could feel it grabbing tightly around what was now quite a firm piece, outlined in my crotch.

I kept looking. And her knees parted some more. My cock was now solid as a rock. I could not believe that I was sat leaning forward, not 2 feet away from the slowly parting legs of one the most beautiful women I’d ever seen, and if they opened just a crack more, I’d no doubt get a view of whatever pretty panties she’d decided to wear with her gorgeous outfit.

My temperature continued to rise, and I kept staring whilst feeling my cock begin to throb and ache, pent up in my trousers. I felt self conscious for a moment but then my primal instinct took over and told me to just ignore that, and let my cock enjoy this once in a lifetime event.

And then it happened. She parted her knees that tiny bit more that would give me a view of her panties.

Except it didn’t. Because she wasn’t wearing any. And I *literally* felt my heart beating out of my chest. I felt a deep aching to the pit of my stomach, like a million butterflies beating their wings at the same time. And I could have sworn my cock nearly exploded there and then on the train, in my trousers, on my way to work.

Here I was with a view directly up this beautiful woman’s skirt, and she *knew* I was looking, and she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She must have seen my erection. The whole carriage must have seen it. Hell, for all I care my boss had seen it.

And there I was. Staring at her beautiful, small pussy, pushed together tightly between her thighs. She had a tiny mound of very well kept pubic hair, and her bikini line was immaculately waxed. Because her legs were still fairly close together, her lips were kind of bunched together into a beautiful little parcel, almost carefully layered together.

I didn’t stop staring, and the delightful parcel slowly started to unfold and open itself. I’m not sure whether perhaps she parted her thighs and released the pressure that was holding her together, but I like to think that this was her pussy begging to be seen. As her lips slowly unfolded, and the layers gently became free of each other, it was totally clear, undoubtedly, that she was aroused. There was a sheen, a glisten, and I could clearly make out that this beautiful girl, on her way to work, was sat there in full knowledge that a random man was staring directly at her soaking wet pussy.

And then the train pulled into a station, and she up and gone. Just like that.

I barely made it to work, but when I arrived I went directly to the toilets. I pulled my trousers down and freed my cock, which at this point was dripping with pre-cum. It took only a few strokes to blow the biggest load I’ve ever produced.

So anyway, that happened. Let me know if you want a follow up to this real event, fictionalised.



  1. Wow, you did well there. I normally stop myself looking for fear the rest of the carriage thinks I’m a perv! There’s something about the heat on the tube.

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