Summary: Gabriel is a lifetime kidnapper and slaver. He’s responsible for furnishing some of the wealthiest and most powerful men around the world with personal sex slaves. Only today, he kidnapped the wrong witch.
Blondie’s time was coming to a close. She’d leave her attorney gig in a few minutes and take her long walk home. Unbeknownst to the cutie, she won’t ever see her apartment ever again. I had a client already lined up to purchase the girl, and boy was he willing to pay. I thought there might be some complications but there wasn’t. The girl is a creature of habit, making it real easy for me to find the best spot to take her.
Each second that passed felt like a thousand. I was never this gitty for a kidnapping job, but something about this girl brought the spark back. I remember my first girl, a redheaded bitch with big tits. Her screams were so delightful, I had asked the client to keep her for personal use. Thankfully he had agreed and it was one the best weeks of my life.
Redhead, however, was the last time I felt that level of excitement. I hoped blondie here would give me that much of a rise but I knew better not to get my hopes up. Digging into my backpack of supplies, I checked over to make sure I had everything I’d need. Several rolls of duct tape, a big foam ball, a rag, a bottle of chloroform and a small set of nipple clamps that would make the beauty squeal.
Looking up again at my prey through her window, I saw that she was finally packing up to leave. It was about damn time. It took her another three minutes to make it out the front door and the game began. I followed her several blocks, until we approached a street that had no activity this late. With the lights off, this was the best place I had to snatch her.
Eyeing the alleyway just ahead of the girl, I pulled out my cloth and chloroform, quickly getting ready for the deed. The dumb bitch wasn’t even aware I was there and she wouldn’t until it was too late. I had made a good but stealthy pace and I was now in grabbing distance.
*Just a little further cutie, then you’re finished.*
A moment after she became parallel with the entrance to the alley, I struck. I pressed the cloth over her nose and mouth, dragging her backwards. She was pretty fit but there was no way she’d overpower me, especially since I had her arms pinned with my free hand. We made it halfway into the dark alley when she showed signs of drowsiness. By the time I dragged her to the back she was down for the count.
Laying the cutie on the ground, I began to get to work. I didn’t have much time between now and when the lights came on. I broke out the tape and the foam ball first; the clamps could wait until later. I opened the damsel’s mouth and shoved in the foam ball. Once it was securely behind her teeth, I layered several strips of tape over her lips.
Flipping her over, I got to work binding her arms. Starting at the wrists I made several wraps, making my way up to her shoulders. I planned to bury her arms in the silver tape like an armbinder. It took me a good ten minutes to finish the job. I only had maybe five more to spare. I quickly got to her ankles and taped them quickly together. I did another few wraps around her thighs and below her knees.
Satisfied with my work, I picked up the unconscious girl and threw her over my shoulder. My care was only a block away but I still had to hurry. If the lights came on, my chances of success would plummet significantly. Thankfully, the stars were on my side and I made it to the car in time. I tossed her in the trunk and made my getaway. Taking it easy, I felt disappointed now that she hadn’t managed to put up much of a fight.
Five hours of driving later, I made it to my warehouse. I leapt out of my car, circling around to the trunk. Popping it open my look of glee turned into one of utter confusion; the girl was gone. There were zero signs of struggle or escape, and she shouldn’t have even woken up yet. How the hell did she manage to get out of the trunk? Just before I could search further I heard a loud yawn behind me.
“Well that was a nice nap,” the feminine voice spoke.
Slowly I turned to find, staring me down with a flat look, was the very same blonde I kidnapped. She’d shed all the tape, removed her gag and was tossing the foam ball, I knew I shoved in her mouth, in the air.
“Surprised?” She asked.
I didn’t have time to figure this all out. I had to act quick and get her back down. I rushed forward with the intention of tackling her down. Except, when I made contact, she didn’t budge. It was like she was ten times stronger now. She delivered a blow to my jaw with her knee and I stumbled back.
