A Shower in Quarantimes [MF]

Having just finished running the stairs in her apartment building, Lizzie enters her unit, dripping in sweat. She rushes to pour herself a glass of cold water in such a hurry that she forgets to lock her door. She takes her water glass into her bathroom, where she unsticks her workout clothes from her body. She turns on the shower, putting the temperature at the max. She steps in, turns her back to the shower head, and just lets the hot water pound against her neck and shoulders while she sips from her water, enjoying the the contrasting feeling of hot and cold after a tiresome workout and a long day.

Eventually, Lizzie begins to clean herself, and as she does, she lets her thick mane of hair cascade down the front of her chest so that the ends tickle her ribcage. Even still, her shoulders are a bit raised and the muscles in her neck are very tight. There is a knot on the back of her neck, to the left side, and no matter how she tries, she just can’t seem to apply enough force at the right angle to make it go way.

A knock at the door takes her mind off the from the knot on her neck. “Delivery for Miss Bennet,” a husky voice announces. “Shoot!” Lizzie thinks, as she slams her fist on air. She had forgotten that her crate of lockdown supplies from the government was supposed to arrive this afternoon. “Leave it outside!” she shouts. But apparently the deliverer does not hear her because he again knocks at the door and announces his package. “Leave it outside!” She tries to shout again, but in trying to shout as loud as she can, she accidentally makes an incomprehensible, high-pitch scream instead.

To Lizzie’s horror, she hears her front door slam open against a wall, a heavy thump, which must be the package falling to the ground, and pounding footsteps. She hears the man’s voice call out from within her bathroom, “Is…is everythng alright in there?” She tries to respond, “yes,” but she is trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement, and her heart is pounding louder in her throat than the man’s feet had her the floor.

Knowing what comes next, Lizzie turns to face her shower curtain, puts her knees together, and bends forward, allowing her hair to obscure her body. The shower curtain flies open and she locks eyes with the man, who is probably in his early thirties and is definitely wearing a tight Department of Health uniform. His eyes flick down and back up before he knows what they are doing, but then he quickly shuts them.

Lizzie feels an instant attraction to the man. At some level she knows that the attraction probably comes from the fact that lockdown has left her lonely and hungry for company and affection. Still, she feels a pang of disappointment when the man reaches out blindly, grabs the curtain, and pulls it closed.

Lizzie turns around to face the showerhead, feeling lonelier than she had all day, The man must walk softly despite his large frame because she does not hear him leave. What she hears instead is a metallic “clink.” Then a rustling of fabric to her side. And then two light “thumps” behind her. Finally, she hears a soft squelching sound.

A small prick at the lowest part of her back turns her focus from what she can hear to what she can feel. She tenses up and stands on her toes as a fingernail slowly traces the tattoo on her back. Then her ankles come back to the ground as tough fingers explore the muscles in her back. She lets out the deep breath that she had unconsciously held as sandpapery hands slick with soap envelop her shoulders.

The rough-but-smooth hands begin to knead Lizzie’s collarbone, which makes her should sink. She arches her neck back and rolls out her shoulder. After she settles into place, the hands slide in against the sides of her neck. They grip her shoulders tightly, and two thumbs go to work on her neck. The thumbs find the knot in her neck and apply more pressure. The pressure gets so hard that Lizzie has to clench her teeth. But she says nothing. After all, this kind of pain feels good. The knot comes loose and she sighs. Warm water still pours down her front like rain.

When she does, she hears a chuckle, and, in a slow, playful tone, “Well, Miss Bennet, I hope that your neck isn’t the only part of you that is this tight.” She blushes a little and takes the tiniest of steps backwards. She smiles as her invitation is accepted by two feet that are planted, right and then left, against the outside of her own. At the same time, the hands begin to sled from her shoulders down her arms and she feels the length of the man’s front against her back. When his abs touch against her back, she feels a warm, fleshy trail rise up along her back from the top of her tattoo, as his partially-erect penis is pressed against her.

Once the man’s hands reach Lizzie’s, he encloses them. He pulls all four hands together below the front of her waist and tells her to knuckle her fists, straighten her arms, and push down as hard as she can. She obeys. He arches back, lifting her into the air, as she lets out a whoop.

When he returns her to the ground, she lets her weight fall back against him, and she feels sharp but light pressure against the top of her head as his chin presses down. Her hands are once again brought to rest against the front of her waist, and the fingertips of his right hand tickle her between the legs.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iokqix/a_shower_in_quarantimes_mf