An Unforgettable Ride part 2 [MF] [sweet sex]

It had been a few weeks since that fateful morning when Robert had seen Sadie orgasm on the bus. He thought about it pretty frequently. Mostly about how different it was to see her that way. He always sees Sadie as this shy little thing. He had taken Sadie out a few times since that morning’s coffee, and things were going well but it seemed they were at a standstill. He hadn’t even kissed her yet. Honestly he was nervous to even try it.

Robert was pretty confident that he was a decent looking guy. Average build, though he tried to work out a couple times a week. He had brown eyes and brown hair. He couldn’t really grow a beard without it coming out patchy, so he was always clean shaven. He was tall though, more than a couple inches over six foot. And girls seemed to like that. He usually didn’t have trouble getting women. But Sadie hadn’t made a move. She hadn’t touched him at all. And he was wondering if he had totally misread her.

He looked at his watch. Classes had ended for the week and he was having Sadie over to watch a movie and eat dinner together. His roommate was going out of town for the weekend so he had the apartment to himself. He had just finished cleaning up and was about to throw his clean sheets on the bed. He wanted to be prepared even though he had doubts of them ending up in bed together. The place looked alright and it smelled a hell of a lot better so he was pretty satisfied.

Sadie knocked on the door at exactly 6:30. He opened it to find her in the chilly autumn air. She was wearing a sweater that was just long enough to be considered a dress. And her boots came up an inch or so above her knees. Her pale legs looked like cream against the olive colored fabric. He ushered her inside the warm apartment.

“I’m glad you found the place okay. The backroad is impossible here.” He chuckled and tore his gaze off her thighs, looking into her face. Her face was flushed and she looked embarrassed. Her blue eyes looking down at her hands. “No need to be nervous, Sadie, it’s just dinner and a movie” he said with a smile. She looked up at him again and looked even more embarrassed but smiled back. He looked away and grinned to himself.

“Make yourself at home. The food should be here anytime” he said as he made his way to the kitchen. He peeked back to see her bring her knee up so she could unzip her tall black boot. She repeated the action on her other leg. She had thigh high socks that made his breath hitch. She looked like she was in one of those schoolgirl costumes chicks wear in porn. Except here she was, in his living room. Looking sweet as sugar and innocent as they come.

She lifted her gaze up under her curly brown hair. He was standing there staring at her. He shook himself mentally and continued into the kitchen to grab some drinks. He returned and she had perched herself on his small two seater couch. He put the sodas in front of then on the coffee table as the doorbell rang.

“That’ll be the pizza” he did as he moved to the door. He paid the delivery man and set the food in front of them. He had ordered two pizzas. One just plain cheese and the other had his favorite, pineapple and banana peppers. He didn’t know what she would like so he figured plain cheese was the safest option. But when he opened his, she gasped.

“I didn’t know you knew my favorite pizza!” He turned to see her smiling up at him in a way that made his stomach turn to butterflies.

“I actually didn’t know. This is my favorite too” he said as he handed her a plate and a slice. He sat down next to her and started scrolling through Netflix to find their movie. “You sure you want to watch this? It’s pretty scary.”

She was sipping her soda. “I’m fine with scary. As long as I have someone with me.” She said pointedly. She finished up her piece as he hit play. She brought her legs underneath her and settled in.

“You don’t have to stay all the way over there you know. I don’t bite” he said as he patted her foot that was closest to him. She blushed and smiled but didn’t move. He got up to turn out the lights as the movie’s intro started playing. He was a horror movie fan and had been telling her they had finally put one of his favorites on Netflix. That’s what they had decided to watch earlier that day.

He sat back down on his side of the couch and started to think about the girl next to him. What is it about being in the dark with the girl you’re crushing on? It’s like as soon as the lights go out, your body feels like it’s electrically charged. Like you’re going stir crazy.

About 15 minutes went by when he felt her shift. She untucked her legs and sat straighter. She scooted closer. Enough so that her thigh gave off heat to his. But she was sitting straight up. Like a pencil. Unsure of herself.

It was now or never. He took a chance and reached out to touch the small of her back. She jumped and he gave a quick laugh. “Why don’t you come over here? You’ll be much more comfortable” he said as casually as he could. Afraid his voice would show how much he wanted her to do just that.

She peeked up at him again. Her blue eyes twinkling. And smiled slowly. Then in one quick motion she stood up to smooth out her dress. And sat down again, close to him. Her legs tucked under herself but almost on top of his thighs. He gently laid his arm across her thighs and she put her head on his shoulder. His hand was resting on the hem of her dress, against the back of her hip. She was so warm and soft. The curve of her hip was in his hand. He could easily feel her ass if he wanted.

He tried to calm himself down,his heart was pounding. But at least this was a good sign. She was curled up into his side and her head was on his shoulder. His hand started drawing lazy circles on the back of her thigh. She shivered. Her warm skin was like silk under his rough palm. She curled closer into his side and the shift caused his hand to reach her ass. He could feel the course pattern of her lace panties across her right cheek. He continued to let his fingers run across her skin.

He could feel himself start to throb. He wanted to grab her and throw her across his lap and explore her body. But she was so damn shy and quiet. It was adorable. But he wasn’t sure how to move forward unless she gave him some sort of clue. He needed to know what she wanted. Luckily he didn’t have to wait long for her to give him a clue.

“Will you kiss me?” She whispered. She raised her head to where she could look into his eyes.

Instead of answering he twisted so his mouth could touch hers. He moved his lips gently against the softness of her mouth. She parted her lips and urged him on with her nearly silent whimpers. He grabbed her ass and felt her grind her hip against his thigh. He moved his arm so that it was behind her back. She was almost straddling his one thigh. His hand was on her back, deepening the kiss.

