Ex Girlfriends, Cat Fights and First Times oh my. Chloe and Kennedy the 4th installment. [f/f]

The 4th installment of "I can't come up with a good enough name so help me" Seriously though if y'all have some suggestion holla. This story has a fair amount of mushy stuff, but there is hot sexy time!(I went and found Chloe to play after I finished writing) If I'm getting too off of the gonewild track please do tell me!

And here we go.

“Are you sure you want to go tonight? We could just stay in and finish watching house of cards.” I pleaded from the bathroom. “Yes Kennedy. We haven’t done anything but stayed in since my birthday. It’s been a week, we should interact with other human beings” griped Chloe. “Besides I want to show off my trophy wife” Chloe added as she peeked her head into the bathroom. I instantaneously began to cackle, which led me to momentarily forget I was still shaving my legs. “Shit on a dick” I hissed. “See some trophy wife I am, I can’t even shave properly. Plus babe I’m a business major, meaning I’ll be bringing home the bacon and you’ll be cooking it.” I teased her. “Excuse me, history majors can make bank too, recognize” she preached. “Right, and the pope isn’t catholic” I scoffed. “If you weren’t bleeding to death I would have a worthy come back but I surrender to save your life. Chloe declared. “You just want to save me so you can keep using my sex-warrior body for evil” I pointed out. “Who would have thought that evil would feel so good?” She remarked bending over to clean my wound. “When you spell evil K-E-N-N-E-D-Y of course it does babe” I smugly replied, adding a wink for good measure. “All patched up” she tells me before she gives me a kiss “We must work on your spelling though, not a big area of focus for business majors huh?” she added as she walked out of the bathroom, deliberately swaying her hips more than usual. “Mule” I barked after her. “Nag” Chloe responded in kind. (10 points to your house if you can name that movie)

15 minutes later I was being pushed out of the door and booty bumped into a cab by Chloe. I realized how mixed my emotions were as I watched the cityscape pass by out the window. I was ecstatic to see Adrian, my best guy friend and number one wingman since high school. He hand been touring with his band the past six months and arrived home earlier that week. His band was having a welcome home show at a local bar, which is where we were headed. I was also terrified because of Chloe. (I can hear the boos now)

I hadn’t suggested we stay in because I’m a homebody, I pleaded to stay in because we were in a wonderful Kennedy and Chloe bubble, a bubble that could unexpectedly pop. At Chloe’s we just were. I am aware that is not an actually thing but it was to me. There was no one to ask us questions that neither one of us had dared discussed in the state of were. (I’m making were a thing now fyi) On the surface “Hey what’s new?” might seem like a trivial question, in this moment it was the bane of my existence. Would I answer? Would she answer? Would we both separately answer??? What would I even say “Oh yeah no, not much just had my face buried in Chloe’s vagina for the past week. How about you?” My internal anxiety was further exacerbated by the fact that we had not DTR yet. (DETERMINE THE RELATIONSHIP PEOPLE) We didn’t need to at Chloe’s because we just, say it with me, were. BUT IN PUBLIC? Was I her girlfriend? Her best friend? My internal second guessing act was interrupted by Chloe’s voice “Kennedy we’re here.”

I paid the cab driver and turned to walk with Chloe inside “K, are you okay, you didn’t say anything the whole car ride. I had to make small talk with Jamal plus you were doing your ear thing” she told me sounding worried. “Who is Jamal?” I asked out of utter confusion. “The cab driver!” laughed Chloe. “The ear though, what were you think about Kennedy?” “Nothing Chloe let’s just have a good time.” I lied.

The bar had a decent sized crowd, but an even bigger dance floor. This left lots of tables open in the back. “Let’s sit there” I suggested, pointing to a circular booth against the back wall. “What. Why. That’s the furthest one from the stage.” Chloe pointed out. “I know I just don’t want to be half deaf tomorrow” I complained trying to muster up some conviction in my voice. I had just lied to Chloe twice in five minutes, not knowing what we were outside of were was killing me. Chloe looked up at me, shrugged her shoulders and walked to the booth. Soon after sitting down a waitress came by for our drink orders “I’ll take a whiskey sour, strong please and she’ll have a vodka soda” I relayed to the waitress while tilting my head towards Chloe. “Coming right up ladies” she replied and scurried off towards the bar. “I’m sorry” I blurted out “I shouldn’t have just ordered for you like that.” “Please” blushed Chloe “You know I love when you do that” interlocking our hands as she finished. Relief flooded over me, things were looking up.

