SixSex, Part 2: “Can we cuddle?” [MF]

[Link to Part 1](

The next day, I helped Ryan move his belongings from his old apartment to his current place. He had just moved yesterday, spending the first night in the new digs not sleeping, and with me. That evening, we met friends for dinner at Little Star Pizza, my favorite pizza and beer joint in SF. Ryan had come to several reunions before, as it was always my pick to catch up with people when I visited the Bay Area. But this time, he was more than just a friend from college sitting around the table exchanging pleasantries. Could my other friends tell that I was staring at him a bit longer, and more longingly, than usual? That really I wished I was sitting next to him, not diagonally and across the table, but that I was also thankful for the physical barrier so I would be forced to behave myself?

The prior night had apparently just been a teaser in this week-long journey of sleep deprivation. Upon arriving back at Ryan’s apartment, the chemistry between us was undeniable, but the man still had his defenses up. He asked me if we could cuddle, and I willingly obliged. He cuddled hard. With my nose in the crevice of his neck, then hovering perpendicular to his chest as I lay my head on his shoulder, I felt intoxicated, and it wasn’t from my one beer. With very little physical distance between us, I tilted my neck up to look at his eyes, but they nervously avoided my gaze. I asked if I could kiss him, and he replied, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” We didn’t sleep at all that night. Instead, we shuffled between holding each other and separating by rolling onto our sides, only to find our way back to each other again and again. Occasionally, I would stroke the side of his arm, leg, or the length of his back. As I ran my fingers across his arms, past his shoulders, and onto the nape of his neck, I could feel goosebumps form and his muscles tighten. I snuck a few light caresses under his T-shirt near the small of his back, and I could tell he was restraining a groan when he let out an extra heavy breath.

The next morning, I was utterly exhausted. I was also sexually frustrated beyond belief. I checked into the hotel that work had arranged, had lunch, and tried to push the last couple of nights out of my mind.