The kiss was hot. Slow and lazy but passionate. He could feel it deep in his belly. She gave him butterflies. He hadn’t felt that in so long. Her tongue traced his bottom lip so softly he almost didn’t feel it. And then he felt her teeth just as gently graze him, in a mock bite. It sent a shiver down his spine. He pulled away, panting and smiling at her.

“If you keep that up we’ll have to move to the bedroom.” He chuckled, trying to gage the reaction in her eyes.

She looked up at him with a daring expression. “Is that a promise?” She said with the sassiest tone he’d ever heard her use.

He laughed and pulled her close again. He kissed her for a few moments before whispering, “Yes, it sure is” against her lips.

She was suddenly on the move. She monkeyed her way onto his lap until she was seated on top. Her soft thighs cradled in his larger ones. She ducked her head into the hollow space between his shoulder and chin. He let his head fall back and felt her mouth on the sensitive skin. Leaving a trail of kisses, she kissed from below his ear to his collarbone. She repeated it again and he felt her hand run through his hair.

He felt like he was falling apart. His hands were on her thighs rubbing back and forth from her knee to her ass. His fingers slipping through the lace material of her panties, touching the warm skin of her ass. He ran his hands up her back. Under the loose material of her dress. Using the leverage, he pulled her against his hardness. Even through his jeans he could feel the damp heat she was producing. He didn’t think he could get any harder.

As soon as he felt her wet tongue against the sensitive spot below his jaw he nearly came undone. He was throbbing against his jeans. They were uncomfortably holding him captive. He was panting, he had never been loud during sex but he had groaned a few times and had shocked himself. God this girl was turning him inside out.

He felt her kisses slow. She brought her lips to his ear and whispered “You mentioned a bed, should we make our way there?” And then nibbled his earlobe.

Did she realize how crazy she was driving him? Sadie had totally thrown his perception of her out the window. He pulled her against him one last time. And pushed her away so he could try to get up and walk. He looked at her face. She was flushed and had a sexy, hazy look on her face. She grinned and he couldn’t help but grin back.

“Are you sure?” He asked gently.

“Don’t make me ask twice Rob, please?” She said in a sweet voice. She rubbed herself against him for emphasis.

He lifted her and set her gently to the side, planting a kiss on her forehead. He got up and grabbed her hand, helping her off the couch. She followed him through the hall. Padding softly behind him.

He opened the door to his bedroom. His queen sized bed takes up most of the floor space. Thankful he had tidied up earlier, he sat down on the edge of the bed. Waiting for her to give him the green light. She came close to him and squeezed wedged herself between his thighs. Standing so her chest was level with his face. She tugged gently at his shirt.

He took it off with one fluid motion. Then he ran his hands up her thighs again. Asking silent questions with his fingers. She giggled and looked shyly at him. He smiled encouragingly. He brought the hem of her dress up above her hips. And she reached down to pull it all the way up. Over her shoulders and off her body.

He sat in awe, taking in her body. Her curves were all woman. Her hips flared out and her soft pale skin was a stark contrast to the blush colored bra and panties. And her thigh high socks looked delicious on her dainty legs. He didn’t know if he wanted to leave them on her or rip them off he decided to begin with her bra.

He unlatched the clasp easily and brought the straps down her shoulders. He was gifted with two handfuls of silky flesh. He bent over so he could lick and nip at the tender area of her ribs, under her left breast. He felt her breath hitch. And heard her gasp. Her head fell back as he continued his way upward.

He wanted to have her under him. So he took her by surprise and grabbed her and laid her down on the bed. Her quick and breathless chuckle joining his own. He held her wrists in his large hands. And used his tongue to run circles on her chest, then finally taking a rosy pink nipple into his mouth. Her back arched and she groaned softly.

He ran a hand down her smooth flat belly. His fingertip finding the edge of her lace panties. She twisted and squirmed beneath him. He looked into her big blue eyes, she bit her lip and groaned.

That was all he needed. He moved between her legs and took off her panties. He kissed his way up her thighs and dove in. Using his tongue against her clit. And taking long licks against it. She squirmed and whimpered. He knew she was ready but he wanted to feel her come on his mouth. He used two fingers and dove them inside her lips. Finding the spot behind her pubic bone. He used his tongue on her clit and the two fingers inside her to work her up. After a few moments she went almost silent.

He continued his attention until she came. He could feel her muscles squeezing his fingers. Her panting turned into gasping. And her moans were nearly screams. He pulled out his fingers but continued using his tongue until she was begging him to get inside her. He reached over to his drawer to find the gold foil packet. He knew he wouldn’t last long, he was throbbing so hard he could barely roll the condom on.

He looked down at her as he positioned himself near her wet slit. Her blue eyes were almost glazed over in pleasure. She smiled at him and she was whispering sweet little words he could barely hear. She grabbed his sheathed cock and held it at her opening. Guiding him inside.

He almost came from just entering her tight folds. Her breathing picked up and he found a slow steady rhythm. Her soft moans grew louder as he picked up speed. He grabbed her thighs and raised her ass to touch his thighs. His hands held her legs down, her knees close to her shoulders. He couldn’t hold on much longer. Between the sight of her totally bared beneath him and his cock moving inside her wet cleft. Thankfully she reached her climax again and he matched hers just seconds later. His heart was pounding while his seed tried unsuccessfully to bury into her womb. His cock throbbed with the last waves hitting him deep in the gut.

He pulled out and threw the condom in the little wastebasket by his bed. And crawled back in bed. Sadie curled up in his arms and they giggled and cuddled, enjoying the rest of the chilly fall evening.
