Friend turns my wife into a hotwife (MFM)(cons)(oral)(piv)(wife)

It had been a long week for Ben and Tommy, they have been working together for a couple of years now in construction and remodeling, they had gotten to know each other pretty well in that time, sharing stories and cutting up on the jobs. Ben had been married to Patricia now for 7 years and Tommy had no plans on giving up his single life, he was a good looking man, and women always seemed to just fall all over him, and he liked it that way, why mess up a good thing he always said.

Now the week was finished and it was time to unwind, they had planned to get together that evening at Ben and Patrica’s house for a home cooked meal, Ben had brought it up to Patricia earlier in the week and she was okay with it, she figured that poor single guy could use a good homemade dinner, but she told him that he better make Tommy behave, see he is what you might call a prankster and flirt! He agreed and the plan was set.

Ben and Tommy had gotten to be really good friends, the kind that enjoy sharing stories of all their exploits, Tommy was always telling Ben of all the women he had been with and how each one had their own little kinky things that they were into, like the one that liked having baby oil rubbed all over her, he laughed and said he couldn’t hold on to her long enough to do anything because she was so slippery, they both laughed, and the stories just kept coming from him, and Ben enjoyed hearing Tommy’s stories and he wanted to share some of his own stories from the past, he just didn’t have as many as Tommy did, so he started sharing some of his and Patricia’s, Tommy knew some about her, she was a good looking woman, but she was pretty much all business and seemed to be a little rigid, and having fun didn’t seem to apply to her in any sense of the word, he kind of felt sorry for Ben, he just knew his sex life had to be as boring as they come, if there was any at all, but Ben was telling him a different story, he told him about how she gets when she drinks margaritas, and the things she would do, like how everything gets funny to her when she has got a sip or two down of that first margarita, he also told him how after her second margarita, she would get flirty, she would dance with anyone and she also was unfiltered and would say all kinds of stuff, Ben continued and said, and at that point would, he believes, do almost anything with anybody if you know what I mean! That’s why we don’t go to clubs! Well that sparked Tommy’s interest! He has known Patricia for almost as long as Ben, he had often admired how attractive she is, but she was married and he didn’t want anything to come between him and Ben, and it really wasn’t difficult because he thought even though she was hot, she was also a little to uptight for his taste, but hearing this from Ben peaked his interest, so he kept Ben on the subject a little longer, and he shared a example or two of times she had a margarita or two, he told him that after one she was a whole lot more sociable, after two, he said, well let’s just say she ain’t shy, he laughed and said…a wild child! Ben continued to tell how much after a couple she loved to go for a ride! He gave Tommy a wink and he knew exactly what he meant! Tommy liked hearing all this, and wanted to know more. So he asked Ben what he meant by the comment that she would do almost anything, and Ben told him there is a couple things she wouldn’t do, one is doing it doggy style, the other is that she rarely does oral sex on him and when she does how she tells him before she starts, do NOT cum in my mouth! Tommy said, wow, why is that? Ben told him that the reason she gave him was it was just too slutty and she just isn’t that kind of girl, and he had tried to change her mind many times and she just wouldn’t go for it, they laughed again at that and how thier conversation was going.

So all this has Tommy’s mind running, he would love to know if it’s true or if Ben is pulling his leg, so he hatches an idea, and he tells Ben he finds it hard to believe that Patricia can get like that, and he replies, man I know it’s hard to believe but I’m telling you the truth! So Tommy continues to voice his unbelief, and tells Ben that he just might have to bring everything to make margaritas tonight so he could just see how true that is, they both laughed and continued picking up their tools.

After they finished they both headed to their homes to get cleaned up and get ready for dinner, Tommy told him he would see him around seven and they went their own way.

