Emily’s Mistake [FF] [Blackmail]

Emily was hiding in the historical nonfiction section of her school library, watching through the shelves towards the Biographical section. She pulled a couple books from the shelf at random trying to appear occupied as she thought about how her life came crashing down around her just before lunch.

She had stood at the sink with the faucet on, but her hands were occupied by a small note she had found in her locker. Though she had nervously crumpled it into the smallest ball possible it still read “Truth or Dare, AnonEmous”. Which in and of itself was rather benign, if not for a few key points. For one, she was AnonEmous, a stupid name she’d come up with as an online presence. The name she used on Reddit, Tumblr, Discord, and anything else she didn’t share with her real life friends and family. Secondly, she knew, or was terrified that she knew, what the truth or dare was referring to. Over the summer she had found a group of friends on Reddit, spread out all over the US. They all had made a Discord and gotten pretty close. Close enough that in early August they all joined a video chat and played truth or dare while drinking. Emily had been dared to do a strip tease for everyone, and in a vodka lemonade fueled moment of confidence she had given them quite the show. That memory played over and over in her head as the moments standing in the mirror stretched to hours in her mind.

Her phone buzzing in her back pocket brought reality crashing back down on her. Emily turned off the running water, because even your world crashing in around you isn’t a good reason to waste water, and checked her phone. A text from a number she didn’t recognize. Spam calls were normal, but as she stared at the text notification a pit grew in her stomach. She opened the text and her day somehow grew worse.

“I hope you got my note. Let’s meet in the school library at the end of the day. How about the Biography section. Don’t be late <3”.

As she read the text Emily actually almost burst out in laughter. There was no way she’d be meeting this dude in real life. Obviously it had to be someone in the group, but she could just leave the group and pretend like none of this had ever happened. It would suck to lose all of her close online friends, but obviously one of them had lied about who they were and in some horrible twist of fate also went to her school.

Right in the middle of that thought a second message came in “Just in case you were thinking this was a free will kind of moment or something lol”, and then a screenshot of a video. A video of Emily naked on camera, playing with her nipples for all of her friends to see. Fuck. Well, this had wandered into really not fucking good territory. But what this asshole didn’t know is that Emily wasn’t some stupid pushover. She knew this was blackmail, she knew it was illegal, and she was going to absolutely destroy this guy. Or at least that was the plan. Deep down she didn’t know how she’d scare this asshole straight when she was shaking herself.

“Answer so I know you’ll be there Emily” her phone buzzed at her.

“Okay” she had responded. And now here she was, holding a book, with Abraham Lincoln’s disapproving gaze leveled back at her. She didn’t have time for his shit, so she replaced the book and tried to focus on watching for her prey.

Emily had decided that she would take the upper hand and ambush her blackmailer when he came in to find her. The library was completely dead, of course, so he would be the only one to show up to that section, and when he did she would walk right up to him and threaten to take him to the cops if he didn’t delete everything he had. She would take his phone and do it herself, then give him a piece of her mind and… There was someone standing to her right.

“Are you okay? You look a bit, umm, frazzled.”.

Emily spun to meet wide eyed with Anna. Anna was one of those classically popular girls, like from a movie marketed directly at girls Emily’s age. She was objectively gorgeous, her parents were incredibly rich, and she was only mean in the ways that you couldn’t prove that she had ever been cruel at all. But at this moment, specifically she was tall. About 4 – 5 inches taller than Emily’s unimpressive 5’3”, and Emily felt every inch as Anna looked down at her.

“Oh, I was just, umm looking for a book on the civil war for my history class, but I found it” Emily blurted out as she pulled the book she’d just replaced back off the shelf.

“I just asked if you were okay, since you’re looking a bit pale, but I’m glad you found your book. Aren’t you in the same history class as Sarah Radley though? I thought you were on the federalist papers?”

Emily’s stomach dropped to the floor. Why the fuck was this happening to her. She’d barely ever even talked to Anna. She had sat in front of Anna in Lit last year but they weren’t exactly friends. “Well, I was thinking I would do some of my own research to, umm, see how Lincoln, umm…”.

“Stop. These lies have gone to an outlandish place and I’m getting bored of watching you try to squirm out of this. Didn’t I say to be in the biography section? Or were you plotting something over here?”.

Emily could feel her brain misfiring as she stood staring at Anna. All pretenses of niceness had fallen from Anna’s previously angelic features. Her dark brown eyes seemed black like a predator now, her emotions unreadable. In the vague recesses of her mind Emily remembered a plan she had formulated, something about turning the tables on her blackmailer.

Haltingly Emily started “You?”.

“Yes, me.” Anna laughed in a way that made Emily very much feel like a mouse, and Anna was a cat.

“You, you, can’t do this. It’s illegal. I’ll tell the police…” Emily trailed off. As she realized these words of power she had formulated felt more like her flailing helplessly.

“No you won’t.”

“I will, I mean it. Why wouldn’t I?” Emily’s conviction faltered more as she realized that she had somehow completely lost the upper hand.

Anna pulled out her phone, ignoring Emily completely.

