The Ethereal Bond Pt. 1 [MF] [DWP]

This story is based off of this prompt on r/DirtyWrittingPrompts

[WP] While burning the midnight oil you see a shadowy figure in your office hallway. Upon investigation you find an incredibly lonely ghost from DirtyWritingPrompts

I’m not the best writer, and this is the first time I’m posting any of my writing, but I hope you think this is a good first start. This also isn’t hypersexual, but as it is still nsfw, I’m posting it here.


“Fuckin’ ‘ell” sighed James. It was already 3 a.m. for the 3rd night in a row. The cool air of the Autumnal night rolled through the open window. The full moon beamed through the window frame and illuminated the otherwise dark study. In the study stood a sturdy desk. It was littered with papers, writing implements and books. James made an effort to put in order what was in front of him, but shortly gave up.

Being a writer wasn’t easy. Although he already had a successful book that made him money, his alternative lifestyle still took its toll. The door to the study creaked open slightly, catching James’ attention. He stared the door down as if it were likely to make a run for it.

“I’m fuckin’ losin’ it,” he said to himself.

From the crack of the door came the slightest blue glow. It was so faint that James knew it was just his tired eyes playing tricks.

“I see you there, there’s no sense in hiding. You can come on out,” he said mockingly to the door. To James’ surprise, the door opened further and in came a translucent, blue-hued girl.

James stared in shock. He didn’t actually think anyone would be there. In fact, he knew there was no one there. His sleep deprived mind was just playing tricks. Yes, he thought, it was simply a hallucination.

James humored his deletions. “Why were you watching me?” he asked the girl. The girl looked down nervously as if she couldn’t think of an answer.

“I… I don’t know. I was just…” she stammered nervously. Her voice matched her appearance in a way. It was soft and timid. James’ delusion began to become clearer. The girl had an aura about her. Her long hair matched her skin tone. She was white, stark white, with a bluish hue to her. Her features were soft, and she couldn’t have been over 5’3″. Though she looked like a young woman, it was impossible to discern her actual age. Though the curves and features of her body were not obscured, they seemed impossible to truly comprehend.

James was becoming amused. He could perhaps use this for a story at a later date. He decided to test the lengths of his imagination.

“Come girl, what is your name?” James commanded. The girl timidly stepped toward him.

“My n-name’s Abigail, bu-ut people call me Abby,” she said shyly, averting her eyes.

“Again, why are you watching me?” James asked.

“I don’t know,” she replied, still uncomfortable.

“Why are you so nervous? You’re supposed to be the ghost right?” To this, Abigail did not respond.

James looked closer. She wore a white, flowing, dress-like garment. It was plain and ended about her knees. On her feet she wore knee high socks, also white, and no shoes. As he thought what to say next, his mind started to stray.

“If you’re going to watch me, then I’ll watch you. Pull down your top.” It’s not every day you hallucinate up a ghost girl, he thought, might as well check out some ethereal titties while I’m at it. 

She blushed, her cool white cheeks turning a shade darker blue. “You mean…” she started, but she seemed to get the idea. She brought shaking hands up to the sleeves of her dress and pulled them down. Her modest chest covered by a lacey, almost ornate bra was exposed. She blushed harder as she stood there, waiting for his next command.

“Come closer, let me touch you,” he told the girl. She hesitated for a moment, then got closer. Surely this will dispel the illusion, he thought. She waited, eyes closed tight, for James to reach out and grab her, but he didn’t. “Hold out your hand,” he commanded.

She nervously extended her hand to him. James took his hand and put it in hers. It went through her. There was a bizarre sensation as if his hand just phased through a window pane. It was neither warm, nor cool, but both at the same time. James looked at Abigail in shock once more.

“You’re real, aren’t you?” he asked in disbelief. She nodded her head yes. James was stunned. He then remembered his lewd request. “Pull your dress up. I’m sorry, I didn’t think you were real,” he said apologetically. She nodded with thanks and covered her chest. “Why did you do it anyway?” James asked.

“Because I’m bound to you,” she replied. He gave her a confused look, so she went on. “Some time ago I was cursed to live in this house forever without anyone ever seeing me. I’m completely unnoticeable for most people. It was said that if anyone ever discovered me, I’d be bound eternally to that person. So even though it made me uncomfortable, I had to do it. I have to do anything you say.”

They looked at each other and blushed. They both knew what the other was thinking by ‘anything you say’.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was like that. I shouldn’t have told you to do that,” James said apologetically.

“No you’re not,” she said flatly. James was taken aback by this. “I’ve been watching you for a long time. I know what sort of things you fantasize about.” Her demeanor almost completely changed when she said that. James was really creeped out, but then her demeanor returned to that of a shy girl. “But I get what it’s like to be lonely. I haven’t felt the warmth of a person in so long that I don’t even remember it, so if you want to touch me go ahead, even if it’s in an uncomfortable way.”

James was stunned by this; he didn’t know what to say. Abigail smiled at him as if she loved him. James put out his arms to pull her into a hug. As if reading his mind, she returned the outstretched arms. Their embrace was one of the strangest feelings he’d ever felt. It was like being submerged in a warm and icey bath at the same time.

“How old are you?” James asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t remember how old I was before becoming a ghost, and I don’t remember how long ago I became a ghost. The only thing I remember are the distant sensations of what it’s like to be alive. I haven’t felt warmth in a long time, so thank you. Besides, I don’t think the law cares how old your ghost is, but if it makes you feel any better, I don’t feel like a child.”

Abby laughed slightly and James blushed. She was getting more comfortable around him. It was true that the second he saw her his mind was creating dirty fantasies. She was so innocent looking. He always had a thing for the good girl type.

“Are you a virgin?” asked James. Now he was the one who was nervous.

“I think so,” she replied. “I don’t seem to recall the sensation of being with a man.” James felt a little rush of excitement. She could be hundreds of years old and still wasn’t taken. Abigail’s bashful voice came back, “I… I can read your aura,” she said. “I can tell you’re thinking about me.” She blushed again.

Not that you need to read auras to tell what I’m thinking, James thought. It was disconcerting to him that she could read that off of him however.

“I can’t read your mind,” she added. “I can read your feelings. I can read if you’re angry or if you’re happy. I can read if you’re feeling lewd as well.” She laughed again.

James was tired and confused and just a little bit freaked out. “I’m going to go to bed and think on this. I’m not really sure what to make of it.” He still wasn’t sure whether or not he was just going insane.

“Ok. If your bed is lonely, all you need to do is say the word.” She smiled at him as he stumbled toward his bedroom. He got undressed and laid down in bed. His mind reeled in confusion over what just happened, but sleep soon came to put his mind at ease.