So on his way home Tommy thought about what Ben had said and he decided to stop by a liquor store and pick up everything he would need and hurried home to get cleaned up, and head to Ben and Patricia’s house, he knew that Ben thought he was kidding about the margaritas so he hoped he wouldn’t be upset when he got there and actually had everything to make them, meantime Ben had got home and showered, Patricia had gotten home earlier from teaching all day and was happy her week was over too, she was busy in the kitchen making dinner and getting everything ready for their guest, and Ben walks in the kitchen and starts telling her about his day, and then he tells her how he had told Tommy about her and margaritas, she immediately cut those brown eyes at him and asked why would you do that? He told her that he didn’t tell everything, just how funny she gets when she has one, and she said good… and was satisfied with that.

Tommy was pulling into their driveway and Ben tells Patricia that he is here, so she came to the door with Ben to welcome their guest, and she realized that she was still wearing her apron, it was covering her blouse and skirt so she hurried to take it off and threw in the chair by the door, and just as she did, the doorbell rang, Ben opened the door and they all greeted each other, Tommy told Patricia how nice she looked and she smiled and said thank you, then Tommy said hey I brought everything for margaritas!

You could have heard a pin drop for a second, Ben was definitely surprised and the look he got from Patricia, well it wasn’t a good one, and she wondered if Ben had told him more than he had let on, I hope not she thought and looked at Tommy and said thank you again but with a raised eyebrow and smirk this time. They went in and set down for their meal, while they were eating they were making small talk, talking about the day and the whole time Ben is thinking about the margarita makings he brought, ” what is Tommy thinking” I guess he really does want to see if I’m telling him the truth. And Patricia is wondering what all Ben has told him! All this time Tommy is a little nervous because he could feel some tension in the air, so he moved his plan forward carefully and after they finished eating he compliments Patricia on how good the meal was and said now who’s ready for margaritas! And without waiting for anyone to reply, he got up from the table and started making them up and he could hear Patricia softly asking Ben, just what have you told him? And he told her, I just told him how funny you are! Ben’s mind is racing right now and he is nervous about where Tommy is going with this, now Tommy has gotten the drinks made up and brings them over to the table and sits on the other side of Patricia, she gives him a look and so does Ben from her other side, but they take the drinks and told him thank you , they all took a nervous sip, and Patricia thinks to herself, this is good, she took another and she said to Tommy, this is really really good and she was sure this was one of the best margaritas she ever had! The mood seemed to loosen with every sip, and the small talk continued, Patricia seemed to be enjoying her drink, she had half of it gone now and was really starting to get more sociable, Tommy started telling her the story about the girl and the baby oil, and Patricia started laughing at him when he reached over and lightly touched her bare leg just above the knee, she was startled by his touch and it made her sit up straight, and she reacted quickly closing her legs together, was that just an accidental touch or did he mean to do that she wondered, Ben hadn’t seen what had happened under the table but he saw her reaction, and Patricia looked over to him and rolled her eyes, as if to say, “your friend, really”

Now that they had finished their first one Tommy stood up and said who’s ready for round two! Patricia laughed at his antics, and said me! me! They all were laughing at how silly Patricia was acting now, Tommy thought, wow Ben must have been telling him the truth, she was really different, Ben on the other hand was starting to wonder what his buddy was thinking, wondering if he should have told him all that he had about Patricia. Tommy continues over to mix the second round of margaritas, wondering just how far this was going to go, he was intrigued by the change in Patricia after that first drink, so he decided that he would let it go just as far as they would let it go.

He finished with the drinks and brought them back to the table, taking his seat again next to her again, and she giggled at him this time and said oh thank you kind sir, smiling at him like he had never seen from her before, he liked that smile!

Ben is looking on and he isn’t sure what to think, he was excited and scared all at the same time, but the margarita was getting to him by this time too, Tommy had made sure to make Ben’s a little stronger, mainly because he knew he liked it that way, but he also had other motives!

By the time they had drank down half of the second drink, everyone was laughing and joking, just having a good time Ben had put his worries to the side, after all Tommy was behaving himself he thought, they were just having to much fun to worry, Patricia was definitely having a good time, she was getting loose and a little flirtatious now and had both the guys rolling, when again Tommy reached over and touched her leg again, she sat up straight again like last time, but this time she opened her legs a little and let him move his touch to the inside of her thigh, and he started moving it up carefully up under her skirt. Oh yea, he thought to himself, this is getting better now!

