Getting to know people I’m college [f]

[This is a throwaway account for obvious reasons. I am in my mid-20s now, but this happened when I was 18-19. As it was a few years ago, I’m writing to the best of my recollection…].

I grew up in a conservative, middle-class family in the mid-west (USA). For college, I wanted to go to “the big city” and ended up in New York City. Despite (or maybe because of, who knows) my conservative upbringing, I found early in my freshman year that I had certain kinks – BDSM, 1950s housewife stuff, etc. I had never acted on any of my kinks and I didn’t want to act them out with guys on campus (both fear of being found out but also I wanted someone knowledgeable to introduce me to the scene). Somehow, I found my way on to fetlife and, as I didn’t know anybody in the city, figured I would try attending a “munch” to meet like-minded people.

I was so nervous in the days, and especially hours, before the get together. It was going to be at a private room at a restaurant in the city. I got a new outfit (a nice dress, new heels, everything I could reasonably afford on a freshman’s budget), put on makeup, and even shaved a landing strip (I never shaved down there before). My heart was pounding as I walked into the restaurant and made my way to the back where the private room was. When I opened the door, there were already a 10 or so people sitting at the table chatting. I froze, immediately realizing that I was over-dressed. I was so embarrassed. I went over to the table and sat down next to a man (lets call him John) who looked to be in his late 40s/early 50s. As I introduced myself, I noticed a woman (mid-30s maybe, lets call her Sarah) sitting on John’s other side. John and Sarah were sitting close together, but not speaking much. She was wearing a dainty metal collar, but it wasn’t clear if she and John were together.

John and I started talking. I told him I felt foolish for being so over-dressed, and he told me not to be and that I looked nice (which made me melt). After 30 minutes of talking about vanilla stuff (where we’re from, where I went to school, interests, etc) we really started to click. All of the sudden, John abruptly asks “what kind of panties are you wearing”? I was startled as it came out of nowhere. I responded that I was wearing a simple thong (I had just started wearing thongs and g-strings when I got to school). His voice got lower and more serious, “take it off” he said. Suddenly, I was overcome with this warm fuzzy feeling – I’d never experienced it before… it was part excitement, nervousness, and a ton of other emotions all at once. I couldn’t believe it, but I wanted to follow his command. I nodded silently and started to get up to go to the ladies’ room to remove my thong. As I started to stand, his hand firmly grabbed my thigh and he said “no, here.” His hands were smooth but large and very strong. I nodded again and sat back down before slowly (and sneakily) working off my thong. It was difficult while keeping my dress on, but I managed and I don’t think anyone saw me. John, of course, was watching the whole time. As my thong fell to my ankles under the table, I found myself more turned on than I ever had been. It was an incredible cocktail of emotions swirling though my body. I felt warm, I could barely breath it seemed. It was crazy.

I reached down and jammed my thong into my purse as fast as I could. “Good girl” John said, and I melted even more. John and I then just kept talking, as if nothing had happened. As if it was all completely normal. I loved that. Soon, everyone’s food arrived and I started to eat – I wasn’t hungry really but I had so much nervous energy that I needed to do something. Suddenly, I feel John’s hand on my lap, working its way under my dress and to my pussy. I felt my legs spread for him, almost automatically. My heart was pounding. I stopped eating, put my fork down, and our eyes locked as his finger slowly entered my body. “You’re soaked… very good girl” he said. I felt my face turn bright red. “You’re fun,” he continued, “if you want to play more, speak to my wife and she’ll set something up” he said as he indicated to Sarah. I was shocked – he was married! His wife was right there as he ignored her and fingered me! It was almost too much.

I can’t remember what I said in response, but over the next few minutes (after John removed his hand from under my dress) the three of us started talking together. I gave Sarah my phone number and email, because of course wanted to keep exploring this side of myself. She turned out to be very friendly and down to earth. I really trusted her almost immediately.

The brunch ended some time later and everyone went their separate ways. As I took the subway back to my dorm, I got a text from Sarah. She said it was fun meeting me, that John had a good time, and that I should come over to their house in New Jersey sometime. I replied right away, my hands trembling, that I had a great time too and I’d love to come visit. Great, she responded, but then added: John didn’t like your landing strip – he wants you bare – have you ever had a wax?

…. and that was my first time coming out of my shell freshman year. It was crazy, and looking back on it I can’t believe I did it. John and Sarah and I built up a great relationship over the next few years (after I got waxed of course, haha) with plenty of other “slutty confession” stories to tell should anyone be interested.



  1. I love how girlish and how susceptible to assertive attention from men you are.

  2. So amazingly hot! Was wondering if you ever don’t any group stuff if so I’d love to hear

  3. In these comments every one is ‘suggesting’ that you write more. You keep saying that you will.

  4. Great story! Do you remember what color your thong was? And when did you put it back on?

  5. It’s good that your first experience was such a positive one, and that this couple fit in well with your own needs and desires.

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