My vision started to blur, causing a rise of confusion to swell inside me. She hadn’t landed that hard of a blow. Suddenly, the blurriness was joined by chest pains. That’s when I started to suspect that there was something going on here that I wasn’t privy to knowing. Leaning backwards against my car, I took in a shaky breath.
“Do you even know my name, Gabriel?” The distaste in her voice was enough to shock me despite my situation. “I bet you don’t. I’d argue you don’t care to learn any of their names. You see, Gabriella dear, I’m what you humans would call a witch. I have a very specific skill set I use on scum like you.”
I lost my footing and began my plummet to the ground. My body was growing heavy, and darkness was rapidly approaching. I wouldn’t be able to stay awake much longer at this rate.
“I knew from the day you first started following me, who you were and what you planned to do with me. I wish I could save those unfortunate girls from the hell you put them in, but sending you off on your own will have to do.” Hailey continued to speak, but I was engulfed by the darkness and lulled into a deep sleep.
A brisk breeze startled me from my sleep. I didn’t recognize the grassy field I was sitting in. It certainly wasn’t the warehouse I was in with the blonde. Remembering my former captive, I looked around, finding her sitting down on a wooden picnic table.
Her attire was completely different. The pencil skirt she wore was now replaced with jeans and her blouse was a tee shirt. She looked like a typical college girl, and somehow was still a beauty. Strands of her elegant golden hair swayed in the wind as she looked into the distance. It seemed to me like she was lost in thought; the perfect chance for me to put her back in that rightful place. I still had a contract to fulfill after all.
Things got complicated when I motioned to get up. I immediately fell back down on my ass because a chain springing out from a collar around my neck had been secured to a spike in the ground. I went to tug at the chain and noticed my body, like my location was radically changed. My stronger man arms were now skinny, smooth and hairless.
Horrified there was more to it, I looked down to find the body of a woman. A large pair of breasts obscured the vision of my midriff but I still was able to make out my pussy and thin graceful legs. I felt a sickness rise from my stomach, almost akin to a prelude of throwing up.
“You seem less surprised then the other’s I’ve turned.” I looked back and found the blonde still staring out at the distance but there was no mistaking that sweet honeyed voice. “Almost like you’ve experienced magic before.”
“Magic? That’s what did this to me?” I asked worryingly.
“How do you think I got out of your trunk? Or resisted the effects of Chloroform? I’m a witch dummy.”
“This can’t be happening.”
“There’s the look of surprise I’m accustomed to. This isn’t a dream, or some trick. You’re a girl now. I’ve made it so. You see, like I told you before my spell got to work on your body, I punish evil men like you by turning them into the very thing they take advantage of. You sold slaves off to the highest bidders around the world, now, you’ll be one of those slaves. More specifically, my slave. At least until I bore of you and sell you to someone else.”
“What the fuck!? You can’t!” I barked.
“Just like you can’t sell girls to the rich and powerful?”
I winced at her continued bluntness. She held all the cards, I knew, she knew it. Everything else was just bravado. I was acutely aware of my thighs rubbing together, the friction building a heat in my newly formed pussy. Biting my lower lip, I tried to hide my rising arousal from the devil of a woman who cursed me to this life.
A trembling moan slipped free and caught the attention of my “owner”. She looked over to me with a smile. She snapped her fingers and the feeling became twice as intense.
“Like that little slave?” She mocked.
“I’m not a slave!” I squeaked.
“Oh right you’re a big strong man.”
Hailey snapped her fingers and the feeling amplified again. I squealed as I continued to resist giving into the womanly urges being forced upon me. Each passing second that I continued to resist the body’s desire, the harder it became. It was quickly becoming impossible to control myself.
“Look at the big strong man, struggling not to be a slut. As if your willpower will be enough to resist my magic. Maybe I should turn up your nerve receptors again. Making a tiny feeling into a massive one seems to be doing wonders.”
“W-What’s that supposed to mean!?” I said through gritted teeth.
“You must think I gave you that womanly urge. You’d be wrong. I’m just pushing it along. You’re getting hot and bothered all on your own sweetheart.”
“You’re lying. I’d never want this.”