Ben could tell something was going on when Patricia’s laughter stopped and she closed her eyes and leaned her head back, and exhaled, and that combination of fear and excitement was all over him as he knew something was going on.

Patricia turned to Tommy and looking him in his eyes smiled and asked him, so why do all those girls chase after you all the time?

Tommy laughed at her question, and slowly moved his hand away, and looked at her drink, it was almost empty, so he asked her if she would like another one, and she said of course! Ben told him he would take another one also, he could tell something was going on with his wife, and those feelings were setting in on him again, but it was more excitement than fear now, Tommy also was getting pretty excited and it was hard to hide when he got up to get round three.

It didn’t go unnoticed by Patricia who was now at that point that Ben had described to Tommy earlier in the day, which Tommy had picked up on, he turned back after fixing the drinks and headed back to the table and Patricia asked again, why do those girls like you so much, Tommy grinned and said I think its pretty obvious don’t you, they all laughed at his reply, he set the drinks down, and looking at Patricia’s face he could see in her eyes, a hungry look that her husband couldn’t see, then she took a drink, set the glass down and looked him in his eyes and said I want to see just what all the fuss is about!

Tommy looked at Ben, he could see his surprise at what his wife said, but he wasn’t objecting to it either, Ben by this point is pretty turned on, things have changed, the thought of his wife wanting another man like that struck something primitive in him, so without any objections being made Tommy told her, okay just remember that you asked!

Tommy was standing just a couple of feet away from where Patricia sat at the table, the grin on her face of anticipation said it all!

Tommy unzipped his Jean’s and unbuttoned them opening the front of his pants, he pulled them down and stepped out of them standing there in front of her, she could see the outline of his cock and how big it was, the wet spot at the end of it that told how long he had been turned on, and how it was struggling to stay in those briefs, she knew that he must have been excited for a while now, she felt her own wetness from the experience she was having, her husband there watching it all happen right in front of his eyes.

Her excitement was plain to see when she turned her chair toward him and said come on Tommy, let’s get it out of there!

They all laughed at her excitement, and Tommy slowly pulled his briefs down and let them slide to the floor, and there it was, right in front of her, it was even bigger than it looked in his briefs! Ben was also surprised, now all those women that fall all over him made sense.

Tommy wasn’t shy at all and he knew she liked what she saw, so he pulled his tee shirt over his head and got it out of the her way, now she was seeing every bit of him, as she was enjoying her view, when a drop of pre cum came out and started to drip down from his now full erection, it slowly started to run down toward the kitchen floor like it was on a string and just as it was about to fall, Patricia reached over and cupped the drop in her hand and slowly lifted it back to where it had came from, she rubbed it back onto his head, and her hand glided through his slippery juices, as she rubbed it all over his head, and she thought it is huge, and the slipperiness of that drop had her wanting to do more.

Ben is looking on this whole time wanting to stop this freight train, and yet not, his emotions are on a roller coaster, as Tommy is clearly enjoying the warm touch of his wife’s tiny hand and him seeing that she is only able to wrap her grip halfway around him, has Ben wondering if he would ever be enough for her anymore, then she looked up at him smiling and says I see why now, and with her grip tightening around him she pulls him closer and says, I need a taste, and without waiting for anyone to reply, she leans toward him, Tommy is looking down, watching as her hungry tongue comes out of that beautiful mouth just enough to go up under his head, she curls the her tongue and cradle’s his head on it, pushing up and lifting it slightly, he leans his head back and groans letting everyone in the room know how he felt and she cant wait any longer as she stretches her mouth around him, taking as much in as she can, she feels the throbbing of his excitement in her mouth.