“I’m still,” Emily started, but was cut short as, without even looking up Anna put a finger up in her face to quiet her. Emily’s mouth dropped open but she stopped talking for some reason. After a few moments Anna turned her phone for Emily to see. It was a Facebook messenger conversation. Emily could see her profile picture, but it was on the wrong side of the screen. A conversation between her and Anna she had never had. Skimming it, this conversation made it look like she was obsessed with Anna, begging to be her friend, that if Anna didn’t pay attention to her then she would make her pay. But it had never happened, she had never had the courage to message Anna even if she’d wanted to.

“Yea, I don’t think the police will believe you after that shit show, do you?” Anna said matter of factly.

“That’s all lies though. How do you have that?” Emily could only whisper.

“Well the first rule of cyber security is ‘use a different password for everything’. You typed in your school password so many times in English class last year I figured it out over a couple of weeks.”

“But how did,” Emily couldn’t even finish her sentence before Anna cut in.

“Okay the question game is fun and all, but let me just fill you in on how this all happened so you can realize how outclassed and fucked you are. Last year you were on your Reddit a lot in class. I found your username and of course, the same password there too. I read through your messages and found out about your discord group. I made my own account and had one of your friends invite me to the group. Maybe you’d recognize the name PenguinsRppl2, I even verified with a picture like everyone else, I guess you just weren’t looking for me. After I was in the group I convinced a few guys to play truth or dare on video and dare you to strip for us. Now that we started classes again I thought it was time to meet face to face.”

Emily knew the username, of course, and vaguely remembered the verification picture of a pretty girl wearing red lipstick, but only from her nose down. As she stared longer at Anna’s mouth, as it formed the shapes of more threats, a spark of recognition finally hit her. PenguinsRppl2 had been so quiet and modest, how could that girl also be Anna?

“But, why?” Was the only question Emily could force out. At this point she had to be dreaming.

“Hmm, you’ll find out. But what matters now is that you understand that I own you,” Anna held up her phone “and this is your leash. When I say jump, you ask how high.” Anna paused to flash a menacing smile, the game was over and she had won. Now she was just gloating. “And the first thing you’ll do is take off your panties and bring them back to me.” Her voice was flat, but an edge of command somehow permeated her words. Finally, Emily shook free of her complete confusion and realized how bad this had become for her.

“What the fuck? No, I won’t…” Emily began to raise her voice in shock, but she was cut off as Anna’s hand struck like lightning at her throat and Emily found her back pinned to the bookshelf behind her, Anna’s hand wrapped tightly around her throat.

Anna leaned in so her lips were barely touching Emily’s ear. “Shut up. You seem to be confused as to your position in life now. You are my property. You have been so careless and stupid that you have gotten yourself into this position, and the only way out is to obey me. If you do not, if you think you can weasel your way out of this, I will rain fire on your life and that will be that. Now I said go to the bathroom, take off your panties, and bring them back to me. Do so without another word leaving your mouth. You have 5 minutes before I send that video to your parents on facebook.”

Emily stared up at the high ceiling as the words permeated her soul. Her heart pounded in her chest and she knew it was all true. Even worse though, she felt her panties getting wet, and that she would have to give those very panties to Anna in the next 5 or her life was fucked. So why in the fuck was she so wet?

As Anna loosened her grip on her throat she realized how tight she had been held against the shelf. Anna was stepped back and made a show of checking the time on her phone, before looking up at her expectantly.

“Better hurry.”

Emily almost ran to the bathroom down the hall. Passing a few students and teachers still around the school, she couldn’t make eye contact with anyone as her cheeks burned from blushing. She burst through the bathroom door, knowing her time was running out. Emily made it in to a stall before she started to unlace her boots. Why had she worn these stupid boots today? They always take so long to unlace. Oh, right, because she wasn’t planning on giving her panties to some evil bitch who had chosen her to torture specifically. She kicked her boots off and began to peel down her tight jeans. As she struggled to be free of them she started to pull down her floral panties as well. They were nothing special, but as she pulled them down her thighs she noticed how wet she was. Her pussy had soaked her panties enough for a thin line of her wetness to reach from between her thighs down to the fabric. She rolled her eyes in shame and finished pulling them down, balling them up in her hand to try and force them out of existence. Afterwards she reversed the process, well most of it, to get dressed.

After taking a second to check herself over she ran back out of the bathroom, knowing her time was short. Halfway down the hall she realized in her panic she had forgotten to not just openly carry her panties balled up in her hand as she rushed past another handful of people. They must have been thinking she was very embarrassed of how interesting she found the tile pattern on the ground.

Finally she made it back to the library and to the section Anna would be waiting for her in. There was no Anna there though. Just the empty row and the realization that she was fucked. She must have taken too long and Anna had gone off to destroy her life. The pit in her stomach grew so deep she couldn’t move. After a moment though she heard a whisper from behind her.

“What are you doing standing there like an idiot? I’m over here in this study room.”

Emily turned around and realized she was actually relieved to see her torturer. Anna began to walk away without a second thought, obviously expecting Emily to dutifully follow her. Which she did. Anna led her into one of the private study rooms along the back of the library, before opening the frosted glass door and motioning for Emily to step inside. She then stepped in close behind her and closed the door behind them both.