“New body, new mind. Doesn’t mean your memories are changed but you’ll think differently. You men always do. You can’t help touching yourselves, debasing yourselves like common harlots.”
“I don’t believe your lies, bitch!”
“Your body knows the truth, you’re the one believing in lies. Just tell me when you’re ready to cum, little Gabby. I’ll go easy on you just this once if you can manage that.”
Determined not to give into blondie, I mustered all the self control I could. Like before, the longer I held out, the more the need grew. Even should I give in to the urge, I’d never admit that to her. Every muscle in my body felt tightened as I held out but my resistance was waning. I hoped my captive turned captor would remain oblivious to that fact, but I wasn’t that lucky it would seem.
“How long are you going to let your urges go unattended to? You’re not going to ever be able to resist them. YOu might last a few minutes, hell maybe even half an hour. Sooner or later though, your body won’t listen to your brain. It’ll take control and get to administering some much needed attention.” She snapped her fingers again and the feeling skyrocketed. I felt like I might just cum if a breeze happened to tickle my clit.
“You’re a woman now. You’re a slut now. Just accept it.”
“N-No!” I shouted.
“Have it your way.”
The blonde woman pressed her foot against my chest, pushing me to lay on my back. She snapped her fingers again and the chain linked to my collar was adjusted to compensate for my new position. I went to grab her ankle but she dodged it. Blondie walked away, retrieving my bag of supplies.
I was horrified when she pulled out the nipple clamps. I was ready to protest until she took out the foam ball I stuffed her mouth with previously. I shook my head side to side, denying the squishy soaked ball. Blondie had been ready for that, pinching my nose until I gasped about for air. Quickly, she pushed the ball in until it filled up my oral cavity, following it up with a strip of tape over my mouth.
Now that I wasn’t screaming, blondie took the nipple clamps and applied them to each nipple. I howled in pain, as the short chain tugged on my pink buds. Is this what it felt like to have to wear these things?
“Not exactly a lot of things to torture you with,” Blondie spoke, “But I’ll make do.”
She gave the chain a harsh tug. My lungs emptied every ounce of air into one ear piercing scream. I found the pain mixing in with my pleasure, reminding me said desire was still there. I wanted so badly to move my hands over to masturebate. Before I could, blondie slapped my already sore tits. I moved my hands to deflect the next attack but that only worked to anger her.
Digging through the bag again, she pulled out a fresh roll of duct tape and bound together my wrists above my head around the stake. I was effectively pinned more now, unable to use my hands. I squirmed and struggled as best I could but she knew what she was doing. I was completely at her mercy.
“You should have taken the deal, Gabby,” Blondie said with sarcasm.
“N’m phnrrm! N’m phnrrm! Pmmnphm N mmnnph phn cnm, mnhm mm cnm! N’mm nn nnmphhnng!”
“I have no idea what you said, but I don’t care either. See, that’s what girls you kidnap are put through. Their owners don’t care what they want. So why would I care what you want?”
Kicking, and screaming into my gag, as the sadistic woman began refusing my pleasure. Regret came pouring through my body, wishing I came out and caved for her. Blondie left me squirming for what felt like an eternity. Every twitch, feeling, or sensation only provided to amplify my torture.
Blondie tugged on the chain, pulling yet another howl of pain from me. Distraught and desperate, I bucked my hips upward toward her, hoping she’d forgive me and spare me the indignation. Instead of giving mercy, she instead pulled harder on the chain. I screamed the remaining air in my lungs out as loud as I could.
“You’re gonna stay like this for as long as I please. Hope you enjoy learning your place as a woman. Because when I bore of you, your next owner won’t be so pleasant.”
“Pmmnphm pmmnphm pmmnphm mmph mm cnm! N’m phn phnrrm mmph mm cnm mnphphrmphph!”
“Now I’m going to go find proper toys to begin your education. Enjoy the squirming, Gabriella,” blondie turned to leave but spun right around after a few feet, “By the way, you better learn to call me Mistress Hailey, or else.”
This is real good, do you have a sequel planned?