Ben is watching his wife taking another man in her mouth, and he was surprised at himself, and the only thing he could think of right now was how much he wanted this too! It was exciting to him, the thought of her pleasing another man and how turned on she must feel doing it with him looking on, and seeing Tommy loving every bit what his wife was doing to him, he looked over at Ben and could see he was okay with what was happening and it was on! Patricia also looked over at Ben and saw he was okay with what she was doing, so she got down on her knees and put her hands on his hips slowly taking him in as much as she could, he let Patricia set the rhythm and he put his hands on the sides of her face and joined her in that rhythm, her mouth was so warm, he felt her hand cupping his balls and lightly squeezing them, and he thought, all the women before had never got to him like this, he didn’t know if it was because he was taking another mans wife as he watched , or because she was so different than he had pictured her being, whatever it was he was enjoying himself, and she could feel the urgency in him and picked up the pace and he knew he couldn’t hold on any more, he held her face tight and pushed in just a little and he gave in to what her sweet mouth had been coaxing, he arched his back and let out a long moan letting his cum flow freely into her waiting mouth, and she was taking all that he could give her, the sound of her hungrily sucking every bit out of him seemed to fill the kitchen, Ben seeing and hearing all this is beyond turned on now, she had let him cum in her mouth! something she never done for him, and seeing his wife satisfying another man like that, and his friend, well he could tell that even with all the women Tommy had been with, none of them could even come close to what his wife was doing to him right now! Ben felt a little dominated by Tommy at that moment, but he also felt a strange kind of pride over it also.

Patricia looked over to Ben and then up at Tommy, and they both could tell that she was just getting started, Tommy was trying to catch his breath and he bent down to start unbuttoning her blouse, she started getting up to give him better access and he finished unbuttoning it and pulled it back over her shoulders he threw it to the ground Butch stood up and she turned to him and said to him fairly sternly, ” I want this” and right then he knew his wife was about to give herself to his friend and there was nothing he could do or say to stop it, so he just looked at his wife and friend and with a somewhat reserved smile said, ” who’s ready for round two ” and walked up behind her and unhooked her bra, pushing the straps over her shoulders and pulled it down allowing her breasts to spill out in front of his friend for him to behold, Tommy felt like Ben had just unwrapped a gift to him, they were a beautiful pair and Tommy leaned into them and gave each of them a kiss, he grabbed them in his hands and squeezed them together and buried his face between them, he pulled back and put his hands on the sides of her face looked into her brown eyes and pulled her to him and began kissing her, deeply, their tongues were dancing around each others with so much passion and Tommy felt himself rising to the occasion again this situation was so hot, all he could think of was he wanted more, and knew she did too!

He lowered his hands slowly running them down over her shoulders and down along the sides of her breasts, down her sides and coming in and across her stomach when he felt her quivering under his touch, he continued with his left hand sliding slowly first between her skin and the top of her skirt, then under the band of her panties, pushing farther, his fingers running through her hair and into her wetness, she was so so wet, and he slowly pushed his finger into her just a little, just enough to get his finger wet and pulled it back and up finding that spot that she wanted him to touch so badly, and when he did he rubbed firmly across it and back again, over and over slowly adding a little more pressure to it till he felt it growing, she had her head back enjoying it very much when he let his fingers go back down and he pushed into her, but not just a little this time, penetrating her where no other man has since her and Ben have been together. He took his other hand and pulled her skirt and her panties down to the floor and she stepped out of them. She looked at him and reached down to grab his free hand and taking it into hers she said let’s go and get more comfortable, he smiled at her and straightened up and she led him to the bedroom.

Ben was left standing there watching them, as they were walking down the hall to his and Patricia’s bedroom, and he really didn’t know what to do, he knew what they were about to do, but was he welcome to be there too, he just didn’t know what he is supposed to do with himself, he was definitely turned on by all this and he also felt a little weird about it, this was his wife after all he thought, he stood there with thoughts of what to do running through his head for a few minutes and he heard Patricia let out a moan, he listened for a while at the moaning coming from his bedroom, she was getting louder and he had to know, he had to see, just what Tommy was doing to his wife in there and that was all it took and he decided he would follow them into the bedroom.