“Is that Ava?” Chloe asked. (FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCK)

Ava was my Achilles heel. She was crazy sure, but my god, was she sultry. See, Chloe was beautiful, I felt lucky to be with her, I wanted to show her off to the world, but Ava, Ava was tantalizing. I didn’t want to show her off to the world, no, I wanted to smash our hot bodies together and fuck her brains out. Ava had transferred to our high school senior year. Long story short, she was openly bi, we hit it off, fell deep in lust and broke up a year and some odd months later. Did we end up fucking every time we ran into each other after? Affirmative….

“Indeed” I grunted through my clenched teeth while I watched Ava make her way over to our table. “If that cunt licker even looks at you sideways I will end her” cautioned Chloe. I swiftly turn my head to make sure I had heard my little Chloe correctly “What did…..” that’s when Chloe’s tongue interrupted me. “OH MY GOD SHE’S JEALOUS” my inner sex goddess whooped. She ended our kiss by biting my lower lip. I just sat there, shell shocked. “Oh my gosh Ava, Hi, I didn’t see you there” said Chloe. “Babe look it’s Ava. Small world huh?” taunted Chloe nudging me with her elbow. I was still rebooting from the events that had just transpired. “Chloe always a pleasure seeing you dear” sneered Ava. “Kennedy how long has it been 3 months? Mind if I sit?” Chloe was well aware of my Ava dilemma, but not in the role she was currently playing. I felt the daggers plunge into my back. I was certain Chloe was shooting them at me with her eyes. Did I mention that I hadn’t told Chloe about the last sexcapde with Ava? (ooops) “Yeah 3 months or maybe even longer really” I muttered. “I’m sure it was 3 months D, because well, remember the sauna” Ava commented while looking at Chloe. (Yes Ava’s nickname for me was D & I fucking hate it) “Vaguely” I claimed (UM YEAH I REMEMBER AND SO DOES MY VAGINA) By the sweet grace of god our drinks arrived. I promptly downed mine and asked for a double as quickly as possible.

“D you’re here for Adrian but Chloe what made you tag along” inquired Ava. “I came with my girlfriend, Kennedy, you might know her, she’s a real catch” responded Chloe. “Girlfriend?” Ava questioned before I had the chance too. “Mhmmmm” Chloe said as she kissed me on the cheek. “I finally wised up and seduced the old maid.” Becoming suddenly aware of a man waving in our generally direction Ava piqued up “Oh that’s my boyfriend Chad I better go. Chloe always a joy to see you, congrats on your catch by the way. Kennedy I’m sure I’ll see you later.”

Interrupting Chloe before she flipped a tit “I will not be seeing her later, she’s trying to ruffle your feathers. Chad what a name though, am I right?” “What are you jealous” fumed Chloe. “Kinda” I replied “because when Ava walked away you let go of my hand and stopped kissing me” I coyly remarked. Chloe’s eyebrows moved from furrowed to raised “Let’s fix that shall we” she whispered while licking her lips before embracing mine.

“Hey guys before we begin I just want to give a shout out to my best friend and her long overdue new girlfriend if you ask me. Kennedy and Chloe you go girls. K, we got some talking to do later but let’s get into it right now, 1234” boomed Adrian into the microphone.Pulling out of our tongue tumbles but still holding Chloe’s face in my hands “Everyone is staring now yeah?” I questioned, already knowing the answer. “Yup turn and wave babe” she instructed me with a kiss and so I did. Some whoops, whistles and claps arose from some members of the audience but I was interested in only one person’s reaction, Ava. Her face told me everything that I needed to know. Did she tell Adrian? Check. Did she hope Adrian's announcement would send Chloe running for the hills? Check. Was she pissed that her scheme didn’t work? Check. “So when did you ask me to be your girlfriend by the way?” I playfully chirped. “Oh I didn’t. I just decided you were, your opinion on the matter was irrelevant” explained Chloe. “Holy shit pissed of jealous Chloe was hot” my inner goddess rejoiced.

3 songs in and a double finished (can you really blame me after that shit) I was feeling content and I leaned back onto Chloe. As my head came to rest on Chloe’s chest something cold gained my attention. “Chloe” “Yes dear?” “Your hand is in my shirt” “Not for long” she murmured as she unbuttoned my skirt. “Chloe what are you doing” I inhaled sharply. “Taking what’s mine” she growled into my ear. Sensing I was tense she reassured me “Kennedy, your shirt is billowy, no one can see around this earth sized table and everyone is busy dancing. You trust me don’t you?” “Yes” I groaned as Chloe touched me for the 1st time. “All the cat fighting has gotten someone worked up I see” she observed upon feeling how soaked I was. I mumbled something incoherent back, I was too focused on the things my body was about to feel. She bypassed my clit and entered into me, I gasped feeling her finger inside me. After a few exploratory strokes I felt empty, Chloe had withdrawn herself from inside of me. “Yes. Two.Fingers.Right.Fucking.Now.” I commanded “Like this” she purred. My pelvis began to rise every time she touched my g-spot. I would respond greeting her magical instruments with more force. Chloe’s position made it so that her palm would rub my clit with each finger thrust. With our rhythm hitting stride I reached back and put my hand on the back of Chloe’s neck. Tilting my head upwards in ecstasy I pleaded “Don’t stop.” “Never” she breathed. I didn’t give a fuck if the whole bar was watching at this point, I had found nirvana on earth in the arms of my best friend. 53 seconds later I managed to whimper “I’m cumming” before I shuddered uncontrollable trembles of pleasure. I came, hard. After what seemed like infinity I opened my eyes to see the bar patrons dancing just as they were before, we weren’t a blip on their radar, expect for one person, Ava.