“And?” Anna held out her hand expectantly.

Without looking up into her eyes Emily passed over her panties. She watched as Anna held up her panties and inspected them. Her eyes moving from the panties in her hands, up Emily’s body, and finally up to Emily’s eyes. Her gaze felt so powerful and expectant that Emily felt forced to meet it, if only for a second.

“These are soaked. You are excited by this aren’t you? I guess a little slut like you can’t help herself when she’s put in her proper place. Isn’t that right my new little fuck toy?” She finished with emphasis. Emily broke eye contact to stare at her panties, who had so eagerly betrayed her. She knew her jeans would be next as the words sent shivers down her spine. She’d never been talked to like this before, but she had read stories on line. She tried to lie to herself that they were just hot to read but she wasn’t like that, but now as she stood there in front of Anna it was hard to deny the truth.

“Hmm, well if you aren’t going to answer, why don’t you make your mouth useful.” Anna stepped forward and grabbed Emily’s chin, pushing down and opening her mouth. Emily could feel a wave of helplessness wash over her as Anna pushed her wet panties into her mouth. Anna then gently ran her hand up the side of her face, almost caressing Emily’s cheek before she tightened her grip around a handful of her hair with her other hand. Anna seemed to know exactly how to pull on Emily’s hair to turn her around completely and almost throwing her against the door. Emily just barely able to catch herself with her hands on either side, slowing herself as Anna pressed her face against the cold glass.

“Let’s see how wet you are after showing me your soaked panties now slut.” Anna leaned in and whispered into her ear. All Emily could think as she felt Anna’s hand sliding down the front of her jeans was that this was only the second time she had ever been touched like this. The last was her ex boyfriend of 6 months, who wasn’t even allowed to touch her beneath her panties until 3 months into their relationship. And at this very moment those panties were stuffed into her mouth to keep her from protesting at all.

“Hmm I see you keep your pussy smooth like a proper slut already,” Anna whispered in her ear. Emily could hear the evil smile she must have in her voice. “I’ll expect nothing less from you from now on. This is how you will keep my property.” As she finished her expectations she slid her fingers down along Emily’s wet slit. Easily slipping between her lips as wetness covered Anna’s first finger. Emily couldn’t stop herself from letting out a whimper as Anna’s finger grazed her clit.

“Shut up or else you’ll regret it, you stupid slut.” Anna hissed into Emily’s ear, punctuating it with a bite on her earlobe. Slowly Anna began to make small circles around Emily’s clit, increasing the speed over time. Emily couldn’t help herself as she began to grind against Anna, feeling Anna’s commanding body behind her. She hated that she was reacting like this, but as her mind shut down she couldn’t stop.

“If you cum then I’ll take it that you are accepting your place as my property. Hell, if you can stop yourself I’ll delete the video and the Facebook messages and we can pretend like this never happened at all.” Anna taunted. Emily let out the smallest whimper as she grieved that she knew she would never be free from Anna now. She knew she couldn’t stop the orgasm building as her entire body clenched. She pressed her body back into Anna to feel her inevitable owner against her, and felt Anna’s hand move from her hair and around her throat. As Anna’s grip tightened she choked the moan that was impossible for Emily to stop down to a library appropriate volume. Emily’s orgasm came in wave after wave, harder than she had ever experienced before. Her toes curled and eyes rolled back until finally she couldn’t hold herself up any more and almost collapsed back against Anna.

Anna held her for a moment, almost tenderly as they both breathed heavily, before Anna dropped Emily to the floor.

“Well I guess you’ve made your decision.” She half laughed down at her, before reaching down and plucking the panties from Emily’s mouth. “I’ll take these as a little souvenir of our first little play time,” Anna opened her purse and slid them inside, before pulling out what looked like red ribbon. “But don’t worry I got you something as well. You will wear this every day, either around your neck or around your thigh. If you don’t you will be punished, and you won’t enjoy that punishment.” She tossed the ribbon, which on closer inspection was a ribbon choker, onto Emily.

“Clean yourself up and go home slut. I’ll text you tonight and tell you what to wear tomorrow. Be at school early so we can walk in together. If you understand say yes Miss.” Anna instructed absentmindedly as she was already on her phone, busy with some more important task Emily assumed.

“Yes Miss.” Emily almost whispered in a daze. She was well and truly fucked, and had finally accepted this was her only option. And so if she wanted to ever have a chance to get out of this she would have to do as she was told.

“Good girl” Anna said almost sweetly as her parting words before leaving Emily in the study room alone. Emily wondered why those words put her at such ease as she lay on the floor for a few moments longer. Finally she stood up and put herself back together enough to be in public. As she picked up her backpack and left the library she considered how far Anna intended to take this.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ip1f27/emilys_mistake_ff_blackmail


  1. I like it. Definitely something you could do a whole series with this plot… though I imagine you already have some ideas for that.

  2. Super hot ? god, when I used to post nudes I used to fantasize about getting recognized by a hot girl and have her use me as her personal slut for blackmail (did get recognized, but by a guy and he was super chill and not weird about it lol it was still hot but not in the same way)

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