Sexting my guy friend who has a gf [f]

Sending nudes to my friend who has a GF! [f]

Last night when I was at my friends bday I posted a pic on my ig story and I noticed this guy was one of the first viewers. Literally like two minutes after he saw my ig story he snapped me for the first time in like 3 weeks.

Skip the timeline if u would like! It’s just a little backstory:)


-6 weeks ago-

we hung out with a group of our friends but the whole day we were pretty much together. I had parked at his house and then one of our other friends had picked us both up. When we got dropped off I got in my car and left and as soon as I had left his house he had Instagram dmed me asking for my snap. He added me and we chatted a bit that night. The next night we ended up sexting for like 3 hours (no pics just chatting). Near the end of that three hours I asked him, “what is the most amount of times u have had sex in a day?” And he replied “7 times with my current gf”!!!!! I was shook! I couldn’t believe he had a girlfriend!After finding this out no sexual talk happened between us for a few days!

-5 weeks ago-

Then like a week after the girlfriend incident I had obtained some edibles from a friend. I took them two nights in a row and on both nights I snapped him. When I get high especially from edibles I get really horny (he knows this cause we had talked about it during our 3 hour chat) and so when we were snapping I made sure I told him I was high so that he definitely knew I was horny. On the second night of me being high, me and him sent nudes! Also I had kinda forgot he had a gf on the second night or at least it had sort of slipped my mind cause I didn’t feel guilty till the next day.

-3 weeks ago-

he snapped me that he was high and we talked a bit. He said he was bored and I said me too then he asked if there was anything he can do to help. I said “sure but what”, I don’t remember Exactky what he said next but he basically said he will send pics and I told him I was at my friends house. He said he didn’t mind and that I could show my friends if I wanted!! This specific part of the convo turned me on a lot cause of his confidence! But in the end I ended up declining the photos cause he was still dating his gf:/



Around 8 pm I think
His snap: “ I got my braces off” *pic of him smiling *
My snaps: “twins me too” *pic of me smiling*”They look nice!”
His snap:”thank you”

Then he replied which I didn’t think he would bc I was being super dry. But I didn’t open it.

1 am
He snapped me two pics again! So now there was 3 total for me to open!!

The first two were just pics with no words the last one said “I am so high rn”

I said “lucky”
He said “no it’s kinda a weird high”
I asked him why and he said cause we was very horny and very tired.
I said I was still jealous cause I don’t remember the last time I was high. Then we chatted a little more nothing too interesting and then he said “I guess I will just watch online lectures till I fall asleep” and I said “boring” then he said something but I forgot what!

Then i said “how horny are you scale from 1-10?”
“Would it help if I sent you pics from when I had my nipples pierced?”
He asked if I wanted pics back and at first I said no but then I quickly said yes. I sent him like 3 pics and then also the one of my in the yellow school girls skirt! He sent me a few dick pics and then a vid of him cumming which is always my favourite.

This story was all over the place but I hope someone will read it lol!

The whole time he was telling me he was horny I just wanted to send him this Reddit account but I was too shy!



  1. Wish I could be that man haha, never got that luck to exchange sexto with someone haha, thanks for sharing

  2. I love this, have had a few friends who sent me nudes while I had a gf (currently do)

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