A summer I’ll never forget

Back when I was 17 I had a summer I’d never forget when my cousin came to stay in London with us from Canada. I’d never met her before but my mum told me all about her family over there and that she was coming for the summer holidays. She was 20 but as I was the oldest of my siblings I was charged in making sure she settled in. I didn’t really have many expectations of my cousin, figured she’d probably be boring or stuck up with one of those annoying accents.

My mum went to the airport to pick her up while I stayed at home to look after the younger ones. They arrived back home late afternoon and when she walked in my jaw nearly hit the floor! She was absolutely gorgeous, she had long flowing brown hair, deep brown eyes and her body was incredible! My heart raced and my mouth suddenly turned to a desert when I tried to say hi, mumbling my words like a fool! She was my cousin damn it! What was I thinking, I needed to get these thoughts out of my head, it was all kinds of wrong but I couldn’t ignore how hot she was! 

She smiled shyly and said hi, I took her bags for her and offered to show her to her room. She was to stay in the spare room which was next to mine, I took her bags in and laid them on the bed. I showed her where the bathroom was just the other side. ‘feel free to settle in and take a shower or whatever’ I said, ‘just come down whenever you’re ready’. 

I left her to it and went downstairs, I really wanted to run into my room and get all these wild thoughts and frustration out, that would have to wait! 

She took a shower and once dressed came downstairs in time for tea, she looked even more radiant from her shower and at the dinner table I struggled to take my eyes off of her, I couldn’t believe how obsessed I was already and yet I knew what I was feeling was so wrong! How am I going to shake this!? 

The conversation flowed, mainly from my mum, I was too scared I’d say something stupid. My mum asked her all about her life in Canada when she eventually got onto the subject of boyfriends, turned out my cousin had recently split up from her boyfriend and was part of the reason she wanted to get away for the summer. Suddenly she looked at me, ‘how about you? Do you have a girlfriend?’ she said. I could feel my face instantly flush and I managed to choke out a ‘erm…no, no I don’t….’ 

‘That surprises me’ she said ‘a good looking guy like you, I thought you’d have all the girls knocking’. I almost exploded with all sorts of feelings, my heart was racing, my face was burning, my cock was throbbing and my gut was churning from guilt of feeling this way. Again I reminded myself, she was my cousin! 

A couple of days went by pretty much incident free, I had school and she was out doing touristy stuff. It got to Friday night and my parents went out on a date night, that left us looking after my younger siblings. We had agreed to chill and watch a film after we’d gotten the younger ones to bed. I was looking forward to some alone time with her, even if I knew we couldn’t do anything I just liked being around her. She was wearing some short shorts and plain white T-shirt, I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra and her hair was in a messy bun. She looked incredible!

It was approaching the end of the film but she said she was super tired and wanted to head to bed, ‘I’ll just catch the rest tomorrow or something, I need to get to bed’ she said. ‘What kind of weirdo misses the end of a film’ I thought to myself. I finished the film and eventually went upstairs myself, I had to walk past the spare room to get to the bathroom. I noticed a glow from the desk light in her room and the door was slightly ajar, I could hear some faint noises. I didn’t want to be too bold but was intrigued, I peeked through the gap in the door and what I saw stunned me!

There she was, laid on top of the bed, her shorts were off and she was fully playing with herself, one hand pleasuring herself and the other sliding her T-shirt up to cup her breast and fondle her nipple. I stood in complete shock but also horny as hell! My cock was as hard as it had ever been and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her! This was all so wrong in so many ways but I just wanted to stand there forever and watch! She suddenly stopped and opened her eyes, I freaked out and ran to my room! What if she saw me!? What if she tells my mum I was perving on her! Oh god I was panicking pacing up and down my room worrying. Do I say something? I decided to just get to bed and hope for the best, maybe she didn’t see me, maybe it’ll all be ok.

As I was in bed I started thinking back to what I saw, the image came to my mind. She looked so perfect laid there touching herself, her body was incredible. I was getting hard again so decided to just enjoy the moment. I took off my boxers and ran my hand up and down my length, I stroked my balls and played with the tip of my cock thinking about her, imagining what it would like to be inside her, to have her feel me the way I was feeling myself. I was so in the moment bringing myself to the edge that I hadn’t noticed the door open. I opened my eyes and there she was! She was stood right in front of me! I had the shock of my life and suddenly sat bolt upright in bed unable to say a word. 

She stood there in a robe and just smiled at me, ‘you had your turn watching me’ she said. ‘now it’s my turn, carry on’. I didn’t know what to do or what to say, I was stunned into silence. ‘maybe you could do with a hand?’ she asked. ‘er sure….I guess’ I said. 

She sat on the edge of my bed and pulled back the cover, there I was in all my glory stood fully to attention. She smiled at me impressed with what was in front of her. ‘This looks good’ she said as she took me in her hand. The feel of her hand around my cock felt amazing as she softly stroked up and down my shaft. She was teasing the head of my cock when she looked me in the eye and said ‘i hope you enjoyed my little show, I was wondering when you’d turn up for a peek. I’m glad you did now’. She began to stroke a little faster with more of a squeeze in her hand, it felt so good. I’d already taken myself to the edge thinking about her and here she actually was with my cock in her hand! It didn’t take much for me to suddenly explode, my cum covered her hand and my stomach. ‘mmm that’s what I like to see’ she said. ‘maybe next time I might let you touch instead of just watching, you never know you might even get to cover me in this delicious cum’ she said as she stood up licking her fingers, she walked towards the door but looked back at me with a glint on her eye. ‘sweet dreams’ she said as she closed the door behind her.

I couldn’t believe what had just happened but I was beaming in a state of ecstacy. That warm fuzzy feeling after such a built up release.

Needless to say that was a summer that neither of us would ever forget! 

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ip2pml/a_summer_ill_never_forget

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