Winter Weight: A Sort-of-Epilogue

The door creaked open, but she couldn’t see who was there. She presumed it was Jack. Even though she no longer was able to move her legs, Kyra savored every moment of her immobility. It was just her and a pile of food, nobody to judge her, nobody to stop her, just eating like a pig… or more accurately a fat dragoness. She could feel her taut, purple skin stretching with every bite and she was pleasured by every bit of food that slipped down her throat. She loved the sensation of forging herself on food, and her enormous stomach quaked in emptiness, sadly, there was nothing she could do but grab her belly in an attempt to relieve her need to eat.

“Ky? Are you awake?”

She almost jumped… as high as a blob can jump, which is not really jumping at all and more of a futile jiggle. “Ye-yes, babe~!”

As Jack walked inside the room, he looked at her and realized she’d eaten through the entire pile of food in one sitting. He heard her overstretched stomach growl in a cry for food. “Someone’s been quite the piggy. Is my dragoness hungry?”

She grabbed the fat rolls on her stomach, her somewhat sharpened nails digging into her excessively soft flab. “I’m starving~ I need something to eat, please babe~!” He quickly went to the kitchen and began grabbing bag after bag of food. When he returned she ripped open a bag and tore through it. “I feel a bit better after that… but it’s all part of being a blob~”

“Oh my god, babe, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to leave you hungry that long, I promise that won’t happen again!”

“It’s.. completely fine… I just needed to eat, that’s it. Again, I can’t really go to get more food…” Kyra blushed, her massive body practically on display. The only two clothing items that still fit were just a bra and panties, which overstretched into a sort of thong inside her gargantuan ass. However the bra seemed to have trouble fitting such large, draconian breasts. There was nothing Kyra could do to stop either from ripping in half, she just relied on the fact that they might hold her expanding frame a little longer.

That’s when she heard a pop.