Ava knew what had just happened in the booth. She was familiar with my expression, having made me cum countless times before. I remained locked in eye contact with Ava as I fully caught my breath. I started to sit up a little when Chloe informed me “You’re going to open your mouth and taste how hard I make you cum Kennedy Marie.” Chloe removed her hand from my cum covered pussy and brought her fingers to my mouth. I tasted her magnificent work. Was I eye locked with Ava the entire time? You better fucking believe it. Chloe withdrew her fingers from my mouth and I quickly turned to thank her with my lips on hers. “Chloe thank you. That was insane. Seriously.” I confided in her with our foreheads now resting together. “Damn straight. I did my research” Chloe bragged “Research?” I giggled. “You can find a “how to” too anything on the world wide web! So I searched how to make your girlfriend cum. It took a while to sort through the penis related ones but I think I chose a winner” she beamed.

& I proceeded to lose my shit.

“It’s not funny! I spent a lot of time researching!” she said while pushing me away from her. “I’m sorry, you’re just so proud of yourself it’s so cute” I informed her scooting back into place. Remember that sound that I heard for the first time the night of her birthday? Yeah it made an appearance again. “I didn’t want to be a disappointing straight girl” croaked Chloe. “Are you crying Chloe?!” “Yes Kennedy” whimpered Chloe. “Oh my god, come here” I cooed at her while I wrapped her up in my arms. “Are you crying because I was laughing? I was laughing because you are adorable and I can’t believe you did all of that for me” I gushed “Is that true?” she asked buried in my arms. “Yes” and it was.

“Good” Chloe sniffled “I’m going to go to the ladies room now okay?” I teased. “Yes” remarked Chloe seeming to recover her self confidence in an instant. I got half way up but decided I needed one more kiss. “I strongly dislike you and your face right now” yelled Chloe over the music. I promptly lifted the back of my skirt, flashed her and made my way towards the bathroom. I splashed the cold water on my face hoping that it would cleanse all the drama the evening had provided. With my hands getting ready to take another scoop I heard the door open. “Babe I don’t know if I’m ready for seconds” I said, thinking it had to be Chloe “I’m looking for my first helping babe” a familiar voice burned in my ears.

“Ava what do you want?” I grumbled, not even bothering to turn around to acknowledge her. “What I always get from you D, a mind shattering, body numbing earth quaking orgasm.” “Sorry kid fresh out” I informed the wicked witch of the west, finally turning around to look at her. “I’m not asking, I’m telling you. Does that little want to be fake dyke think she can make you cum in front of me and I would just sit back and take it?” she spewed stepping closer to me. (Ava is one of 3 females I’m actually physical intimidated by) “Enough” I protested “She didn't know you were watching Ava” I snapped, internally however I wasn't so sure. “But you knew you, you dirty little slut” she asserted. “What did you say when you ended it with me for a dude? All is fair in love and war or some other cliche bullshit? Right back at you, you emotionally stunted cunt.” (SHOTS FIRED)

Thump was the sound my body made as it was pushed up against the door. “Kennedy you know what dirty talk does to me” Ava hissed in my ear. Her lips soon pounced on mine, I found myself temporarily confused by the familiarity of the situation at hand. Finally coming to I turned my head to stop her assault on my lips. “I don’t want you Ava” I sternly told her. “You say that, but your body tells me something different” she said as she turned my face back towards her, taking my lips into hers again. In that moment, she was right. I lingered briefly before I pushed her off of me. (Seriously she is my kryptonite. I haven’t and never will cheat on Chloe, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t find it hot)

I flung the door open and stormed out, back into the refuge of the bar. “Where is that little bitch. I saw her follow you in there “screamed Chloe. “Chloe you and I are going home right now” I instructed her. “FUCK THAT” argued Chloe. Of course, Ava had to walk out right then; she couldn’t have waited two minutes that would have made my life too fucking easy. “Hey Ava, did you not learn how to keep your hands off things when they don’t belong to you or are you just a petty bitch” roared Chloe. “Oh Kennedy, do you always stand in the middle when your girlfriend picks fights” chirped Ava. I should mention the band at that this point had stopped playing and EVERYONE was focused on our game of monkey in the middle. “Chloe lets go” I begged. I almost had her until Ava’s bitch ass had to add “ I guess I’m the only one who learned to steer clear of sloppy seconds huh Chloe” I sighed and released Chloe, knowing that if I didn’t she would have knocked me down one way or another. I turned to watch the carnage that was about to unfold. Did I mention that Chloe’s dad was a boxer? Yeah, Ava got knocked the fuck out. “Holy shit I love you” I announced (Yup that would be the 1st time I said I loved Chloe in a non-best friend way. Eat your heart right?) “Yes babe I know lets go” instructed Chloe.

