Part 1 – An encounter under Moonlight

As the clock struck midnight, the moon illuminated the gloomy path to home. My footsteps echoed against the concrete road as i tread slowly back from my late night shift. I was working part time as a Barista in order to make my ends meet while i finished the last year of my University. I planned to get a decent job once i graduated so i could live a decent lifestyle. I had already completed an internship and was all set for a good pay in the near future. Even i never expected myself to endanger all that i had built over feeling her warmth again.

As i carried on walking, it would be another 10mins untill i reached my apartment. However as i crossed an alley, the moon light reflected on an angle on the mirror of a car, providing me with the image of the musky alley. Instantly my footsteps stopped for my vision was grasped by the sight of a pale woman, her back resting against the wall with her head in her arms. She was wearing scarlet gown, which had slits on various areas. My eyes were fixated and my mind could not focus elsewhere. My legs began to move towards her without my consent. I would have normally batted an eye and left but there was something about her that just enchanted me.

As i stood before her, she trembled a bit and shivered as i knelt before her trying to obtain a better look. On closer inspection i could notice she was barefoot and had grazes and cuts all over her body. Her body was wrapped in crimson blood like the color of her dress. Her pitch black hair was a mess, covering her face and she seemed to barely posses any energy. Her pale white skin contrasted perfectly.

“Hey, don’t worry I’m going to help you,” i whispered to her as i reached out to brush her hair aside to catch a glimpse of her face. She shivered as she felt my hand like a prey who felt it was in danger. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help,” i comforted her again as i took out my handkerchief and bottle of water and started cleaning her wounds. Her body naturally tensed at first but relaxed as she felt my hands tracing her skin, the cool sensation of the water flowing down as the cloth absorbed her blood. She was barefoot and her feet were a mix of dirt and blood. I made sure not to scratch her wounds further and gently wiped the scarred area.

Her head slowly raised up and i saw the innocent beauty that lay before me. Her ocean blue eyes filled with depths of sadness, her lipstick was smeared red . She simply nodded as a gesture of thanking me for my action. “Come on, lets get you to a hospital, we can then contact the police,” i stated while holding her in my arms as she struggled to stand. Upon hearing my words, she tugged my shirt and shifted her head sideways and replied in a soft voice,”P-Please not the police”.

I tried wrapping my head around why she said so. I figured my first priority is to make sure she is safe. I concluded that she must have her reasons and took of my jacket and covered her shoulders. “I’ll take you home,” i told her and lifted her behind my back by her thighs. Her head rested against my back and she instinctively wrapped her hands around me. Her weight shifted onto me as i felt her chest press against me. She dozed off and was sounding as a child enjoying a warm nap. Erotic visions were crawling to me but i maintained steadfast as i carried her, drifting patiently untill i arrived at my apartment.

I closed the door and laid her down on my bed as i freshened up in the bathroom. After changing to pair of shorts and shirt i walked over to her with a glass of water. She nuzzled as she released herself from her groggy state as if she were collecting herself and sat upright, blinking at me and trying to analyze her predicament. “Here, drink some water” i offered her the glass to which she humbly accepted. “You can use the shower and clean yourself. I’ll treat you with my kit after and then we can have a nice meal,” i comforted her as i said it. Her eyes gazed around the room and she drank the glass in one gulp and replied with a “Thank you”.

After she finished showering, she came out of the bathroom wearing the towel i had given her, tightly hugging the delicate she possessed. Her hair was upright and wrapped in another towel as droplets drizzled down her skin. I found myself staring at her until the trance was broken when she asked me for a pair of clothes to change into. I had just a spare hoodie and boxers which i offered her. She smiled warmly after receiving them which felt like the arrow of cupid stabbing my heart.


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