When he went in the he saw Patricia lying on her back on their king bed, her legs hanging over the edge spread and his friend, crouched in between them running his tongue in places only his had gone before, his hands were squeezing her tits so hard, he could see that she was really enjoying it and grabbing fistfuls of their comforter, she pushed up against Tommy’s face and let out several little screams and he knew his wife was coming for his friend for the first time, and knew it wasn’t going to be the last, what does he have that I don’t ,he thought, she never gets like that when I do that, but then Tommy stood up clearly ready to go again and he thought, oh yeah that’s what!

Tommy leaned over her holding himself up with his arms straddling Patricia and leaned in to kiss her again, he could hardly resist her lips and his hard cock settled down onto her belly, she couldn’t believe how heavy it was laying on her and that just made her anticipate what was coming even more! He pushes himself up and looking down takes his right hand down to guide himself into her, he feels her hair parting under the pressure of his head as he is pushing it down. Then he feels her wetness at the tip, he feels that little pop as the end of it just pops right in, and wraps around his head and when it did Patricia let out a loud grateful sigh, Ben has moved to the side of them to get a better view, just watching it all unfold, he kept thinking that this was his wife, so why was this making him so horny and why is he enjoying it so much, and most of all why is he now wanting to see her used this way by another man, and his friend at that! But he couldn’t wait to see Tommy push that thing inside her, he wanted to see and hear all that was going to happen. And in his excitement he said Give it her, Fuck Her!

Tommy looked over at Ben and then he pushed his cock into Ben’s wife slowly and she opened her legs more and took every inch in, she was getting pretty vocal now letting everyone know how good this felt, Tommy pulled it back almost all the way out and Ben could see his shaft glistening with the juices of his wife, he knows how good she feels to him right now, and again Tommy looked over at Ben and this time he pushed in with more determination , her breasts jumped with the force of Tommy’s thrust making Patricia yell out loudly but not from pain, it was from the pleasure of being touched so deep and stretched like never before, she was so loud Ben was afraid the neighbors would here her and think something was wrong, but he loved hearing her cry out like that, wouldn’t that be a funny story he thought, if the cops showed up!

Tommy watched Ben’s expressions, and could tell he was enjoying everything that he was seeing, this was better than expected, so he picked up the pace on Ben’s wife , and the faster he went the bigger Ben’s smile grew, Patricia’s breasts now were rolling like waves on the ocean, and he turned all of his attention to her now that he knew that Ben was okay with it, and he looked down at Patricia, and she looked like she was in another world, and he knows he is the one sending her there, she was being touched in places so deep, never before explored by a man, her loud moans of pleasure filled Ben and Patricia’s house, he looked down at her breasts rolling with the motion and could see her nipples getting harder, he knew she was close now, she was about to come for him right here, in front of her husband, and his best friend, he sent a hard deep thrust into her and she shouted so loud OHHH! TOMMYYYYYY! and she thrust her hips up to meet him and get all of him in her she could, she was shaking from head to toe with pleasure as she came again for her husband’s best friend! Then Tommy pulled himself out leaving just the head inside her and rammed it in hard one more time into her wet pussy and started grunting over and over again, and Ben knew his friend was dumping his load inside of his wife, she felt him pulsing inside her, and filling her with his seed, and she clinched herself around him to drain every drop he had to give.