“I am so sorry” I mouthed to Adrian. He just smiled and gave me two thumbs up and started playing again. (Best wingman ever, a true bro) “Good thing I didn’t really like this bar” I thought to myself passing through the exit.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story as well! There is more related to this night but I had to break it up into two stories, I felt like I was writing a Harry Potter Novel.As always feedback/comments/whatever is appreciated!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3bsmbb/ex_girlfriends_cat_fights_and_first_times_oh_my


  1. first off the movie is a league of there own. AMAZING movie. And another great story.

  2. You know, I feel bad for the guy who played him. He was just some random extra who had no idea how famous Glen Coco would become. And now, his biggest most well known acting roll is just as an extra.

  3. Aww you got to see an ex get knocked out ….. mine only fell in a bin. Great story though.

  4. I would like to hear about said bin. Was it recycling? Garbage?

  5. Oh it was garbage, right after lunch too. She did that annoying squeal run at one of her friends hit a bag and tripped straight into it…. it was a good day.

  6. Main court yard on campus between 2 pubs and a shop. What wasn’t in that bin!

  7. These stories are fucking awesome. Love the dialog, inner monologue and descriptons. Its fun to read the back and forth between you and Chloe instead of just "oh she fucked me good"

  8. Thank you! That’s tremendous to hear. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know!!

  9. Your stories have been my absolute favourite. Keep them coming and I love the detail and back story you add it brings the whole thing together for the sexy time parts.

  10. Thank you! Sexy times are always better with banter, in my opinion.

  11. >This story has a fair amount of mushy stuff…If I’m getting too off of the gonewild track please do tell me! Does the name Bernice ring any bells? We’re pretty okay with mushy =D Your stories are so fucking hot and entertaining. Please keep writing <3

  12. Great stories. Wish the fight had been more detailed though. ( you know how us guys are about catfights, even ones that end in a single punch)

  13. These stories are so good. I love your interaction between chloe and you. You guys seem like a lot of fun!

  14. My favourite one so far, really enjoy the little asides you use throughout. Also I’m sure I’m not the only one who wants to hear about the sauna…

  15. Thank you! Ah yes the sauna. I suppose that could be a story down the road…

  16. Thank you! I live for banter, foreplay for the mind is what I like to call it.

  17. Bernice is my grandma’s name so I got really confused there for a second. But yes it does, those were great stories! Thank you! I’m planning on it!!

  18. Your writing is amazing!! I started reading for a quick guilty pleasure now I’m emotional invested. It’s the perfect intersection of sarcasm, wit and dirt. Writing this good can be picking out bathroom decor at IKEA interesting, please please keep going. Ps. Best of luck

  19. That was such a great read I was worried Chloe was going to get hurt fighting Ava, bc you said she was physically intimidating, and then you dropped the bomb of her dad being a boxer lmao so awesome… What’s Ava look like to make you feel intimidated? I keep picturing a 5’5 chick knocking out some 6 footer

  20. that’s a great saying! I always prefer my girlfriends to be able to banter with me it makes it so much more fun

  21. Ava is like 5’8 or so. I think my intimidation towards her is related to all of the influence she can yield on my lady bits. But she does have some toned arms like Michelle Obama would be jealous and let’s be real the 1st lady has a permit to carry.

  22. Did we just become best friends? BECAUSE who doesn’t love Ikea decor trips. I like your style red. PS: Seriously if anyone doesn’t like Ikea trips just stop reading my shit and go reflect upon what kind of a person you are.

  23. > (UM YEAH I REMEMBER AND SO DOES MY VAGINA) ::slowclap.gif:: Please keep these stories coming, you’ve got a great voice.

  24. So, I’m just gonna throw this out there…I love the chloe stories…but if you wanna share some of those hot as fuck Ava stories I’d be down for spanking as I read those too

  25. Seriously, you can write as much Kennedy and Chloe drama as you want. I would also love an Ava prequel or two. This shit is sexy and funny. Love it! People who invent terrible nicknames like "D" without permission are evil. I’m not sure Ava isn’t horrible person.

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