SixSex, Part 3: Business, Birthday, and About to Break [MF]

[Link to Part 1]( | [Link to Part 2](

It was Tuesday, April 23, which meant it was the first day of my work training, as well as Ryan’s 31st birthday. You can guess which event was taking precedence in my mind. After an all-day session devoted to software and smalltalk, I headed to Evil Eye, a neighborhood cocktail bar in the Mission District around the corner from Ryan’s apartment. The birthday boy had ordered in pizzas and invited friends over to have drinks and celebrate together. I ordered a drink at the bar and found myself next to Ryan’s college roommate alongside her boyfriend. A wave of nostalgia hit me like a rock. The past seemed so far and at the same time right in front of me, as if picking up right where it left off. Throughout the night, a bunch of us took turns cramming into the bar’s photo booth to snap strips commemorating the occasion. I felt like a pathetic teenager, heart fluttering with excitement when I ended up in a corner close to Ryan, and predictably disappointed when I didn’t. Before leaving, I handed Ryan a birthday card stating how glad I was that we had remained friends all these years, how he was one of the best guys I knew, and how I was thankful we had crossed paths. I meant it, and tried to focus on my gratitude, not my desire, as I said goodbye before heading back to my hotel.

After the second day of my work training, I went to bar trivia with some of my colleagues. I had a great time, but I was distracted. My attempts to compartmentalize my desire were not as effective as I’d hoped. To make matters worse, it wasn’t just Ryan’s body I longed for. I wanted his body, yes, but I also found myself missing his company, even though I had just seen him over the weekend. This scared me. Was I falling for him all over again, and was this even possible over the course of just a few days? Unwilling to accept the possibility, I centered my attention on the only thing I knew for sure: I craved his companionship and needed to see him.

In a hazy fit of emotion, I called Ryan and asked what he was up to for the night. He was in his car driving back from somewhere, and he must have intuited my longing to meet up, because he offered to pick me up at the bar before I could muster up the courage to ask. We drove back to his neighborhood, found parking, and walked over to Evil Eye to chat over a drink. I don’t remember what we talked about, but I remember feeling smitten and guiltily silly at the same time, a bit annoyed at myself for being so addicted to being near him. It was getting late, so he asked me if I’d rather stay over instead of trekking back up downtown to my hotel. I said yes, but I felt a twinge of self-reproach, knowing I’d be inexplicably drawn to him yet not have the willpower to maturely distance myself.

To my surprise, that night, Ryan was touchy. Part of this was entirely my fault, as I may have teased him with the update that I had acquired a couple of new piercings since the last time we were intimate. His hands gradually found their way under my shirt, onto my breasts, and he allowed his fingers to indulge both of us by flicking my nipples in between the resident mini barbells. I feigned fake dismay. Clearly I wanted him to touch me more, to explore my nipples with his tongue, just not his fingers, and to have him pleasure me so that he would, in turn, let me pleasure him.

Again, I asked if I could kiss him. I don’t remember if it was a verbal or physical inquiry this time. Whether I asked the question out loud with words, or through longing eyes and soft directional gestures, Ryan understood the invitation. This time, he accepted…

…and I immediately got lost in an expressive display of passion. First, it was a gentle, yet sensual kiss – more than just a peck, but light to the touch. Feeling his lips on mine sent waves of heat down my spine, and while my whole body was alive, my mind was alternating between contented numbness and adrenaline overdrive. We started making out, him seductively swirling his tongue around mine, and me using my lips to tug him closer to me. I forgot what a good kisser he was. I guess I didn’t really forget –I had the memories stashed away – but the feeling of the sensations in the moment were overwhelming. He pulled away for a moment to utter, “Mm, this feels familiar.” We both continued to reflect on how we had certainly been here before, recognizing our collective recollection. But we simultaneously acknowledged a feeling of newness and uncharted territory, knowing that five years apart meant we weren’t simply picking up where we left off. At one point, I ended up on top of Ryan, my body firmly pressed into his, his muscular arms wrapped tightly around my back, squeezing and pushing me against him. As I tilted my pelvis towards him, I could feel his hard cock greet me, the tip of his boner poking between my thighs. I noticed myself getting wet. Both of us began to breathe heavily, our hands, arms, and legs groping at each other in a rhythmic dance. My rhapsodic bliss was cut short when Ryan abruptly pulled away. He took a deep breath and said “Oh boy,” acknowledging we were in a pivotal position (pun intended) that was on the edge of going too far. We had both almost lost ourselves in the moment, and he was rigid in his stance (pun intended, again).

That was day four, and I was about to break.