The two of them finished with the most primitive thing Ben had ever witnessed, his mind was beyond blown, that was his wife lying there doing all that for his friend right there in front of him, his wife that he wanted that experience with, but it wasn’t for him it was for Tommy, he had eased himself down on top of her from exhaustion, her breast’s squeezed out the sides under his weight as he emptied into her, he found her lips an they kissed passionately for a couple minutes but it seemed like a eternity to Ben, then he rolled off of her onto his back next to her and they just looked at each other giggling at what they had just done, Tommy was so happily surprised by his friends uptight school teacher wife, and he thought to himself Ben sure wasn’t lying, then Patricia turned over on top of him an told him to scoot up farther on the bed, he looked at her and said are you kidding? She replied, no Tommy, I’m not kidding, I’m not finished with you yet! Now it was Tommy s mind that was blown, he thought this woman is insatiable! He scooted up like she asked and she grabbed him up in her hand and started running her grip up and down his shaft trying to coax it back to life, she wrapped her lips around his head while she stroked him tasting the two of them on it, she liked how salty it tasted and she was sucking it so hard he could feel her pulling out of him what was left from before, she cradled his twins in her other hand and squeezed them tightly and he liked that, Ben sees this and is having a hard time believing this is his wife, she has never acted like this, Tommy excited by what she was doing to him could feel his shaft start to grow hard again, and Patricia did too, and as soon as she got it hard again she pulled herself up and sat down on it guiding it into herself, this is what she had been waiting for, she wanted total control of his big cock, and she wanted to ride that thing till she was satisfied, she didn’t waste any time, she was riding him hard and fast, the noises she was making in between breaths told the story of what she was feeling, she rode him so hard and she felt something deep inside like never before and she yelled TOMMYYY! again so loud and Ben, well he felt like his wife has taken a step forward and will never be able to go back, she continued her shouts of pleasure as she came again all over Tommy’s hard cock, Ben could see all their juices running out of her down to his balls, she continued pumping up and down on him hoping to get him to cum in her again and put out her fire inside until she was out of breath and just couldn’t go any longer, Patricia now satisfied rolled off of him and she looked exhausted, but she looked at him and new he hadn’t cum with her and knew she wanted to take care of him, and she got up on all fours to give Tommy what she knew he wanted, he looked at Ben in disbelief he knew she was giving to him something that she had never given her husband, and that turned him on, he sat up, and got up behind her looked at Ben again and pushed in hard and she groaned at the size of him going back in, just knowing that he was getting something from Ben’s wife that he never had, and Ben right there watching him getting it from her had him incredibly turned on and he started to fuck her harder and faster, her tits were swinging so hard and fast and her ass cheeks were jumping from his thrusts, he couldn’t wait any longer, and when he made another thrust into her and he came hard in her, holding her hips and arching his back he pushed in hard again filling her with everything he had left, he leaned back forward, exhausted and he looked at Ben and knowing how much he wanted to do to his wife what he had just done, slid out of her and said you need to finish this, Ben sees all their juices running out of his wife and the smell of cum was heavy in their bedroom, he was more than ready to do this he had just witnessed his wife do things he had never seen before, what she had said was slutty, she had done and beyond, to the point of being Tommy’s little slut, it was time for him to reclaim her, he got out of his clothes and crawled onto the bed behind her, it was going to be his first time taking his wife like this, he took hold of his cock and put the head just inside his wife and she turned and looked at him and groaned now in anticipation for him and he slid it slowly in, it felt incredible to him, all that stretching her pussy had done to accommodate Tommy’s size and all their cum still inside her, combined to make something that wet dreams are made of, it was like sliding his cock into warm creamy butter, what an incredible feeling, he thought to himself, if this is sloppy seconds, I will take it all day long! All the things he had seen and heard and the scent in the room, it all had him straining to hold back and not cum, he knew sweet release was near, he was picking up his pace holding on to her hips so he could give it all to her, he had waited so long to do this, her breasts were dancing to his rhythm now and he has come to that point of release, he thrusts so hard that Patricia let out a cry of passion and now was backing into him, he couldn’t believe it, his little uptight wife was now fucking him, just like she did his friend, and she started cumming and screaming from another climax, calling his name now, and he couldn’t hold any longer, he emptied all that had built up in him pumping into her over and over until it started running out all over the two of them, Tommy enjoyed watching this time and they all three collapsed down on that big bed savoring all they had experienced, and Tommy being Tommy said what’s for dinner tomorrow! And they all laughed, unsure what kinds of fun may come in the future. END


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