[MF]Delicate Dom Comforting Sub [Friends Turn Lovers][Soft-Core][After-Care][Cuddling][Cheating]

>*Greetings darlings and gents, this one is quite soft, softer than the previous works. Every now and again you should simply care for you submissive, or simply your partner. This story is just one of those times you have to shower them in care and cuddles, washing away their fears, doubts, and worries. If you haven’t, check out my previous posts* [*Temptation*](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ilh7bf/mftemptation_friends_turn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)*,* [*I Spy With My Horny Eyes*](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ilv0vz/mfi_spy_with_my_horny_eyes_friends_turn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)*, and* [*Competitive Edge*](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/imffbz/mfcompetitive_edge_friends_turn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)*. As always,* ***Perversion Responsibly~***

She hadn’t been outside for a while, which isn’t anything unexpected. There’s no surprise to her reaction to losing the mental stability she had left. She was holding onto something that was slowly slipping out of her grasp. And despite her not knowing when the timer was finished, she never discarded its existence. For everything that has a beginning also has an ending. That is the unwritten law of our world of life and death.

And right now, she felt like she was dying inside.

“…” Closely he watched, from afar because he’s unsure whether to get close. It wasn’t for his safety, but instead, the distancing ensured the remainder of her sanity remained intact. He knew that he could be a distraction, possibly fill the gaps left in her heart, and piece back together with the shattered fragments. However, that was not his plan, not at all. Instead, it was to guide her as a teacher who’ll instruct her how to do what she’s allowed others to do, on her very own. To install independence within a dependant soul, quite a daunting task, but he couldn’t bear to watch her let herself go.

Just as she had weaknesses, he had his own. And he was being cursed with a gentle abusable soul, just like her.

“Mm.” He hums, walking over to her, bedside quietly to take a seat. A hand moves forth to gather her hair, brushing it aside into something more orderly. From there, he would brush the back of his hand against her cheek, feeling the dried streaks of tears. As he moves it higher to her eyes, a thumb wipes the forming tears before they fall, disposing of the last batch. She had no more reason to cry; she was no longer alone; she never was. The male returned to brushing the fur of his rabbit, gentle touch firm hand.

The feeling of comfort didn’t lower her levels of discomfort, but it helped it be a bit more tolerable. Within her volatile time, it isn’t her partner by her side, but instead, the presence of someone who’s been a complete stranger and is now even more mysterious. The more she unravels, the more the mystery increases, but perhaps that’s what draws her to wrap her arms around his waist and lay her head on his lap. She could never predict what he would do, what things he could influence her to do, and she liked it, which is why she’s in this position now. But could he of been a cancer or a catalyst? It depends. But now, none of that matters.

*Right now.*

*Right here.*

*Is where she wants to be.*

***…And so does he.***

“There there little rabbit…All good things must come to an end.” He states, continuing to brush the girl’s head. His touch was not serial at all, but with every stroke igniting the desires she struggled to put out. She shouldn’t let them fester, but alas, she cannot help it. To let herself be vulnerable again? She couldn’t because she fears a repeat of the present, but the only difference he wouldn’t be around to comfort her.

*How long will he stay? How far will they go? So many questions to worry about another day. For now, he decides to take a homeless heart home. Because she doesn’t want to be alone, and neither did he want her to be.*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/in08u4/mfdelicate_dom_comforting_sub_friends_turn